Chapter 4 - Too Sudden

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The sunlight started to beam into my tent. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I shrugged out of my sleeping bag and grabbed my trench knife. Even though Daryl and I checked the perimeter of the camp, we didn’t check the surroundings of the quarry. I unpacked my bag and put a change of clothes and a towel in it. I needed a nice long soak in the water.

I knew I had a swimsuit or bikini in one of my bags somewhere. I rummaged through my bags and found a bikini. It would have to do for now. I put it in my bag and unzipped the tent. The sunlight burned my eyes. It was a typical humid summer day in Georgia. I clambered out of the tent with my bag in tow. I hadn’t a clue what time it was but most of the camp were up and eating at the remains of the campfire. My stomach rumbled as the smell of meat flooded my nostrils. I sauntered over and grabbed a can of scrambled egg. I ate it quickly and went off towards the quarry.

I trudged along the damp moss leading to the quarry. The sun hit my bare arms and the warmth was soothing.

I heard the steady trickle of water as the quarry came into view. I heard a crunch from behind me. I took out my knife and heard a small chuckle. It was Daryl. “I could’ve stabbed you!”, I growl as I put my knife abck in my belt. “That would’ve been a big mistake”, He said with a smirk. I raise an eyebrow at him. Is this Daryl’s way of flirting? “Really?”, I chuckled. I continued to walk towards the water. “You joining me for a dip?”, I ask. “Don’t see why not”, He said. “I need to change, turn around”. He rolled his eyes. He didn’t budge. I had undressed in front of people before, I didn’t want him to see the scars. Scars from myself and from other people. I didn’t want him to see the jagged scar on my hip. I let out a deep sigh. “You’re a stubborn basterd”, I huff. I unbuckle my belt and throw my pants into my bag. His eyes flitted to the scars on my thighs. He immediately turned around and had a look of shame in his eyes. “So, now you turn around?”, I say as I continue to undress. He stays silent. I put the bikini on and put my top in my bag. I put my bag on my back and then untied my boots. I held them in my hand. “You coming or what?”, I ask. He nods and turns to me. “Sorry for that”, He says quietly. “It’s okay”, I reply. His eyes meet mine and instead of a look of pity, I get a relaxed and comfortable smile.

Daryl Pov:

The second I saw her scars I had to mask my true emotion. She was so young, she must have been beaten too. She probably went through the same thing I went through. My eyes tore away from the jagged lines and I spun around. She probably thinks I just wanted to see her naked, well maybe I did but now I feel so ashamed. Part of me feels like I have so much in common with this girl, the troubled past, the tattoos and the scars. I felt a smile grow on my lips. I don’t even know why I was smiling. I tried to figure out why I was smiling. The warmth I felt when I was with her wasn’t just another crush, it was different. She brought out the real me, she saw through my tough facade.

Bree Pov:

I felt the glorious feeling of the water hitting my toes. My feet were slowly sinking into the sand. Daryl stood near the rock, undressing. No one else was here. Just us two alone. Maybe it’s odd that I’m going swimming with Daryl. I walked in further and felt that the water was the right temperature to swim in. I began to swim into the open body of water. The water is alive with movement as I swim further into the middle of the quarry. Daryl eventually dives in and swims over to me. “About time”, I say with a smile. “You’re different when you’re not with Merle”, I say. “I need to be careful around him, he’s got a temper”, He says. “I know the feeling”, I say. I tread water slightly and attempt to float. “Was your Dad like that?”, He asks. His question surprises me. “No, my boyfriend”, I say. The memories haunt me as I say this. “Where is he now?”, He asks. All these questions coming from Daryl are surprising me. “Prison, he’s probably dead now though”, I say with a sigh. His name was Erik. . My first boyfriend Erik was pure evil. He would always bring me along when he was making important drug deals. He used me as his own little toy for over a year. He stabbed me in the hip in front of everyone else in the gang just for stepping out of line. We weren’t a street gang that went around killing people. My whole lifestyle was like a movie for almost three years. Erik was caught dealing drugs to underage teens and numerous other criminal offences, he was imprisoned for fifteen years. The second he was shipped off to prison, Alex came into my life, he was brought up by Erik since he was an early teen. Alex was suave and sophisticated. He revamped me entirely and I slowly became myself again. I was no longer a toy..  There was no more drugs at this stage. The group was crumbling to pieces because of the constant fights between us all about stupid things. Alex was different, an angel with a flair for drama. He was caring and loving most of the time but he was an overly paranoid person. 

The cool water hit my back as I floated on the warm water. “We should go back”, Daryl says. As we swim back I notice long indented marks on his back. I didn’t even have to ask where he got them from.

The days went on and they all blurred into one. I questioned my sanity most days. The walkers hadn’t made it up the mountain yet. Glenn says that the city is overun now. Mom and Shane have been quite close the past couple of weeks and it didn’t seem right to me. Carl played with Sophia near the RV everyday. Daryl went hunting with Merle, much to his distaste. I spent most of my day hiking the mountain on my own. I liked the solitude. I’ve been wanting to go on a run to Atlanta with Glenn but I’m pretty sure that Shane wouldn’t let me go.

We’ve been camping here for nearly two months now. Daryl and mines friendship grew each day. Merle would call us all the slurs he could come up with. He said to Daryl that he was turning soft. Little did he know that he was just being the person he truly is.

It’s around lunch time now. I rouse myself out of my day dreaming and start to get dressed. I put on a black tank top and denim shorts. I lace my boots. I tuck my trench knife into my belt buckle. I wandered around the camp and eventually found Daryl. “Mornin”, I say with a smirk. He nods in reply. “Get your crossbow, we’re going on a walk”, I say. “Don’t get too bossy, Sunshine”, He says gruffly. “Just get the crossbow”. I see Shane watching me from the campfire and I roll my eyes at him. He furrows his eyebrows into a frown. Shane doesn’t exactly approve of me going off with Daryl, I think it’s because he doesn’t trust the Dixons.

Daryl gets his crossbow and we’re on our way.

“You know they’re going on a run today?”, Daryl says. “Yeah, I think I’ll go on the next one regardless if Shane doesn’t like it or not”. We walk for what seems like hours as we talk about our lives. Daryl makes his usual racial slurs towards Glenn and I just roll my eyes at him. We come up to the top of the mountain and sit down. “We can barely see the camp from here”, I say. The view is spectacular. I usually come here on my own to seek peace and quiet. Solitude is important to me. Daryl lies down against a tree and closes his eyes. I lay down next to him and did the same. The only noise I could hear were birds singing. It was so peaceful up here. I could forget all about my Dad, the walkers, My Mom and Shane. Most importantly, I forgot about life.

I was drifting to sleep when I felt the soft hand on my cheek. My eyes fluttered open and I smiled. Daryl and I haven’t really shown affection towards each other. We were both too scarred from our past to make a move. Until now. I culdn’t help but feel the fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I could tell that he was just as nervous as I was. He leaned in and his lips met mine slowly. I ran my fingertips through his hair as he deepened the kiss. I felt his tongue glide along my lip. I opened my mouth slowly. I felt heat rush throughout my body as he climbed ontop of me. He grabbed my hips and pulled me to him. I pulled away as the adreanline poured from me. I pulled my tank top off and threw it onto a rock, the same with my shorts. I placed my hands on his shoulders as he took off his trousers. His top was next, I gazed at his defined muscles and traced his tattoos with my fingertips. I closed my eyes as I prepared myself for what was going to happen next. 

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