Chapter 19 - Mother Dearest

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“I think she’s waking up”, I hear an echoing voice say. My head pounds and I wince at the sudden pain. I force my eyes to open and the entire group is staring down at me. I bolt up and my stomach cramps. I whimper slightly and try to hold it in. “Everyone out of here!”, Hershel booms. I hold onto the side of the bed for support. “You were out for three days”, Hershel says with a sad smile. “I tried to save him, I really did”, I said as the tears pricked my eyes. I remembered seeing Merle’s blood in the barn and blacking out. “Lay down”, Maggie says. She helps me get comfortable. “You tried your best to save him even though it wasn’t your job to”, My Dad said, looking down at the floor. “Where’s Daryl?”, I ask, noticing he wasn’t here. “In the tower”, Hershel said. “Does he know that Merle is dead?”, I asked painfully. Everyone nodded sadly. “He saved you, borught you back here just as a walker was about to bite ya’”, Hershel says sounding choked up. Daryl had saved me, yet again. I was ever thankful for that man.

“I’m gonna bring Bree back to her room”, Maggie says. Hershel leaves and Maggie grabs me hand and helps me up. I leaned against her slightly put regained my footing. We walked through the prison adn I was confused as I saw dozens of new arrivals. “Woodbury citizens”. I looked at her with a look of confusion upon my face. “The Governer attacked the day after you blacked out”, she said with a painful expression.

I was dazed and confused as we wlked out into the courtyard. An old battered schoolbus was parked outside. People were walking around doing their bit and looked happy to be free of the Governers tight grasp.

Maggie gave me a hug before leaving me to talk to Daryl. I turned the handle to the door and walked up the stairs nervously. I took a minute to compose myself before I reached out to open the door. I swung it open to see Daryl laying in bed staring at door in shock. He jumped up and gave me a warm embrace. “I thought I lost you”, He said into my ear. “I’m here”, I whispered back. I let go of his hug. “I thought I was dead. I thought  that I was never goin’ to see you or Maya again”. He shushed me and ran his hands through my hair. “I ain’t ever going to let you go, you and our daughter are my priority now”, he says softly. I had to remember that myself and Maya were his only family now. “You need to talk to your Dad”, He whispers sadly. “Why? Did something happen?”, I ask. “Just go talk to him”, He says, letting go of our embrace.

Dad was sitting on the ground with Carl beside him. They were in front of a grave. My heart began to beat rapidly. Who’s grave was it? “Dad?”, I said shakily. “Bree, Shes’s gone”, He sobbed. His tears flowed down his face and onto the grass. “Mom?”, I croaked. Carl nodded with glassy eyes. “How?”, I asked as I felt the tears build up. “Governer’s men killed her while she was in the tombs, she was with Oscar, Evelyn and Melanie”, Carl explained while wiping away a tear. I felt myself fall to my knees. I pulled my body towards the cross that bears my Mom’s name on it. I my tears fell onto the soil that was on top of her body. I ran my fingers across the cross. “None of them made it?”, I ask. “They’re all gone”, Carl says as the tears overflowed from his pure blue eyes. I felt a space inside me grow hollow. She was gone. But the worst part was...that I didn’t get to say goodbye.

Today Maya is three months old. It’s also my twenty first birthday. Though I doubt it’ll be celebrated or even remembered.

Two months have passed since my Mom, aunt Evelyn, Melanie and Oscar died. My daughter got me through the two months. Daryl helped too but he so busy being on the council now. I was slowly but surely moving on from the deaths but my Dad was taking it pretty hard. He would stay in the field all day, farming and glancing at the graves. It’s hard not to worry about him when he’s in such a bad state. Carl has grown up so much since Mom died. Uncle Charlie and Thomas have been doing a lot better following Evelyn and Melanie’s death. They were pretty upset when they found out but they’ve been getting their minds of it all by training Carl how to hunt and shoot.

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