Chapter 16 - Battle Cry

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The next thing I heard, gunshots. I couldn’t see, my vision was blurred by smoke. I was handed my weapons and someone helped me stand up. Daryl and Merle were gone. I turned to see Maggie shooting at the crowd, she grabbed me by the arm and pulled me along as I was putting me gun back on my back. Maggie leads me to the fence and I see the rest of the rescue group. I see Daryl with his crossbow. I run over to him and jump into his arms. He kisses my forehead. “We gotta go now, Bree”, He says. I reload my gun as Merle kicks down a fence. We run as fast as we can and my legs are still in pain. Daryl takes my hand and we kill walkers on the way to the motorcycle. He lifts me up onto it. I catch my breath. Glenn and Michonne appear with their weapons drawn. “Why is Merle here?!”, Glen asks angrily. “He’s Daryl’s brother, he coming with us”, I say. “Bree, shut your mouth!”, My Dad shouts at me. I get up off the bike. “I’ve had enough of your shit today Dad!”, I say coldly. “He isn’t coming with us!”, Glenn says pointing at Merle. “Yeah, he is”, Daryl says firmly. “Daryl, he gets one chance. If he does anything that hurts my family, my grandaughter or anyone in the group then he’s good as dead”, My Dad spits. I needed to get back to the prison now, I needed to see Maya.

I held in the whimper as I felt my stomach tighten. I got onto Daryl’s motorcycle as everyone else squished into Dad’s jeep.

I was in agony. Every bump in the road sent a jolt of fresh pain through my body.

I limped into the prison, searching for my baby. I found her in Carol’s arms. Her eyes widened when she saw me. “Bree! What the hell happened to you?”, She gasps. “My stomach, it’s just really sore”, I say with a fake smile. Beneath the smile was pain, pain that I couldn’t let show. I held my baby in my arms. Her blue eyes locked with mine and she cooed softly. She fumbled for my pinky and she sucked on it as her eyes began to close. I heard the rest of the group come in. I was too tired to even argue with anyone over Merle’s return. I sat down and rocked my baby gently. Daryl rushed over and checked on Maya. He gladly took her in his protective arms. He was made to be a father, he took to it like a duck to water. “Merle!”, Daryl whisper shouted. Merle’s eyes widened with shock and humour. “Baby brotha, you been gettin’ busy while I was gone”, He mused. Merle didn’t seem that interested in the baby. He was too busy mocking Daryl as usual. It was as if he never left. “Always knew you had soft spot for officer friendly junior”, He chuckled. I couldn’t help but laugh at the nickname that he had concocted. I spot a group of people I’ve never seen before behind the cell door. My Dad was talking to a dark skinned man but it didn’t look like it was going well. “I can’t help you people! Get the hell out of here!”, He bellows. Maya’s eyes fly open and she begins to wail. “Rick, you’re scaring the baby!”, Mom shouts. Dad takes out his gun and waves it carelessly. “I’m doing this for the baby, Lori!”, He snarls. My Mom steps back in fear. I hold the baby against my chest, hoping she’ll calm down. Daryl rushes to my side and offers me a bottle for Maya. I nod in thanks. I bounce her on my knee gently and sit her up slightly as I feed her the bottle. She whines quietly and I rub her back soothingly. “Rick, you need to calm down. Think things through”, Glenn says cautiously. “They don’t even have to stay in our cell block. Just let them take the lower levels or Cell Block B”, Hershel suggests. I don’t think anybody wanted the newcomers to succomb to the walkers. We didn’t have to live with them, just live in the same area. My Dad was wild eyed when he turned around. He stormed out of the room, leaving us all in shock.

Maya wails to be fed again. I knock myself out of a slumber and give her another bottle. I knew that being a Mom was going to be tiring and frustrating at times, but it made me feel like I had a purpose. Her sea blue eyes glistened as the sun streamed in through the small window. Daryl comes in with a slice of toast. He hands it to me before sitting down. I multitask between feeding the baby and feeding myself. “Did you sleep alright?”, He asks with a smirk. I give him a sarcastic angry look. “What do you think?”, I said sarcastically. “She’s a lil asskicker”, He chuckled softly. “What do you expect? It’s in her genes”, I scoffed. He takes Maya from my arms and cradles her carefully. “It’s been almost a week since the attack on Woodbury. Glenn thinks that we should reinforce the fences, set up guard shifts”, Daryl informed. “That’s our best bet”, I say. “But, Hershel thinks we should flee”, Daryl sighs. “We can’t do that. Not with a baby just over a week old, she wouldn’t be able to take moving from building to building with walkers at every turn”, I say, putting my foot down. “Glenn , Erik and Carl are investigating the breach where Tyreeses group came in”, He says. “Tyreese?”, I question. “The leader of their group”, He explains. “What does my Dad think about all of this?”, I ask. “He’s shut down, won’t leave the generator room. I think he’s cracked with all of the pressure”, Daryl says. “That’s it”, I snap. “What are you doing?”, He asks. “I’m going to lead these people”, I reply. I quickly changed into a stripy tank top, denim vest and khaki jeans. I slipped on my combat boots and marched out into the common room. Everyone was there except for Dad. “I have a plan, But you all need to listen to me. My Dad isn’t going to be in charge today, I am.” They looked at me with dropped jaws and wide eyes. “He’s gone to crazy town, Bree”, Glenn mumbles. “I know. But we can’t let the governer attack when we’re at our weakest, That’s why I’m stepping up”, I say, loud and clear. “What do you want us to do?”, Hershel asks. “You all need to gear up in the riot gear. We’ll have guards in all towers at all times. There’s two guard towers at the front of the prison and one at the back where the breach is. There’s two platforms and we will have snipers there at all times. Axel and Erik will patrol the fence and the perimeter in shifts. Hershel and Beth  will stay in the cellblock with Maya. Glenn and Maggie will guard tower one, Carol and My Mom guard tower 2, Theo and Alex will guard tower three at the back of the prison. Myself, Theo, Shae and Daryl will go on catwalk one in the courtyard. My Dad, Michonne, Merle and Carl will go on the other catwalk. Alex and Oscar will patrol the breach until we find a way to close it up”. They start to assemble the riot gear and ammuntion.

My Dad comes stumbling back into the cell block. “The hell is going on?”, He asks. “We’re preparing for the Governers attack”, I answer. “I didn’t authorise this”, He scorns. “Someone needed to do something”, I quip. He backtracks for a second and Carl yanks him along with him. “Go with Carl”, I instruct. I pick up my AK47 and a few boxes of ammunition.

I walk over to Beth and Hershel. I hadn them a pistol each. “Just in case”, I say. “We’ll keep Maya safe, don’t worry”, Beth reassures. “Keep yourselves safe too”, I say. I walk over to my cell and grab a riot vest. I put it on and make my way to the catwalk. I didn’t know how long we were going to have to wait for the governer, hours, days. I knew he was going to attack though. I would do the same if my group was killed.

I ran outside and everyone was ready and alert. I ran up the stairs to the catwalk and stood with my gun ready. Shae, Theo and Daryl stand beside me. “How do we know he’s even going to attack?”, Shae asks. “The mans a psycho”, Daryl comments. “He’ll attack, for sure. We killed his men. He’s going to want revenge.”

Carol is on her way to her post when Axel stops to chat to her. What the hell was he doing?! This was no time for a bit of flirty banter. He had to man the fence.

As he began to laugh at something Carol said, a gunshot fired and he fell to the ground. I looked over to the treeline and saw an army truck with at least twenty men on it with heavy artillery. “CAROL! RUN!”, I yell down to her. She makes a break for the cellblock and flees inside. So now we were 2 men down. I loaded up my gun and fired at the vehicle as it began to plough through the fences. “Shae! Get the dynamite!”, Theo shouted. The dynamite sticks flew through the air and impaled the truck on the side. But it was made to withstand a lot worse than that. Gun shots were coming from all of the guard towers and from both catwalks. I knew that we were overnumbered but we had the advatage of knowing the hiding places and the weak spots. I fired at the trucks tires, hoping they wouldn’t be able to get past another fence. Then the prison would be unprotected and we’d be forced to leave before the walkers even arrived. We were shooting relentlessly, doing everything we could to prevent them from penetrating further into our safe haven. All of a sudden, a shining black cadillac escalade comes speeding up the dirt road towards the prison. It had a large snowplough like structure on the grill on the front of the car, presumably to run over walkers efficently. The sun roof opened and a familiar head popped out. The man began to shoot as I tried to figure out who the hell he was. Then it clicked. As all the people either side of me were preparing to shoot the crazy son a bitch, I shouted. “Stop! Don’t shoot him. He’s my uncle.” They lowered their guns.

He began to throw some sort of grenades at the truck and it was forced to retreat. “Bree! We have a problem!”, I heard the walkie talky crackle to life. “What is it?”, I said into the walky. “Walkers are getting in at the fence hole”, My Dad responded. “Shit! Uncle Charlie is here!”, I said. My Dad didn’t reply. The next thing I saw was my Dad sprinting across the courtyard, shooting at walkers as he went. We all began to take out the growing amounts of walkers. Uncle Charlie’s cadillac tore up the road and began to drive into the zombies, killing them instantly. Charlie has always been a bit crazy. He was always told he was never good at anything except hunting and scavenging. Well now that was coming in handy. “You’re uncle is one crazy bastard”, Daryl muttered in amazement. “I know”, I laughed. “Erik, Oscar! You need to patch up that hole now!”, I said into the walky. I continued to shoot at the walkers that were steadily declining in number across the courtyard. Uncle Charlie continued to spin around the courtyard tearing up the zombies as he went. The governer might be gone but he left a path of destruction in his absence. Theo aimed his gun at the last walker as it began to claw at the cell block door. The walker fell on it’s back. Our battle was over, for now.

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