part 10

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Kokichi's pov

I woke up and felt a warm presence behind me. I slowly turned around to see shuichi sound asleep with his arm on me.

I slowly got up from the bed and flinched at the cold floor. Suddenly all the memories of kirumis punishment came back

I quickly covered my mouth from the whimper or small gasp that came from my mouth. I looked over at shuichi once again and he looked a bit of a mess

I walked over to his closet and changed, I left his dorm not caring if I look a mess, all I have to do is act like nothing happened.

I walked out of the dorms to see, Angie, tenko, himiko, and kiibo.

I sighed and started skipping over to them "hellooo~!!" I yelled putting on the best smile I can with my eyes closed. Tenko snarled at me while himiko backed up and Angie and kiibo did nothing.

"Ah kokichi.. how are you this morning..." Kiibo quietly said.

I went quiet.. I opened my mouth to say great but nothing came out. I opened my eyes and gave a questionable look. I smiled and tried to say good but nothing again.

"Ah! Kokichi! Is everything alright?" Angie squealed. I raised an eyebrow and suddenly felt a warm substance fall down my face. I looked down and saw tears coming from my eyes.

Tears? No.. nononono. "Oh I'm, I was uh, just um, I'm just sad I can't annoy kirumi anymore! Nishishi"

I smiled once again and could feel myself gritting my teeth.

"Tsk! Degenerate!!! All you did was annoy kirumi, just let her rest in peace!!!!"

I gave tenko a blank look and simply gave a small smile.

"Sure.." and walked off....

Shuichis pov

I woke up and could feel my hand searching the bed, once I felt no one there I bolted up. I looked around and saw no one there.

Within a second the morning announcement came on. ''he must've woken up early..''

I got up and changed into my uniform. I brushed my hair and left the dorm. I didn't hurry to breakfast. I walked around a bit and saw a few people.

I hadn't seen kokichi yet Wich worried me... Finally I walked up to kaito and maki sitting on a bench near the training area

"Oh hey sidekick!!!" I still haven't forgiven kaito for what happened or wut he's done

"Hey... kaito.. hey maki..." Kaito raised an eyebrow and quickly stood up. "Did that brat do something?!? You don't seem to good!"

I sighed "kaito he's done nothing and you need to stop targeting him..."

"He hurts people shuichi! He probably drove kirumi to kill ryoma!!!"

I couldn't say anything, I just turned and walked away. I went to the library and got some books to read. And before I knew it, it was nearly lunch.

I got up and put the books back and headed to the cafeteria. When I walked in everyone was there except kokichi.

"Hey... Have any of you seen kokichi anywhere..? I havnt seen him all day."

"Oh kokichi passed by us outside the dorms this morning near 7:30  am, I'm sure he's alright! Atua shall protect him!!"

"Has anyone else seen him...?" Eveyrone went quiet and most of them shook their heads.

After everyone ate they went back to what they were doing, I started looking around the school for kokichi but couldn't find him anywhere.

By the time is was 5 pm we all headed back for dinner.

I walked in and once again kokichi was missing from the crowd.

"Has anyone seen him yet?!" This time I was more panicked no one has seen him, wut if he's hurt?!

Everyone shook their heads suddenly we heard the door open behind us and kokichi was standing there. He looked tired.

"Hmm? What is it?" He asked looking bright but it didn't convince me.

"Where have you been kokichi?" Kiibo asked. Some were curious some were suspicious.

"What do you mean?"

"You havnt been to breakfast or lunch" angie stated..

"Well that's because since kirumis gone there's nothing to eat! What? can one of you cook?!"

He put his hands on his hips and suddenly we heard a slam. It was kaito

"what the hell is wrong with you!!!! You act like nothing happened!!!! KIRUMI DIED AND YOU ACT SO HAPPY, ALL OF US MISS HER EXCEPT YOU, YOU ACT LIKE SHE WAS A TOOL"

by the time he stopped yelling he grabbed kokichi by the collar barley lifting him. Kokichi went quiet...

"Aeh" we heard a questioning sound from kaito and he let kokichi go.

When he moved away everyone looked at kokichi as he had tears streaming down on his face.

"when....." He whispered, his arms dropped to his sides

He looked over at all of us "when did I ever treat kirumi like a tool.....? She was like a mother to me......"

"Your not allowed to cry over someone you used." Kaito said clenching his fists.

"I thought..... I thought your suppose to cry when you lose family......?" His eyes widened a bit and you could see streams of tears falling down his face.

"She was the only one that cared.... The people that I care for die, so I couldnt care for her.... Am I..... Am i not allowed to cry.....?" He looked around.

"Kokichi..." I whispered...

With a few sniffles he wiped his eyes and gave us all a bright smile. "I don't want to cry.... Kirumi never liked it when I cried... She said it made her sad to....." at this point I could feel myself starting to cry.

"I-.." kaito was at a lost for words. I slowly took a step forward and walked up to kokichi and hugged him.

"Hey.... You can cry... It's not good to hold it can trust me....."

Within seconds I could feel kokichi grabbing at my shirt and sobbing. Everyone watched as we saw the happy trickster that we all knew break down right infront of us....

And within minutes......

     Half of the class was hugging that trickster that we all knew.......


°×{The way you look at me}×° shuichi x kokichi (saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now