Chapter 18 - Life & Death

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1 week later:

I woke up with Daryls hands wandering down my bare back. It made me shiver with excitement. His touch drove me crazy and I had finally found a weakness, Daryl. “Mornin’, Sunshine”, He said gruffly. I leaned up, not bothering to protect my modesty with the blanket. I kissed him softly on the lips and I felt the corners of his mouth lift up into a smirk. I pulled away and plopped back down. “I’m gonna go and talk to your Dad, see if he has any more thoughts on the Michonne situation”.

I overheard Dad talking to Hershel last night. “I think we’ll hand Michonne over, but I can’t do it myself”. Hershel, for once didn’t know what to say. “Rick, it’s up to you”.


I sat up as Daryl started getting dressed. His muscles were awe worthy. “Do you think my Dad will find out?” He flinches back for a moment. “No, well I ain’t tellin’ him anyway”, He says. He kisses me on the lips for a mere second before pulling away. “I’ll be back soon”.

I wrapped the sheet around me to provide warmth. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. “Shit!”, I said to myself. The door swung open and Merle was standing there, his eyes widened as he noticed that I was naked under the sheet. “I knew my lil brotha’ was screwing ya”, He chuckled. “No shit, how do you think we have a baby”, I grumble. He taps his stump onto the door. “What do you want?”, I snapped. “Just wanted to tell you that Officer Friendly is asking me to do his dirty work”. Officer Friendly, I snickered at this. “What work?”, I ask. “Handing in Michonne”, He says. “Well it ain’t my business what my Dad does no more”, I huff.. There was a small silence. “Tell me when ya’ll are leaving”, I say. Merle nods and retreats down the stairs. Merle wasn’t a bad man, sure he was annoying and. I saw the good in both Dixon brothers. Sure, they were moody and unpredictable but they were softies deep down.

I stood up with the crisp white sheet wrapped around me. I changed into a white and grey flannel and black biker jeans. Maya began to coo in her cot. I lifted her up and she fumbled for my pinky. She pulled it into her mouth and sucked on it softly. I was so thankful that Maya wasn’t a moody baby. She only cried whenever she was scared or needed a diaper changed. I patted her lightly on the back. I helf onto her as I walked down the stairs. I find Merle getting ready to bring Michonne to the Governer. “The deal is of, Merle”, My Dad says. Merle looked pissed. I was pissed. Maybe the only way to get the Governer to leave us alone for good was to hand Michonne over.  “Go and search for the breach in the tombs”, My Dad orders. I walked off before they could notice me. I went down to the tombs that we’re apparently ‘breached’. Walkers must’ve gotten in again. My Mom was conversing with my Mom across the yard. I sat at the picnic bench as I watched them argue. They weren’t getting along well lately, Mom was still pissed at Dad killing Shane back at the farm. But, Dad was still pretty annoyed that she was screwing him at the quarry.

Melanie came out and sat down beside me. “How is she this mornin’?”, Melanie asked as she fussed over Maya. “She’s good, hasn’t cried yet”, I said thankfully. She takes Maya out of my arms and lets me relax. “They fightin’ again?”, She asks, gesturing to my parents. “Yeah, they’re pretty pissed at each other”, I sigh. “They argue almost every night now in the cellblock”, She says sadly. “Good thing I’m not there to hear it”, I scoff. She gives me sad smile. “I’ll take Maya for a while, you go and relax.”

I heard the faint groans and took out my gun.i was clearing out the walkers in the tombs before they could become any more of an annoyance to the rest of the group. Merle and Michonne turn the corner and I almsot shoot them. “Be careful, I almost shot you both!” Merle rolled his eyes and Michonne, as usual stayed silent. They continued on their path. As I heard franatic walker moans. They came from the direction Merle and Michonne went in. I turn the corner, just in time. Merle knocks Michonne onto the ground and drags her down the hall. I had no idea what he was doing. He turned around an saw me. “Go to the meeting point in an hour”, He said, just loud enough for me to hear.

I patrolled on the catwalk with the bulky AK47 in hand. Glenn was also on patrol. I spooted a small herd of walkers gathering at the fence. I got down off the catwalk and Glenn followed me with his gun. I shot at the walkers before they got the chance to push the fence over. “Sick of those basterds”, I said under my breath. It was almost an hour since Merle disappeared with Michonne. “I’m gonna go and get some rest”, I lied. Glenn smiled. “I’ll take over”, He said. I nodded with thanks. I glanced down to the picnic bench. Shae, Melanie and Beth were all getting to know each other. Maya lay in Beth’s arms. I could only hope she’d be safe for the rest of the day until I come back.

I had enough ammo to kill the whole Woodburry army in my small shoulder bag. I sneaked down the stairs and went over to where most of our vehicles were parked. The rest of the group were eating their lunch, I took the oppurtunity to take a car. I hopped into a truck and started the engine. Now all I had to do was trust whatever plan Merle had in his crazy head.

As I was driving down the road leading out of the prison. I saw Michonne walking along looking dazed. I slammed on the brakes and opened the window. “Where the hell is Merle?!”, I asked. “A motel”, She said. I nodded and sped off. I knew where the Motel was. I saw a few walkers as I sped down the road. I heard loud rock music as I passed by a store. I saw walkers herding around a car. I did a U turn and drove beside the car. Merle was in the car! That crazy son of a bitch! “Follow me!”, He mouthed. He started driving away but the walkers followed. I was beyond confused and I just wished I stayed back at the prison with Daryl. Oh God, I didn’t tell Daryl I was leaving.  I felt too tired or this and I felt a slight bit nauseous at the thought of the whole group panicking about mine and Merles disappearence.

As soon as I realised that Merle was going on a suicide mission, I stopped the car. I did an expert duck and roll and he followed me. “Go away!”, I whispered. He left but kept an eye on me. I tip toed with my gun ready to shoot. I found a ladder that lead up to the attic of a barn. I started to climb up, hoping I wouldn’t be spotted. I looked back at my surroundings and saw the governers men shooting at the walkers. Good, they were distracted. I slung my legs over the top of the ladder and went into the attic. Not much was in here and I couldn’t see out of the windows clearly from all of the grime.

I had no choice but to stay on the roof. It was risky but I’d have a birds eye view.

I made sure my gun was loaded before I started shooting. I kneeled down just as Merle began to shoot from his hiding spot in a barn.

I joined in the shooting and the blood rushed to my head as adreanline began to flow. I spotted Martinez taking out a walker. I used the scope on my rifle to get a more accurate shot, just as the bullet fired. The Governer appeared. He shot at the remaining walkers and Merle took a shot at the soldier beside him. His cover had been blown. “Shit!”, I growled. They dragged Merle out and started to butally beat him. I managed to shoot two of the Governers henchmen before Merle was dragged into the barn by the man himself.  I shot at the Governer’s soldiers that had turned into walkers as I began to descend from the roof. I went into the attic and then climbed down the ladder. I ran towards the barn as I heard the gunshot. Merle was shot. I saw his body slump as his body turned lifeless. The governer spotted me and I began to run back to the ladder. He took a shot at my leg but it just grazed. I began to feel dizzy as I tried to duck in and out of the grain silos. I took a shot at the governers arm but it only grazed it. I then got my knife out. I was in no state to fight him up close with the nausea and dizziness. I staggered towards him and he pinned me against a silo. I stabbed him right in the sternum and he fell to the ground in agony. I knew he wasn’t dead but it would buy me some time to get the hell out of here. His body became blurry as I stared at it. I began to weakly walk over to the door to the barn. I needed to tell Merle goodbye. It was too late. His blood was in there but the rest of him was gone. I reversed and went back outside. A few of the soldiers had reanimated into walkers. At this stage a dog could probably take me down. I couldn’t think straight. The last thing I saw was an arrow being shot into the head of a walker. 

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