Chapter 2: Taking Charge

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I approached the city on the highway. There was people evacuating and people shouted at me through the window begging for help, I couldn’t help them on my own without my squad.

I changed into my army trousers that I had in the back seat. I  drove futher into the city and I saw my sergeant shooting at walkers approaching a make shift barrier. I stopped the engine and grabbed my AK47. I jumped out and ran over. I shot the stupid ting right in the head with great skill. “Pleased you could make it, Soldier Grimes”, He said. I nodded. I ran over behind the barrier and began to shoot at the biters that were approaching. As we killed the majority of walkers in our general area a man approached. His guts were spilling out but somehow he was still alive. “I’ll deal with this, Sarge”, I said. I stood up and sung myself over the barrier. “You gotta help me!”, He cried. “Sir, stay back”, I warned. He continued to walk closer. “You’re invected”, I said. He was in a rabid state, blood foaming out of his mouth. I raised my gun. “Turn back now, don’t make me shoot you!”, I shouted. He ran for me but I dodged him. His eyes were like black pools. He was turning right in front of my eyes. “Now, Sir!”, I shouted. His hands were about to grab me but my finger instantly fell on the trigger. His body fell to the ground. He was still alive. He growled at me like an angry lion. I looked into his dead eyes. “I’m sorry this happened to you”, I said solemnly. Without a second though, the bullet flew into his brain.

I went back to my sarge. “You handled that fucker well, Soldier”, He said. Jets flew above us and flew towards the hospital. “Are they..?” Before I could finish my sentence, “BOOM!” The bomb went off. “Was that really necessary?”, I thought out loud. “The dead are overwhelming us, we have to bomb the city”, He said. He shot at the herd coming towards us at great speed. I had never seen a herd this size. “GRIMES! GET THE GRENADES!”, he commanded. I got the greandes from a tin box and started to throw them in the direction that the herd was coming from. I kept on throwing them until my arm ached. Bullets flew all around me and the noise was enough to make your eardrum burst. They firebombed deeper into the city. I shot at the biters that lead the herd. They were almost impossible to take down from being this far away. I continued to shoot, only taking down a handful of walkers out of at least a hundred. I saw civillians attempting to evacuate. I ran over and shouted at them. “GO TO THE COUNTRYSIDE!”. I must of shouted this hundreds of times because my throat was going raw. The highway was getting clogged up. “MOVE ALONG!”, I shouted. I needed all of these people to get to safety before the herd reached up the highway.  I ran back to my squad and a few had been bitten. I couldn’t kill them, I had known them for months. Instead, I grabbed the missile launcher. Put a missile in it and put it ontop of my shoudler. The weight was crushing my shoudler and I winced. I fired the missile at the herd and launched another one towards the other herd that was beginning to close in. If I didn’t act quick, we’d all be walker food in minutes. “SARGE! GET THE ROCKETS!” I continued to fire missiles, causing a fire. Fire didn’t kill them but it gave us a few extra minutes. I stepped into the tank and began firing rockets towards both herds. It caused a huge explosion adn the noise made my ears unable to hear for a few minutes. Wherever Shane, Mom and Carl were, they were bound to have seen that. I exited the tank and shot at the front walkers. I knew it was time to stand down. “It’s been an honur serving with you all”, I say, getting frustrated as the walkers closed in. I broke into a run grabbing artillery and weapons on the way. “GRIMES! GET BACK HERE!”, Sarge shouted. Then I heard the blood curdling screams from behind me. Sarge had been bitten. I didn’t have time to grieve. I hopped into my car and drove as fast as I could out of the city. I was driving on the opposite side fo the road but I wasn’t going to have a head on collision, the only cars I saw on this side were abandoned. “Mom, where are you?”, I said into the walkie. I waited anxiously for a reply. I revved as I saw a lone walker, I swerved and avoided it. “We’re on the interstate”, She replied. I let out a breath of relief. She was safe and away from the carnage, for now.

The interstate was clogged and I dodged my way in and out of the abandoned cars, looking for Shane’s jeep. I saw them in the distance waiting with a family. I was still out of breath from running. I sped up and stopped the car when I was behind Shane’s jeep. I jumped outand slammed the car door. My AK47 bumped against my back as I walked, blood covered every inch of my clothes and my arms. I was a mess. “Bree!”, Mom cried. She ran up and hugged me tightly. “We saw the explosions!”, She said cupping my face, kissing my forehead. “I had to fire them rockets, It’s overun”, I say. She let me go. “At least you’re safe now, that’s all that matters”, Shane said with a smile. Carl was occupied as he chatted to a girl the same age as him. A couple were sitting with Mom and Shane. “This is Carol and Ed”, My Mom said. “Nice to meet you both”, I said politely. Ed stared down at me. I instantly disliked him. Carol seemed nice, even thought the world was ending. They had a little girl the same age as Carl and they were getting along well. We continued to see explosions in the distance. I secretly hoped that my squad were the ones launching the rockets. I grabbed my bag fmo my truck and walked over to where my Mom and Shane were leaning against the jeep. “Mom, I’m gonna see if there’s a stream near here. I need to wash the blood off”. She nodded and gave me a quick hug before I sauntered off. It was bound to start getting dark soon so I broke into a jog. I ran through the forest dodging trees. It went downhill and there had to be a water source somewhere. I was almost about to give up when I heard the noise of water flowing. I walked ahead for a moment and before my eyes lay a large quarry full of turquoise water. I put my bag down on a rock and stripped off my clothes and put my AK47 beside my bag. I was naked now but I knew that I wasn’t going to get caught. I wallowed in the calming water and scrubbed the dirt off. I felt somewhat clean now. I rinsed my hair and put it into a side plait quickly. I put on my underwear and rummaged through my bag for a change of clothes. I heard a twig snap and my head jerked up. I saw two men standing at the treeline. The older one had a rifle. The younger one with piercing blue eys had a crossbow. I held up my gun as they watched me. “Put the gun down, Darlin”, The older one cackled.

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