Ch 7. Doom Hunter Base: Build-a-demon workshop

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Ranak POV:

It is near in completion. My finest work yet. A worthy opponent for the slayer and his so called goons. I can't wait for them to see how it fairs against them. Wherever you are slayer...

Come and get me.

No one POV:

'We are halfway towards the base. I can feel it.'

Nonon: Are we there yet?

Slayer: No.

Nonon: How about now?

Slayer: No.

Nonon: Now?

Slayer: NO.

Nonon: What about now?

Slayer: YES!

Nonon: Really?

Slayer: NO!

Gamagori: Stop annoying the slayer. He'll kill you if you continue.

Nonon: Ugghhh. This is taking so long.

Slayer: Do something to keep you busy.

Just as he said that, Nonon had a devilish idea. She started to make popping noises from her mouth.

Nonon: *POP*

The slayer tried to ignore her.








"UUGGGHHHH! For five minutes?

Could you not be yourself...........


Nonon kept quiet but was gonna do it anyways.

'Of course she's gonna ignore me. I know she's gonna do it..........'

'Please don't do it.'



Soon, the demons appeared on the platform.

'Well shit.'

Gamagori: We got company!



Immediately, the demons fired their weapons onto the group which ends up in a warzone between the two sides.

Nonon: Why does there have to be a demon everywhere we fucking go?!

Slayer: They are seriously desperate to kill us. I'll live but you won't. That doesn't stop them for trying. Keyword: Trying.

Soon, a new demon appears that everyone dreads to see. The one demon the slayer remembers from back when he was a normal marine:

 The one demon the slayer remembers from back when he was a normal marine:

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