Ch 9. Super gore nest pt 2: Raiding the nest

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(Yes I am making Ryuko and Satsuki fall in love with the slayer. Fite me)

3rd POV (UAC corporation):

Somewhere in the UAC, two sides have officially made an appearance. One of the first half are the good ones that don't like the demons for their Mars outbreak and decide to join the ARC in the fight against hell. The other half.........was lead by a crazed fanatic who constantly talks about how good that humanity and demon kind can coexist with each other despite their lust for destruction. The one lady dumb enough to even talk shit about the slayer as he kills them. She has a crazy plan to even think she can take on the slayer. (Which she can't.)

UAC spokesperson: It is ready. Type 27. Our newest experiment to fight the slayer. Isn't it magnificent?

UAC cultist: We found this thing in an abandoned mansion. There were corpses everywhere. But they aren't made from the demons but rather by a mad scientist who died from his own creation. He even made these super mutants which were great on paper but were easily defeated by 2 agents from an organization we knew for some time but haven't heard of yet.

UAC spokesperson: Well then, hope we can make improvements onto one of the mad scientist's failed creations and send them against the slayer. I'm sure the slayer will be at least impressed by our work.

???: Did you say the slayer?~

UAC spokesperson: Yes I did. And your name is?

???: Please call me Ragyo darling. I must say, that tin can of yours would most like it if we make some improvements. It'll stand more of a chance to possibly beat the slayer and make him all mine~

UAC spokesperson: Aren't we supposed to kill the slayer???

Ragyo: Don't worry. I can just simply break his mind. After all, all it takes is the brain to break and he will lose the will to fight. Hahahahaha.

UAC spokesperson: Fair point. Hopefully this thing can learn to fight the slayer once they meet face to face.

 Hopefully this thing can learn to fight the slayer once they meet face to face

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At the gore nest:

The group had just gotten rid of some demons in the toxic filled ground.

Slayer: Who's the architect for hell because it looks like something from a pre-alpha game.

Inumuta: These people really need a health inspector for all this toxic sludge everywhere.

Satsuki: There seems to be no other way across.

Slayer: I'll go it alone from here.

Ryuko: Are you sure?

Slayer: Don't worry about me, I'll be back before you know it.

The slayer took off alone.

Slayer POV:

Fucking hell. My mind is fixated on two things: Demon killing and bunnies. But I can't wrap my head on why I keep looking at Ryuko and Satsuki's ass/tits. No matter what I do, I keep thinking of them doing things to me. Like.........I don't wanna go there. It's driving me crazy!

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