(New) part 4

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Shuichis pov

We all silently listened to the motive announcement, some shocked some terrified. I looked around and saw kaito gritting his teeth almost enough to hear it.

"C-come on guys... We better get there before he threatens u..us"

We all stood up and started heading to the gym. While heading in I saw everyone scared except one purple haired boy.

Kokichi had a smirk on his face and it scared me but at the same time pissed me off...

We all walked into the gym spread out and suddenly monokuma hopped up

"Helloooo students!!! Are you ready for ur motive!!!"

Everyone stayed silent

"Huh guess not.. TO BAD!! Anyways today's motive issss

Suddenly we all saw the monokubs pop out "a suprise!!!"

I heard a few 'eh's' and what's "what does that mean?!?" Kaito yelled.

"It meannssss you won't know till tommorow!!!"

"That's stupid..." Himiko muttered some agreed and some seemed relieved..

"Ughhh so you called us here for nothing?!" We all looked to who said it and no suprise it was kokichi.

"Oh shut up!! It's suppose to make it interesting!!"

"No it just makes it boring"

Monokuma growled than only got angrier.

"Kokichi s-stop pestering him..." I was barley able to slip it out scared that I might get monokuma angrier

"Awww shumai but he's making it boringgg!!"

I could feel a tint of pink on my face from his nickname...

"Kokichi just leave it.."

He only tilted his head than sighed "fineeee anything for you sumaiii" he rolled his eyes and looked away.

"Ahem!! Now all of you must come back tommorow at 10 am!! Now scram you damn brats!!!"

Everyone quickly started to walk out but before I could I felt someone jump on me "so shumai what do you think the motive is!!!"

"K-kokichi please... Please get off me..." He only pouted and hopped off "your no fun shumai..." He than walked out along with the others

I felt a bit bad but walked out to look for him to apologise..

But he was no where, guess the supreme leader doesn't stay for a while...

Kokichi pov

I don't get it shuichi is one of the nicest ones here... And yet he won't even let me near him... He's suppose to be a detective and yet he can't even figure out most of my lies...

I ran to my room in a fit still complaining in my mind

'whata the motive gonna be... Will it be bad...ugh of course it's gonna be bad!!'

I walked up to my room only to see kaito at my room..

"Ughhh what does the dumbass want now!!" I whined, I didn't want to talk to him now...

"Kokichi... WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?" he stomped up to me and grabbed the collar of my shirt shaking me violently


°×{The way you look at me}×° shuichi x kokichi (saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now