Part 7

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Shuichis pov

I was running around the whole school looking for kokichi, he couldn't have gotten far right?!?.

I checked the dorms he wasn't there, I checked the dining hall he wasn't there, I checked the gym, the courtyard, even kirumis lab!

Damn this big school.... I went back out to the courtyard and walked around, I walked over to the training spot and sat down. Suddenly I heard someone sniffle.

I quickly jumped up and looked around, there were only a few cherry blossom trees and some bright purple trees-

I slapped my forehead thinking of how stupid I am, I walked over to the purple tree and there he was up on the tree sniffling.


He quickly jumped and wiped his eyes "yesssss shumai~!"

He jumped down and stood infront of me, he was smiling he looked happy and yet his eyes were as dull as a rock.

"Ah it's just.. why'd u skip out of the clinic I know your hurting..?"

His smile turned into a questionable look and he slightly tilted his head "i am? Well I'm not really hurt it's just sad that I'll no longer able able to annoy kirumi, mostly because she'll probably kick me..."

"Ah speaking of that um..." I froze up, this wasn't an exactly settle question.

"Um, y-youve been.... Kicked.... A lot so.... I w-would think you'd have.. a bruise?"

He looked at me in dissatisfaction "shumai... Your amazing and everything good in the world and all but... Your also pretty fucking dumb..." he muttered while face palming

"Of course I have a bruise kaito has the kick of a horse and kirumi has the strength of an elephant!!!"

I looked up at him and poked his stomach his eyes widened and he quickly winced in pain and covered his stomach.

"I might need to bandage that for you... No wait I do need to bandage that for you, and your head."

I clicked him in the head as he quickly covered his forehead in pain.

"No! I'm supreme leader kokichi ouma I don't need some stupid bandages!!!"

I grabbed his hand and started walking back to the clinic, once we were there I grabbed a few rolls of bandages disinfected the wounds than bandaged him

He was really frail.. so I didn't use as much bandage as I thought I would...

I put everything away and turned back to see kokichi picking at the forehead bandages. I walked up to him and lightly slapped his hand.

"Ow!! Your mean saihara that hurt!!!!" I- but I barley slapped him... That probably wouldn't even count as a slap....

He held his hand up to my face and I felt like I already knew what he was going to ask

"You hurt it you kiss it!"

"Its like dealing with a toddler... A small one at that.."

Kokichi's expression changed quickly to a slightly offended one and I started laughing

I quickly took his hand a pecked the top of it so he'd quit whining, I could see a slight tint of red on his cheeks and I walked over to the door.

"Come on we should get something to eat."

He got up and walked along side me to the kitchen. As we passed through the dining room we saw almost everyone.

I saw kokichi's head go down and looked up to see kirumi at a table with himiko Angie tenko and gonta.

We headed into the kitchen and kokichi ran to the refrigerator and grabbed a panta, I got an apple and orange.

"You know you should get some real food right?"

He looked up at me and looked at my food "you to"

"This is real food kokichi.."

He shook his head and ran back to the dining room. I followed and suddenly heard himiko scream "I have an idea!!! How about I host a magic show!!!!"

Everyone looked over at her and most of them smiled "oooo yes! That would be a fantastic idea!!" Angie said as she stood up with himiko "I'll help and so will kirumi!!!" Kirumi looked up a bit annoyed but than her eyes gleamed a bit...

"Yes I'll help to.. I guess..."

I looked back to my side to see kokichi gone. I quickly looked around the room but didn't see him.

I ran over to my dorm room and went up to my room. It was opened?!? I quickly rushed inside to see kokichi lying on my bed

"How did you-"
"I picked your lock, it got boringgggg so I came here!"

I walked over and sat in the bed and check to see if his bandages were still intact, they were he was drinking panta in my bed and suprisingly reading.

"Do you like the book?"

He looked over questionably than sighed "not really it's boring"

Of course...

"Well did you hear about the magic show?" He nodded not looking at me "are you going?" I asked he shook his head. "Why"

He sighed and finally sat up and looked at me "kirumi is gonna be there everyone's gonna be there"

"Well what if you come with me?" His eyes lit up and it felt like he was jumping "my one and only shumai asked me to come with him!!! Nishishishi!"

Ah this act back up.. "kokichi just say yes or no."

He only groaned than layed down "fine"

I put the snacks on the side table and went to the bathroom to change, kokichi was already changed probably because of boredom.

When I came out kokichi was fast asleep on the bed

I than layed down and drifted off to sleep myself..

°×{The way you look at me}×° shuichi x kokichi (saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now