part 15

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Shuichi pov

I slowly woke up from the morning announcement being played. I reached my hand out trying to feel a small purple haired boy by me, but no one was there.

I quickly sat up and looked around, he wasn't there?

"Kokichi?" No response. "I guess he got up early..." I slowly sat up and got dressed. I walked to the cafeteria and saw almost everyone there.

"Ah shuichis here! I can finally announce the news!" Angie exclaimed.  "We have decided to start a council!! With me tenko gonta and kurekiyo!!"

People started murmuring about the council. "Im confused.."

"Well, we'll be establishing rules to make sure no one gets killed!"

My blood ran cold from what she said. after angie finished everyone sat back down while the council left.

I looked around and didn't see kokichi. He must've ate early, I started to get worried on where he was or if he was ok.

I quickly left the cafeteria hoping to ask angie if she's seen kokichi.

"Hey sidekick!!" I quickly turned around and saw kaito with maki running towards me. "Ah kaito.."

"Watcha doing?" He looked around trying to see what I was doing, I hesitantly answered "I'm looking for angie..."

He raised his eyebrow while maki stayed quiet "well how about I come with ya!!!"

I nodded my head and we quickly started walking to angie's lab. When we got there we saw himiko knocking in angie's door.

"Is everything ok himiko?" She seemed frustrated and stomped her foot. "No! Angie won't answer me and her doors locked! I didn't know she was this into her work!"

I started getting worried and knocked myself "angie?!" No response. "Guys we should really open this door." I tried the door knob and it wouldn't open.

"Maybe we can try busting down the door?" Maki stayed quietly while looking at the door.

"Even if we wanted to check we can, it locked so we should ju-"

"I heard everything, and maybe I could do something about that locked door!!" We all quickly turned to see kokichi standing by maki.

"Kokichi?! Where have you been and where did you come from?!?"

"Ah I'll tell you later my lovely shumai, but i heard your having trouble with a locked door?"

I nodded while he walked towards me. "Well how about I use my special skill to get it open"

"Special skill..?" He started walking closer without me noticing before I remembered.

"Ah lock picking!" I finally noticed how close kokichi was to me and could feel my cheeks warm up.


"W-well do you think you could open it for us.."

"Hmmmm lemme think.... Ok I will! But only for you shumai."

Kokichi bent over and looked into the keyhole his eyes sparked slightly and he stood up. "It's a cylinder lock! These ones are easy."

He took some small pins out of his pocket and inserted them into the lock, within seconds we all heard a click.

"There you go!!" He backed away from the door and I stepped forward. I put my hand on the door handle and noticed my palms were sweaty.

I slowly opened the door and none of us were ready for what we saw....

A̶n̶g̶i̶e̶ o̶n̶ t̶h̶e̶ f̶l̶o̶o̶r̶ s̶u̶r̶r̶o̶u̶n̶d̶e̶d̶ b̶y̶ h̶e̶r̶ a̶r̶t̶w̶o̶r̶k̶ s̶t̶a̶b̶b̶e̶d̶...

I looked behind me and saw kokichi eyes widen in fear.
I stepped backwards and held his hand. He flinched and looked my way.

Himiko covered her mouth and we all quickly heard the announcement.


I was shaking. Another killing.

I felt kokichi squeezing my hand.
"Why.... Why another killing I don't get it.... W-what happened...." He started speaking.

I can't believe it.. I let another murderer happen....

Kokichi's pov

After a while everyone had gathered in the art room and shuichi and everyone were investigating. I stayed by shuichi, to scared to walk away.

"Are you ok kokichi...?" He whispered. I slowly shook my head and stepped closer to him.

He held my hand once again Wich made my cheeks become red. I looked away and stayed quiet.

Within minutes shuichi had found out that angie had been stabbed in the neck and the sword was use to lock the door.

Korekiyo suggested we do a seance.

Me shuichi, kiibo, himiko, and tenko walked to three rooms. Himiko chose the middle room and we all walked in.

Shuichis pov

I didn't trust this seance that much but it could work..

"Who will be the one that angie will speak through.." korekiyo whispered looking around.

"It must be a female like angie..."

Himiko quickly stepped forward but tenko insisted it be her. Korekiyo had made a circle of salt and had a cage statue and a cloth.

"Are you sure this will work..." Kokichi quietly asked. I shook my head as we moved the statue on top of the cloth and the cage...

"Now we must turn off the light..." I kept my eyes on kokichi hoping he'll be ok.

As we sang the song we all heard a crash. My eyes widened and I looked around.

Once the song was over we turned on the lights. Kokichi seemed scared. As we moved the statue I smiled at Kokichi trying to calm him down.

He smiled back..... Before we saw what was under the cage and cloth...

T̶e̶n̶k̶o̶ s̶t̶a̶b̶b̶e̶d̶ i̶n̶ t̶h̶e̶ n̶e̶c̶k̶ l̶i̶f̶e̶l̶e̶s̶s̶

And that's when kokichi snapped. He started crying and started screaming into his hands.

I quickly hugged him trying to calm him down while everyone started at tenko.

"Why, why, why why why why!!! WHY ANOTHER ONE" kokichi was grabbing into his hair .

I turned kokichi around away from the body and hugged him.

"Kokichi it's ok look at me ok?" I whispered.

He started hugging back and crying into my shoulder. I looked up and saw kaito starring at us.

I narrowed my eyes and he quickly looked away.

Another murderer.... Why another one........

Hey guys hope this makes up for my time being gone for a while hope you like the new chapter!!

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