part 6

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Shuichis pov

I woke up to see an empty side of the bed and sat up quickly. I looked around to see nobody and quickly stood up "kokichi?!"

No response... I looked in the bathroom but no one was there.. he must've gone to breakfast.

I headed out of the dorm and walked over to the dining hall. I walked in to see almost everyone. I slowly walked in and looked around trying to find a a purple haired kid.

No sign of him, suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped. "Hey sidekick!!" I turned around to see kaito smiling at me and maki by him glaring.

"Ah kaito...." His expression softened and he put on a serious face. "Hey listen... I know what I did was wrong... I shouldn't have done it. But I still don't trust kokichi he isn't a good person..."

I only glared at him..

"Fine... I don't forgive you but... I'll take your apology.."

He smiled again but than gave a questioning look "you look worried what's wrong?"

I only looked away.. should I tell him, he might've seen him. "I'm looking for kokichi... He stayed in my dorm last night because he had some injuries and I had to take care of him. But when I woke up this morning he was gone."

He went silent and only sighed. "Listen I don't think you should be looking for him.." I was surprised by his response.

"But what if he's in trouble what if another murderer happened?!?"

"Well he causes a lot of trouble, maybe it's best if he.." he trailed off... My eyes widened and I couldn't contain my anger

"What.... What the HELL is wrong with you?!?! Your saying it's OK to have a murderer?!?"

Everyone looked over and was also shocked, kaito only went silent from my response..

Suddenly the announcements came on "EVERYONE REPORT TO THE GYM ITS MOTIVE TIME!!!"

I only glared at kaito than walked past him to the gym.. this isn't like him I don't understand why he would say that.

Once I got the gym I saw Angie tenko gonta and kokichi.

He had his bandaged off and a red spot on his head, he looked a bit annoyed, i walked up to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Hm? Oh, shumai!!!" He glowed up as he turned around. I glared him down slightly.

"Are you mad at me shumaiii?" I put my hand up to his forehead and touched it slightly, he winced at the paint and swatted my hand away

"Kokichi you shouldnt have taken off the bandages..."

"Hmph an ultimate supreme leader like MYSELF doesn't need bandages!!"

"Yes you do"
"No I don't"
"Yes you do"
"No I don't"

"Kokichi yes you do!"

He only grumbled and glared at me. "Fine if you get me bandaged I'll put them on"

I smiled and tilted my head a bit "thank you" I saw a tint of pink on his cheeks but quickly looked up when I heard a certain laugh.

"Phuphuphu hello students!!! R u excited for the motive!!"

Everyone was silent afraid of what was going to happen

"Of course you are!! Anyways this is how the motive is goin to work." Suddenly a slot machine popped up and it had everyone's picture on it.

°×{The way you look at me}×° shuichi x kokichi (saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now