Chapter 20 - Exodus

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As we approach the gates, Maggie and Glenn open the gate and they let out hoots of laughter.I get off the bike and Daryl runs into the cellblock to et Maya “What the hell are ya’ll laughin’ at?”, I say with a smirk. “You and Dixon havin’ a lil bit of birthday fun huh?”, Maggie laughs. “Don’t be a hypocrite now, We all know what you and Glenn do in the supply closet when you’re supposed to be on watch”, I counter. She puts her hadns up in defence and laughs softly. “I won’t tell a soul”, She says, crossing her heart in mockery. I sitck my tongue out at her and run up to the guard tower. Turns out this birthday wasn’t so bad after all.

The sickness broke out just three days after my birthday. It’s been a week now. Cellblock A is now under quarantine for the infected people. Thank God Maya wasn’t in the cellblock when Carl’s friend Patrick died and went on a rampage when he turned. My Dad had to kill alll of his pigs because we thought it was spread by them, but we were wrong. We don’t know what caused it.

Hershel is busy in quarantine, putting himself at risk to help the sick people. I’m trying to help Maggie get her mind off it because it turns out that Glenn is sick. I really hope that Hershel and Glenn get better because I consider them apart of my family.

Daryl volunteered to mind Maya today so I could spend some time with the rest of my friends and family. I got dressed into distressed denim shorts and a black racerback tank. I slip on my combat boots and run grab my combat knife and stick it in my belt. “I’M GONNA FIND OUT WHO KILLED THEM RICK!”, I heard Tyreese yell. I spotted my Dad, Carol, Tyreese and Charlie over in the field. I began to run over. “Hey! Tyreese calm down buddy!”, Charlie interrupted. I arrived in time to see my Dad get a punch right in the face. “Dad!”, I shouted. “What the hell is goin’ on?!”, I demanded. “Somebody killed Karen and David, as you can guess Tyreese here ain’t to happy ‘bout it”, Charlie explains as he points at my Dad’s bleeding nose. “I’m sure we can solve this without violence”, I say neutrally. “We need to bury them, they deserve to be properly sent off”, Tyreese says. “I agree”, I say. I see Carol in the corner of my eye. She was rubbing her elbow awkwardly with a blank expression on her face. Something was up with her but I couldn’t tell what.

Tyreese and Bob were furiously digging graves as the sun began to descend. Bob was a new addition to our group, he was helpful and always willing to lend a hand when needed.

I wander the hallways of Cellblock C, hoping to run into Maggie. I notice Sasha leaving the emergency council meeting,spluttering into her hand. I back away, not wanting to get infected. I sprint back out to the courtyard and regain my breath. The flu was spreading like wildfire and there was no way that I was going to risk my baby getting sick.

The day after:

I wake to the frantic banging of a fist on the door. Maya starts to wail in her cot. Whoever was waking us all up better have a darn good reason. I drag myself up out of bed and open the door. My Dad was standing there with a mask over his mouth and noise. “Dad, what’s going on?”, I asked sleepily. “We’re putting all the vulnerable people in the admin building, it’s just a precaution but you need to go there with Maya and Carl and you need to stay there”. I was too tired to process this. I rubbed the sleep out of my eye. “Is it jsut kids going in there?”, I ask. “No, people that are vulnerable to getting the flu. Hershel is going in there aswell, so is your cousin Thomas because he has asthma”, He explains. “Okay, but what about everyone else, what about you?”, I ask. “I’ll be just fine, Myself and Carol are going on a supply run later”, He says. “Come visit us?”, I ask. “I will, I promise”, He says.

He leaves and I get back in bed. Daryl stirs in his sleep. It was a miracle that he was able to sleep through that. I get Maya from her cot and feed her a bottle. I rub her on the back and sit down on the bed. Daryl must be awake now because his hand was resting on my back. “Mornin”, He says huskily. “You slept through your daughter cryin’ and my Dad knockin’ on the door”, I say with a small laugh. “I needed the lie on”, He says. “You’re going on a run today aren’t you?”, I ask. “Yeah, to the vet college for drugs”, He says. “I’m going into quarantine later, with Maya”, I say. “It only makes sense”, He says. I put Maya in his arms while I pack my bag. I put a few changes of clothes and enough formula to last us a week in the bag. I didn’t know how long we’d be in the admin building but I was preparing for at least a week.

Maya was being fussy in her cot as I began to unpack the bag. Our room in the admin building was dark and musty. We had to share with Thomas and Carl. “She usually doesn’t cry like this, I swear”, I sigh. “To hell with this, I’m goin’ outside”, Thomas huffed. “You can’t. You could get sick”, I say. “I’ll got with him”, Carl offers. Hershel walks in with a bag on his back. “I’ll bring these youngsters out to the forest, I need to check on the herbs anyway”, Hershel says with a smile. “What if something happens out there? No offence Hershel but you ain’t in the best state to take down walkers”, I say. “Michonne is comin’ along too”, He says. Her head peeps around the door frame. “You keep my boys safe”, I say with a chuckle. “I sure will, Bree”, She says with a rare smile.

Maya was sleeping soundly in he cot. I put my combat knife in my belt and exit through the emergency door. I immediately run into Tyreese. “Bree, you can’t be out here!”, He syas grabbing me by the shoulders, trying to lead me back inside. I notice the fence leaning scarily close to falling over. “Them walkers are going to get in here, no matter what. You either need to get a gun and fight or stay in there with your daughter”, He says. “Get me a gun. Where’s Carl, Hershel, Michonne and Thomas?”, I ask. Before he can answer, Carl and Thomas run across the courtyard with their guns in hand. They run over to where my Dad is shooting at the walkers that are pushing the fence down. Hershel hobbles over towards cellblock A, the cellblock where the sick are being kept. “You can’t let him go back in there!”, I say. “He has to get the medicine to the sick people”, Tyreese explains. He runs over to the gun barrel and tosses an assualt rifle into my arms. I run over to where the walkers are getting in. Shae is at the frontlines and is shooting at them furiously. Then, a walker on the ground bites into her ankle causing her to trip. “NO!”, I hear Theo yell. I shoot at the walkers surrounding her. But its too late, she’s laying motionless on the blood drenched grass. Erik runs over with his gun and lets the bullets spray like rain over the walkers. Theo stands frozen in time. His gun is on the ground now. I shoot at the walkers as they threaten to penetrate the courtyard. I jump over the renamnst of the fence and join Erik at the other fence. I shoot at them until I run out of bullets. “I need more ammo!”, I call over to Erik. He throws over a few rounds and I quickly put them in the gun. Alex, My Dad and Carl run over as a car begins to drive toward the courtyard. I recognise Daryl in the drivers seat. “We have a problem over here!”, I hear Ty call from Cellblock A. The door swings open and the streams of walkers come out. “Oh Shit!”, I hiss. I run over, dodging the fallen bodies. I shoot at them as they come out of the door. “Ty, get the grenades!”, I shout. He throws some over to me and I throw one over to the door. Bob runs over with a bag full of medicine. “Go in the fire door, Ty go and cover him!”, I call. They run into the fire door and I continue to shoot as the walkers come out in a neverending stream. Daryl and Michonne run over from the car and help me get rid of the remaining walkers. I run out of ammo and take my knife out. Close up combat is not the easiest and most efficent way to kill the walkers but I have no other choice. I stab one in the head and one comes up behind it and I throw it to the ground and stamp on its head, causing it to squelch. I shiver with disgust and continue to do the same to the rest. The last one emerges, a crossbow bolt pierces it in the brain and it falls onto the doorframe. I run over to Shae’s fallen body. I couldn’t let her turn. I pick up every ounce of strength and plunge my knife into her skull. I let out a cry as her breathing stops. I look around me and realise the state the prison is in. No way were we safe here anymore.

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