Ch 3. Let bygones be bygones.

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(I have decided to follow the story in order based on the game instead. And I'll make the slayer more tame to at least have a conversation before he hulks out.)

No one POV:

Ryuko: How did you know my name?

Vega: I am capable of knowing everything, including your names. Why don't we exchange names? Hello. I am Vega, the sentient intelligence assigned to Mars. Or... at least I was until the slayer saved me. Now I'm the slayer's assistant.

Ryuko: What do you mean by 'saved'? What happened to you?

*Flashback back at Vega Core*

The slayer was mere inches from pressing the self destruction system on Vega's core. He instead made a backup for Vega in a USB drive. Then he pressed the button which will teleport him to hell.

Vega (Distorted): The process is complete.

Samuel: Thank you Vega.

Vega: I have many regrets Doctor Hayden.

The slayer cover his face from the bright light flashing on him where he will be teleported to Argent D'Nur.

*Flashback end*

Slayer: Long story kid. Everything at Mars went down so I had to carry him with me.

Satsuki: Were those creatures life fibers?

Vega: I don't know what a life fiber is but what you just witnessed was merely fodder of the forces of hell. But I am capable of communicating with life fibers in my programming as well as translating the demons' language.


Ryuko: Calm down Senketsu.

Vega: Hello Senketsu.

Senketsu: Hello Vega.

'Is this how logic even works?'

Mako: Wait. Y-y-y-you mean.... Demons????

???: I'm afraid so little one. And they're real.

'Is that who I think it is!? Oh no. OOOOHHH NOOO!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!'

*Flashback brought to you by Mako explaining to the slayer why being naked makes you stronger while beatboxing at the same time*

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*Flashback brought to you by Mako explaining to the slayer why being naked makes you stronger while beatboxing at the same time*

???: Until we see each other again.

'When I find where you are we'll settle this. BUT MY GUNS WILL DO THE TALKING!'

*Slayer gets teleported*

*End flashback*

Satsuki: Who are you?

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