Ch 14. Taras Nebad: Reopening old wounds

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3rd POV:


Khan Maykr: I can't believe you let Daisy die and have the last hell priest killed as a result of this.

Ragyo: No need to be aggressive holy one. There's still more ways to help absorb humanity. And besides, that Daisy was an impostor all along.

Khan Maykr: Impostor or not, he is VERY protective when it comes to bunnies and rabbits! And you have given him more of a reason to kill us thanks to your arrogance.

Ragyo: Hmph. Your overreacting too much.

Khan Maykr: I don't understand why have you brought me here in it just to waste any time we have?

Ragyo: Trust me, you're in for a big surprise.

Ragyo reveals something that the Khan Maykr had never seen before in her lifetime.........the original life fiber.

the original life fiber

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Khan Maykr: Well then.........I must say, it does look spectacular for an alien race of clothing.

Archvile 2: (Why the hell does it look like a big testicle?)

Ragyo: You see Khan Maykr, this is where they have hidden from all these years. Life Fibers have been around ever since humanity has existed. They coexist within their clothing and have remained in secrecy up until now. I assume you might be interested in this magnificent life form.

Khan Maykr: I am interested in this fine energy source. I also have set up a backup plan should the hell priests die by the slayer's hands. You're gonna love this one more than the life fibers.

Ragyo: Oh really? How so?

The Khan Maykr reveals an enormous titan the size of a skyscraper. This one was way different than the others. It had an armor plating on its entire body. And it was taller than the rest of the species. (Except Malibob)

Khan Maykr: Meet the Baphoment, or how others have called it

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Khan Maykr: Meet the Baphoment, or how others have called it.........the Icon of Sin.

Ragyo: My my........that's quite fascinating for a demon. How do you plan on using this enormous beast?

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