Chapter 24 - Sinister

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I sat on the floor leaning against the door. Alex was packing our bags for the journey we had ahead of us. We were going to leave...tonight. I was still shaken by the sight I saw eariler. I knew something was off about this place the second we stepped through the door. Alex said that he was going to sneak into Sebastian’s office and get the key for the front door. I was going to stand at the door and keep watch.

I was still trying to process the fact that there are dozens of people a few floors up that are in chains with numbers stamped on them. “You shut get changed, we don’t know how long we’ll be running for, or even where Terminus is”, Alex says. I force myself to rise and change out of my clothes. I put on a long sleeved grey top, black jeans and a khaki jacket with a hood. “We should get going now while everyone is asleep”, Alex says. He passes me over my bag and I put it on my back. I would be lying to myself if I said I wasn’t worried, Iniside I was petrified.

I stood outside of Sebastian’s office, waiting for Alex to return with the keys. Not a single person was in the lobby. My machte lay loosely by my side. I heard something knock over in the office. “Alex, are you arlight?”, I whispered. I was responded by complete and utter darkness going over my head. I felt two pairs of hands on me, one pair keeping the darkness ove rmy head and the other shoving me along the ground. “Let me go!”, I pleaded. “You broke the rules, Bree”, I heard Sebastian’s voice say. “We just want to go to Terminus, our friends might be there!”, I said frantically. “You went up to the seventh floor, it’s strictly off limits and you knew that!”, Graham hissed. I tried to free their grasp but that only resulted in me getting a punch in the jaw. I could feel my legs growing weak and I was being dragged up the stairs. They were sending me up to the seventh floor, I was going to join the people chained to the wall. I could hear Alex strugglin beside me. “Just let us go! We just want to find our people!”, I heard him beg. “We just want to go to Terminus, please. Our people might be there”, I said, feeling myself become weaker as I was being dragged down the hallway. “Terminus”, Graham scoffed. I could hear the double doors open, I heard the tired groaning coming from the people in chains. “Please don’t leave us here! We’re sorry!”, I cried. I heard chains rattle and I felt the cold metal collide with my hands. The bag that was over my head was ripped off. “This is what you get for breaking our rules! You want to go to Terminus, so be it”, Sebastian said coldly. Three bodyguards appeared and they began to tear my clothes off my body. The people in chains around me were looking on, looking terrified that the same would happen to them. I hunched into a ball as I tried to preserve my dignity. They threw a ball of fabric at me and I was ordered to put it on. I put them on and look at Alex who is slumped against the wall beside me. Sebastian comes up and kneels in front of me. “I’m very disappointed in the both of you. Breaking the rules means punishment”.

The darkness in the room haunts me. The people around me haunt me. The fact that I am most likely dying haunts me. Countless thigns are haunting me. I could feel the fear of death rise in me once again. I crawled over to Alex weakly. “We’re gonna die”, I whimper. He opens his arms and I launch myself into them. “He said that he was sending us to terminus”, Alex said quietly. I felt his heart beating against my shoulder. “Not before they beat us...or worse”, I whisper. I saw a girl our age with curly blonde hair and blue eyes looking at us with sympathy. “They don’t just beat us”, The girl croaked out. “What do they do?”, I asked, afraid to hear the answer. “The guards....t-tt-they r-rrape us”, The girl stammered. I felt my throat convulse and the strangled cry left my mouth. I flinched everytime I heard movement, afraid that Sebastian was back with the guards. “What do they do with the people here?”, Alex asks, trying to keep his voice from cracking. “They send some of us to other groups to be slaves, the lucky ones get kept as maids and workers here”, The girl says. “What about the people that get sent to Terminus?”, I manage to choke out. “Only a few people have been sent there, they’re never seen again”, The girl says sadly.

I stay enveloped in Alex’s arms until the double doors swing open. Four bodyguards and Graham come storming towards us. We’re pulled up from the ground and our chains are taken off us. We are shoved into a small room that must have been used as a laundry room. I’m thrown against the wall. Alex is on the other side of the room being examined by a bodyguard. The other three bodyguards are surveying me slowly. one guard comes up and slams me aginst the wall with great force. “I think we’re going to have a bit of fun with you before you get shipped off to Terminus”, The guard says with a mocking smile. “No, please”, I whimper. The guard starts to unzip his trousers. And I cross my legs and keep my eyes closed. “If you don’t comply, you’re friend over there is going to get hurt”, The guard said coldly. “Don’t hurt him”, I whisper as my voice wavers with fear. “Then you better co-operate”, The bodyguard hissed. The pain struck the whole bottom half of my body. I cried out, hoping it would stop. I longed for my family, Daryl, My baby girl. They could help us right now. I tried to kick the man away. I felt a sharp jab in my jaw. It throbbed with fresh pain and I just wanted this to end, all of it. I could die right now. I honestly could. “GET OFF HER!”, Alex shouted. I couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes. I heard him struggle against the trio of bodyguards. I heard him fall to the cold floor and I heard them beat him relentlessly. I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from sobbing. I was gasping for air and I needed to let the pain out. The bodyguard eventually pulled away from me and I brought my legs up to my chest. My eyes burned as the tears threatened to spill. I opened my mouth but no sound came out. All I hear is screaming in my head, but no one else can hear my cries for help. I hear the bodyguards leave and I open my eyes. My vision is blurry from the tears. I clutch my chest as I struggle to breathe. I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. The level of pain I’m experiencing is making me feel like there is nothing else in the world, everything else has faded away and I all that is here is the intense grief. 

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