Ch 23. Judgement day

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The Khan Maykr finally has control over the Icon of Sin and is ready to kill as many humans as it could. It's presence is nothing but a ticking time bomb as even if the Khan Maykr no longer has control, it will eventually drag both hell and the universe which will collide and merge into one, becoming it's own personal hell. Without the slayer to stop the titan and the Khan Maykr, humanity has to hold it off until then. It's a race against time between the humans and the alliance of hell, life fibers and the maykrs. Only one shall survive........


The Icon starts summoning an endless horde of demons with its devil magic.


Samuel: We are in grave danger.

Nui: 0_0 A GIANT GOAT!!!

Nui starts to panic.

Intern: Calm down! I know it seems completely hopeless right now, but as long as we bring back the slayer then there's a slim chance we can turn the tide.

Winter: And how are we going to do that? The portal that we sent the slayer in has stopped working!

Intern: We try to stall it long enough for the slayer to arrive, assuming Vega can teleport him back.

Vega: I am doing the best I can but something is trying to stop me from pinpointing the slayer's location. It will take some time for me to complete the process.

Samuel: You do what you need to do, the rest of us will stall the Icon and the Khan Maykr as much as we can.

Nui: I'll just......gather the elite four.

An explosion can be heard from outside.

Dozer: The hell was that??

From the explosion, Ryuko and Mako were sent flying up in the air into a hard landing.

Mako: Owww.......

Ryuko: This could not get any more worse can it?

Texbeast emerged from the ship.

Texbeast: This demonic body doesn't seem to fit here.......let's change into something more........fitting.

The horrible demon starts to morph into something that resembled a dragon.

Ryuko: -_- Yes. It can get worse.

Senketsu: Shouldn't have jinxed it Ryuko!

Mako: 0_0 IT'S A DRAGON!!!

Mako: 0_0 IT'S A DRAGON!!!

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