Ch 17. Nudist Beach: Naked and Angry

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Having taken the wrong path to end up in Nudist Beach, the slayer and his team have no choice but to clear out the beach currently under attack. From there, Ragyo has been turned down by the Khan Maykr and embarrassed herself even more when the Cerberus leader wants out on her operation. Now she's hell bent on killing both the slayer's team and the Khan Maykr. But things will only get weirder for the slayer as the situation escalates. The slayer must now deal with the machines Ragyo has been secretly building in case the life fibers were not able to take on the slayer. But this is just the icing on the cake. Ragyo has plenty of surprises for the slayer. And it involves his past enemies.

Vega: We are now at Nudist Beach. This is one of their hidden bases that you are setting foot on.

Winter: It looks beautiful.

Nonon: Boorrrrrriiiiiinnnnnggggg.

Dozer: Did I got sand in my armor?

Mako is in her hyper state as always.

Ryuko: Hey big guy, how do you feel about this place?

Slayer: Bored bored bored bored bored bored bored.

Ryuko: Yeah me too.

Samuel: You shouldn't be too far on your destination.

Slayer: Remind me why they call themselves Nudist Beach of all things?

Samuel: Yeah I have no idea why they chose a baffling name like that.

Satsuki: I'm not sure exactly what they were attacked by but we have to get their as soon as possible.

Ryuko: Please don't tell me they call themselves that because they're naked right?

Vega: The name says it all Ryuko.

Ryuko: Annnd that's all I wanna hear.

They see a bunch of wounded Nudist soldiers being carried by the ARC troopers.


Winter: What did they fight to end up like that?

Slayer: Don't know, don't care. I'm bored.

Samuel: Speak of the devil......they're here. (Slayer let me just tell you that it's just a fucking quote not the actual devil you dumbass)

Satsuki: Uhhh........


Ryuko: You can't be serious. They're wearing........

 They're wearing

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Dozer: UGH.

Mako: *Eyes burning* This is fine.

Vega: Excuse me while I reboot myself after witnessing this.

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