Ch 5. Exultia: The idiot, the bunny and the slayer

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3rd POV:

Upon arrival, the trio entered the ruins of Exultia. Once one of the kingdoms of the sentinels, it eventually fell onto demon hands.

'Damn. Has been a long time has it? It's nothing but a ghost town now. Used to be a place of my people. Now it remains abandoned. Those demons and the Khan Maykr will pay.'

Soon, a large gap was present.

Mako: Awww cmon. Why does there have to be a large gap everywhere we go?

Velvet: How will we get there?

Slayer: Watch and learn kids.

The slayer started to grab on the walls that he could climb on and leapt to another wall until he got to the other side. Soon after, he sees a green wolf howling only to take off.

Mako: HI!


Velvet: Um, I can jump real far since I'm a bunny and had training for my lifetime.

Slayer: .....Understandable. But what about Mako? How did she get over the gap?

Mako: What gap? I just got here.

Slayer: What the fuck is logic anymore? Is Mako a teleporter or what?

Vega: After running diagnostics on Mako, she seems to possess the ability to defy logic whenever and however she wants unless if she doesn't know what's going on. All I can say is, and I apologize for my vulgar language, fuck logic in general because nothing makes sense in this world and what does make sense makes no sense either way. Not even I know why the rules of this world works like this.

Slayer: Couldn't have said it better myself.

The slayer took out 3 zombies wandering aimlessly and jumped on a yellow ledge and made his way to the other side. Velvet soon followed and Mako.... well.... (fuck logic) she just teleported to the slayer and Velvet. They encountered some soldiers, a cacodemon, imps, zombies, and a new demon: the gargoyle.

Velvet: Wh- What is that?

Slayer: Gargoyles. Little fuckers that will tear you out in seconds. They shoot, fly and slice. Slightly stronger than imps.

Mako: Then let's fight!

They fight against the horde of demons. Velvet took a picture of the slayer's combat shotgun with the Gatlin gun modification and layed waste to the soldiers and imps. The slayer sliced off the gargoyles' heads and limbs. And Mako..... she's actually having a peaceful lunch with a cacodemon.

Cacodemon: *soft growl* (Do you have food that I crave?)

Mako nodded and took out her lunch inside her shirt.

Mako: Here, have this delicious-

The cacodemon launched it's tongue on Mako's lunch that she gave to and swallowed the food instantly.

Mako: How hungry were you?

Cacodemon: *Hiss* (You have appeased me mortal. You will live for now. But you must pay me back with more food. Or I'll eat you instead.)

Mako: Ok! See ya!

The cacodemon left the scene.

Slayer: Ok. That just happened.

Soon, the gates opened revealing a hell knight.

'Huh. Still ugly as ever. Nice eyes though.'

The hell knight turns its attention to Mako, throwing a punch at her.

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