part 13

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Shuichis pov

"I can't lie.."

Within minutes of everyone leaving kokichi was pacing around the room with a distressed face.

"Kokichi it's not that bad...."

His head whipped over to me and I slightly flinched.

" don't understand!! How am I gonna annoy everyone!!!"

"Is that.. really that important-"


He stomped his foot down and continued pacing the room, I slowly walked over to him and stopped him from pacing.

"Kokichi it's ok, I don't think it would last that long-"

"Right you are shuichi!!!!" Monokuma appeared right in between me and kokichi, I quickly jumped back as did kokichi.

"The affects can last at random! So they can last at least 1-3 days!!"

Kokichi's mouth DROPPED


He put his hands in his hair, he looked like he was going crazy "k-kokichi calm down!"

I put my hands out to try and see if I could help but he quickly slapped them away. "NO, I can't go 3 days with out lying!!! I have no idea on wut I could say!!" He quickly covered his mouth

"What.... What if I'm nice to people?!?!"

"Kokichi your starting to make this sound like a not that bad problem...."

He quickly looked my way again and sighed "your lucky..."

Kokichi's pov

What am I gonna do, What am I gonna do, What am I gonna do, What am I gonna do, What am I gonna do, What am I gonna do, What am I gonna do, What am I gonna do, What am I gonna do.

What if monokuma asks me questions!! And what if the others try to ask me stuff!!! What if I out myself!!!

"F&$#" I screamed and shuichi looked at me in shock.

"How about we just go to lunch.. maybe eating will help you"

I nodded my head and grabbed shuichis arm. He flinched from the contact but I'd rather take my chances of him finding out than making a fool of myself.

We walked over to the cafeteria and once we entered I hid behind shuichi and looked over his shoulder. "Kokichi you don't have to hide..."

"That's what you think shumai but I'm not taking any chances"

We started heading to the kitchen before I heard Angie gonta and kiibo talk. "Hello shuichi, hello kokichi, are you doing any better?"

With out thinking I let go of shuichi and bolted into the kitchen and hid behind the counter.

I heard shuichi jogging to the kitchen and quickly looked over the counter. "Kokichi?!? Why'd you run?"


he sighed and grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "Come on it can't be that bad" he started to pull me to the cafeteria again.

"Im not going back!!"

"Yes you are!"



"I'll kiss you if you don't let me go!!!!"

He quickly let me go as he turned around "huh?!"

I went flying and hit the cabinet, I quickly ran to the other side of the counter away from shuichi.

"Knew that would work"

"Wait I thought u couldn't tell lies?!?!"

"I can't" I smirked and leaned on the counter.

Shuichis face quickly turned red  and he tried to walk around the counter to get me.

"Come on we need to go in there"

"Nope!" I ran around and it quickly became a game of trickster

Before I knew it he grabbed me by my scarf and pulled me back. The scarf came off and I landed on something.

"Trying to kill me-!" I turned around to see shuichi on the ground as well, laughing.

I started laughing to, we couldn't stop laughing for a good 5-10 minutes. Once we were done I looked back up and shuichi was looking at my scarf.

"Ah, can I have that back?" I pointed to my scarf starting to stand back up.

He quickly stood up "ah! Ya"

I reached out for the scarf but felt it being tied around my neck. I looked down and saw shuichi tying it around for me.


He looked back up and smiled, I could feel myself turn pink and turned around. "Ah... Thanks.. anyways how about we go out now," I turned back around to him "I'm just not gonna talk"

I covered my mouth and we started heading to the cafeteria,

"What was that about kokichi?" Kiibo asked looking concerned

I could feel myself muttering into my hand, and looked at shuichi.

"He doesn't wanna speak since he's scared he'll say something weird" he chuckled slightly.

I nodded my head. And walked over to sit at a table

Three days with this torture... This is gonna be awful...


°×{The way you look at me}×° shuichi x kokichi (saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now