Ch 20. Tie up loose ends

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Inevitably, the unknown object has followed the slayer with only a single minded goal: the extermination of all life. Having no idea where it came from, the slayer and his team will have to fight this unusual entity while trying to make sense of its existence. This unknown enemy however is more than capable of being a strong opponent and isn't a demon in the slightest. There's no doubt that it's an alien, but what exactly is it? Doesn't matter, what matters is that if it lives, the slayer can kill. Or can he?

At the ARC Headquarters:

ARC commander: Strange......the demons pulled back.......

ARC trooper: Is that good though?

ARC commander: I don't know.........something doesn't seem right......

UAC scientist: That can't be. Only the Doom Slayer could drive these things running.......unless........they aren't actually running away.......but rather.......something is attracting their attention..........

Dr. Elena: I found something that you all must see!

ARC commander: Not now Elena.

Dr Elena: I'm serious this time!

ARC commander: Let me guess, another one of your data logs where you talk about how this "Doomguy" is our lord and savior?

Dr Elena: Yes! Wait I mean no! This isn't about that! LOOK!!

ARC commander: For the last time I don't want to hear your data lo-0_0 What the fuck is that???

UAC scientist: I have no idea what that is but whatever it's's not good.

ARC commander: Get every air force to the mysterious object NOW!!!

At Urdak:

Khan Maykr: The Icon is almost on my control.......I can feel jt. Now you will understand what happens when you defy our traditions Doon Slayer. The day of reckoning has finally-

Maykr angel: We have a problem.

Khan Maykr: Let me guess, he's already here?

Maykr angel: Worse.....

Khan Maykr: Worse?

The ritual mysteriously failed.

Khan Maykr: What the??!

Maykr angel: Oh no.......the ritual.........we've failed it.

Khan Maykr: Impossible. How did that happen?! I checked everything needed to start it and now this happens?!

Maykr angel: Look down at Earth. Something is stopping our ritual.

Khan Maykr: Dammit! Who could possibly be stopping our.......huh??

She saw the object floating on top of Earth.

Maykr angel: This could be a problem.

Khan Maykr: .............RAGYO.

At Nudist Beach:

Slayer: You know? I would love if for one day I didn't have to force myself to fight an endless wave of demons only to fight against whatever bullshit gets thrown in my face faster than a pinky running.

Nonon: Just what is this thing supposed to even be??

Ryuko: A giant floating...........whatever the fuck it is.

Mako: A sea urchin?

Nonon: More like a floating sea mine with an eye and tentacles.

Inumuta: So a jellyfish then?

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