part 11

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(I keep getting comments like this story is over, It AiNt OvEr)

Kokichi's pov

I opened my eyes slowly to a small light shining. I covered the light from my sight before sitting up and looking around.

It was shuichis room, odd I don't remember falling asleep. I saw it was 8:30 am and that everyone must've gone to breakfast. I slowly got up put on my uniform and walked to the cafeteria.

Before opening the cafeteria doors I sighed looked around than opened and walked in.

Everyone turn their heads to me as I walked in, I raised my eyebrow with a questionable look.

"Why's eveyrone staring at me- if someone's dead I didn't do it"

Everyone looked at me weird,
"Are you ok kokichi?" Angie asked standing up slowly. A few students stood up with her and some took a step towards me.

"I'm confused"

"Kokichi do you really not remember yesterday?" I looked to my right to see shuichi walking up to me.

"No- wait..- am I dead?!?!"

A few face palmed as I kept looking around. "Kokichi you literally cried infront of all of us!!!" Kaito yelled.

Suddenly all the memories came back to people hugging me, me crying, kirumi everything.

I could feel my expression go blank.

"I think we broke him..." Kiibo silently muttered

"Someone kill me please-"

I put my hands up to my face in embarrassment, I could hear shuichi starting to laugh and a few of the students laughing.

"ThIs IsNt FuNnY!!!" I looked up to everyone

Everyone only laughed harder while I was silently and mentally dying.

"God fuck you all.."

I could feel someone put their hand on my head and slowly pat my hair. I looked up and saw shuichi still trying to keep his laughter in

"I love you shumai, but fuck you the most"

I crossed my arms and looked the other way before I was interrupted by a loud mouth.

"Get a room you two!!!!" Miu screamed holding her stomach from laughter.

Suddenly we all heard an announcement come on, "GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, GATHER OVER AT THE GYM FOR ANOTHER MOTIVE"

I could feel myself stiffin up from the announcement, kirumi got the motive and killed someone...

I started walking out of the cafeteria and could feel myself shaking.

Shuichis pov

I followed everyone as we walked out, but kept my eye on kokichi. I could see him shaking when he suddenly grabbed his hand.

We finally reached the gym to see monokuma and the monokubs with the same wheel from the last motive on the stage.

"Welcome back everybody!!!" Monophonie yelled out.

"Are you all ready for the motive!?'' everyone was quiet

"I'll take that as a yes!!!"

A remote popped out of no where and without hesitation monokuma smashed the button and we all watched in worry as the wheel spun...


And landed on kokichi....

My eyes widened and almost everyones head whipped over to kokichi.

"WHAT, why can't it be someone else?!?! It's funnier to watch other people suffer!!!" He screamed throwing his arms up.


Suddenly a chained collar came out of no where and grabbed kokichi on his wrists and neck, and he was dragged away.


Instantly we all heard kokichi's cries and screams, but this time we weren't present at the scene, there were speakers in a room and we could only listen.

Within minutes we were back in the gym with kokichi on the ground. The same thing happened gonta quickly picked up kokichi and ran to the infirmary

I was nearly frozen.. I quickly chased after them, when we reached the clinic gonta layed kokichi down and we all waited.

I sat down by kokichi and slowly put my hand on the bed.

"Do you guys think he's gonna turn out like kirumi...?" Himiko muttered

I tighter my grip on the bed and could feel small tears staining my eyes. "You good sidekick...?"

I slowly shook my head and looked down

"You really care for him huh..."

I nodded, I heard a sml groan and quickly looked up.. kokichi was opening his yes and slowly stood up.

"Ow, my head is killing me." He slowly rubbed his head, with out thinking I quickly jolted forward and hugged him.

"Hm? Shumai why are you crying?"

I shook my head in his shoulder and he pat my head. "Ah, that's cute" my head jolted up and I looked at kokichi as he quickly covered his mouth.

"Uhh, you ok kokichi?" Kaito asked looking at everyone

"No!" He covered his mouth once again. His eyes grew wider and he quickly looked around "ask me something!!!"

I raised my eyes brown and slowly asked. "How many members are in your... Organization..."

"Um 10 their my most loyal frie-" before he could finish he covered his mouth once again. "I hate miu" he said.


"Um kokichi... Are you lying or.. telling the truth?"

"I'm telling the truth...?" He looked at all of us confused and everyone looked just as confused.

"have you fucked pooichi yet?!?!" Miu exclaimed

"No but I would li-"

I quickly covered his mouth scares to hear the rest.

"So kokichi can only tell the truth now..?"

Everyone looked at me than kokichi than me than kokichi


"a non lying kokichi... Huh never thought it could happen"

"Oh I'm gonna have fun with this!" Miu once again screamed

"Are you gay?!?" Kokichi nodded

"Well that's one way to come out of the closet" kiibo said

Some started laughing. "But kokichi your alright right like no cuts or bruises?"

He shook his head and looked at his arms.

"Ya nothing"

I sighed in relief and turned to everyone else "you guys can go... I think he would just need some rest.."

Everyone nodded and started walking out

This was gonna be an odd day...

This sucked but I'm half asleep

°×{The way you look at me}×° shuichi x kokichi (saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now