Ch 12. Mars Core: Shoot a hole into the surface of Mars.

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(Well, you know what to expect judging from the title of this chapter.)

No one POV (choose whatever music you want):


'Not when I'm still here!'

The slayer and the group head into the UAC moon base. As they walk by, the scientists were surprised to see the slayer here. Many of them looked terrified at the slayer while others are staring at Ryuko and Satsuki.

UAC Scientist 4: Oh my God. It's HIM.

Ryuko: We're just walking and they're all either afraid or horny.

Satsuki: If they're not stopping us then it's fine by me.

One of the scientists made a perverted face.

Satsuki: *Glares* I will break your bones if you make that face again.

UAC scientist 2: D:

The slayer had it the worst. Every female scientist seems to focus on his abs while they start drooling.


They continued to walk through until they see a door that will only open with a keycard. So they turn their attention to one of them with the keycard.

UAC Scientist 3: They overrun the lower levels!

Vega: Try not to kill him. Keyword: TRY.

UAC Scientist 3: Corporate says we should let them through.

'Good idea.'

UAC Scientist 5: What? Why?!

Ryuko: Look behind you dumbass.

The slayer glared at the guy with the keycard on his chest. The man was in pure shock seeing the slayer standing right before him. The slayer reached out to grab the card. While pulling the keycard, the man was gasping for air due to the slayer's grip on the keycard.

Access granted.

'Hell yeah, we're in.'

The slayer and the group head over to the area where 3 people are guarding the elevator. 2 were UAC guards. 1 of them however looked like one of their generals.

 1 of them however looked like one of their generals

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