Ch 15. Madness

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3rd POV:

Ryuko: *SHRIEKS*

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Ryuko: *SHRIEKS*

Slayer: Here we go again.

The duo charged at each other and their collision caused a massive shockwave, pushing them away from each other.

Samuel: You must bring Ryuko back to normal.

Vega: Remember slayer, we must not kill Ryuko by accident. Find a way to reverse the transformation.

Slayer: And how do I plan on doing that?

Ryuko: *Growling*

Vega: Does anyone have a suggestion?

Aikuro: I don't know but I'll try to do something. Just keep her distracted.

Slayer: Argh....I always have to be the one distracting.

Gamagori: Well you are the strongest out of everyone else.

Ryuko threw a punch at the slayer which he blocked.

Slayer: Ryuko, snap out of this.

He threw Ryuko into a giant boulder which only made her angry.

Ryuko: *Snarls*

Slayer: Come on Ryuko don't make me do this!

Mako: Just don't kill her please!

Ryuko charged at the marine only to miss.

Ryuko: ?!?

He used his chaingun shield to stagger her.

Ryuko: *Screaming*

Slayer: Stop this now Ryuko! Just snap out of it.

She grabbed his chaingun and launched him into the air while she leapt and smacked him to the ground.

Slayer: This is going to be harder than I thought.

He got back up but was knocked back into a wall.

Ryuko: *Laughing*

Slayer: *Sarcasm* Oh really funny Ryuko.

He delivered a blood punch to the face.

Ryuko: *Pained roar*

Slayer: Who's laughing now?

Satsuki: Stop! Your hurting her!

Slayer: She drew first blood not me!

Gamagori: But still!! Don't hurt a lady under any circumstances!!


Ryuko slashed at the marine which he dashed out of the way causing the terrain to be damaged.

Slayer: Well shit. She is stronger than she used to.

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