part 14

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Kokichi's pov

"So cockichi! How is it not being able to be your stupid self" I was about to jump up and attack her.

"Miu.. I don't think you should make fun of him."

"Ya miu! Your stinky horny ass should shut up!!" I slammed my hand on the table. "Oh shut up you cock sucker!!"

"What if I am- SHEET" I covered my mouth instantly as they all looked back at me. I grabbed shuichis hat and put it on me

"Shumai I'ma use this k"

"Ah but koki-"

I covered his mouth, got up and left.

Shuichis pov

I havnt seen kokichi since breakfast, I'm sure he wants to be alone but I got worried... I started walking to the dorms hoping to find him in his dorm, but I didn't.

I walked back to my dorm and heard something in my room. I slowly opened the door and saw kokichi pacing again.

"Kokichi what are you doing?"

"PACING HELPS" he quickly turned to me and screamed, I slightly flinched, he looked like he was gonna lose it.

"Kokichi are you sure your ok?"

He stood there and looked down, I couldn't see his face anymore due to my hat on him. I slowly walked towards him and suddenly heard a sniffle.

"Kokichi are you crying?"


I took off the hat and I could see tears in his eyes, I put my hand on top of his head and tilted it up.

"Hey.. what's wrong? Is this all about not being able to lie?"


I tilted his head up so he could look me in the eye "than what's wrong?"

He put his hands over his mouth and shook his head. "you can't tell me?" He nodded slowly

"I'm sorry"

I slight flinched from shock from him saying sorry, it sounded genuine.

With out thinking I hugged him, tight, I felt bad. I quickly felt a pair of small hands hug me back.

The hug lasted for a few minutes before we sperated. I wiped his eyes and he looked back up at me. "Thanks shumai"

"Ya, oh, have you had any food yet?"


"We should go eat lunch than you must be hungry"

"I am" I heard a small growl and looked behind me kokichi was looking down in shock and I seemed a bit shocked myself.

"What was that- IS MY STOMACH TRYING TO KILL ME" he seemed shocked he was looking up at me than down at his stomach repeatedly.

I started laughing lightly before he looked back up "why are you laughing?!? Tell me what that noise was!!!"

"It was your stomach kokichi, that noise means ur hungry" I wiped a tear from my eye

"It does??" He finally looked calm but also confused

"Wait have you never heard your stomach growl?"

He quickly looked away and I could see a tint of pink on his cheeks. Cute

I grabbed his hand and we started walking to the cafeteria, almost everyone was gone when we arrived but angie himiko tenko and gonta were there

"Atua and i still think we should make a council! It will help with these kind of situations."

"Angie's right but it should only consist of girls! No boys are smart enough to help us out!!"

We walked past them and went to the kitchen I grabbed some snacks and we headed back to my dorm.

"Did you get any candy?"


I heard a grumble a when we finally entered my room. "Kokichi you can't just eat candy"

"I knowwww" we sat on my bed and I handed him some of the food I got. I watched him eat slowly before taking a small bite of mine.

I looked ba at him and looked back down

"Hey kokichi...?"


He continued eating while I paused for a second. Should I ask?

"Your... Your always saying odd stuff about me.. or more like um... Sexual.. or intimate... Stuff about me..."


"Do you.. like me kokichi?"

Within a second I heard him choke on his food and start coughing. I quickly patted his back trying to help him.

"I- you probably think something like that is weird huh- I mean-"

His words started going all over the place and he seemed to be panicking.

"Hey, hey, it's ok I dont mind...." I tried calling him down before I saw tears again and he wouldn't look at me.

I hugged him and rubbed circles in his back, he started to calm down and I hugged him tighter. "You don't have to be worries kokichi.. I don't think it's weird one bit..."

He hugged me back slowly and we stayed like that for a while.

Before long we heard the night time announcement and I could tell kokichi was sleepy.

"Hey let's go to bed k?"

He nodded his head and we both got changed and layed down. He distanced himself for me but I broke the distance by wrapping my arms around his small figure and pulling him close.

"Goodnight kokichi.."

It was silence for a few seconds before I heard a small "goodnight shumai"


In l honesty some real hard stuff has been happening and I didn't fell motivated but I'm back!!

°×{The way you look at me}×° shuichi x kokichi (saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now