Ch 16.5 TRUST. DUTY. LOVE. (Short)

667 8 17

3rd POV:

Seeing the pig up close and personal sent chills down her spine, unsure of what their plan was to do with her.

Velvet: Wh-What do you want from m-me...?

???: *Tape recorder* I'll tell you what I want. The slayer has done nothing but cause pain and suffering to all those around Earth. He is the reason the demons were brought in here. Don't you see? His violent crusade has caused the lives of billions all for what? All because they killed his rabbit? That is just pitiful. And here you are, helping the slayer on his genocide against the demons while humanity still suffers from all the damage he caused.

Velvet: B-But he-

???: *Tape recorder* He lured the demons to your world. He left those to die. He couldn't be bothered to save anyone from the demons. And yet you chose to help him despite all of this. You are part of the problem now.

Velvet:'re wrong......

???: *Tape recorder* Me? Wrong? Who led the demons here? Who didn't save humanity while it was being attacked? And who was willing to let an entire race die? It was him. All of it. Fortunately, I am giving you a second chance to redeem yourself. And then, we can rehabilitate people like him. People like Satsuki.

Velvet: N-No.....I don't......want to help kidnapped me......

???: *Tape recorder* I did what was best for you. You should be grateful to live. What if the demons caught you? Would you have survived? No. No you wouldn't. Since you chose to obey the slayer, we'll have to do something about your mind.

Velvet: What are y-y-you.....gonna do...?

The pig dragged Velvet as she struggled to get out.

Velvet: LET ME GO!

???: *Tape recorder* This is a necessary evil to make your eyes open. You must see what I saw. And then, we can help others.


???: *Tape recorder* Unfortunately, you have no choice.

Right now, Velvet was seeing multiple people being tortured by random strangers with masks on that appeared to be............cameras?

It doesn't stop there

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It doesn't stop there. There were also strangers wearing masks that hid their identity and revealed their true colors. This shows what horrors Velvet will have to witness inside this............dungeon.

Velvet doesn't know what they are doing here but all she knows is that they are not good people. Velvet also noticed that some other people were placed in death traps designed for them to kill/cause great pain. She could hear one of their screams in a room somewhere. It also didn't help that there was music playing to give the feeling that no one can hear you scream for help as they are forced to be tortured and killed in the most inhumane way possible. There was no chance of pleading, mercy or even a semblance of humanity to those torturing the prisoners unlucky enough to get captured and forced into hellholes like this.

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