part 5

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Shuichi's pov

Me and kokichi were walking over to the dorms in silence. At first it was a calm silence but it slowly became awkward.

I peeked over to kokichi to see he was slightly skipping and smiling, I'm still surprised on how happy he is..

"Kokichi.. y-you probably shouldn't be s..kipping.. it might make your h-head hurt more"

"I- Im f-f-fine sh-sh-shuichi" he only giggled imitating my stuttering.

"Nishishi~ it's fine shuichi! It doesn't even hurt a bit!"

I only narrowed my eyes at him with a bit of a scowl. I dont stutter that much.... right-?

We arrived to the dorms within  10 minutes and walked over to my dorm. I turned a bit to see kokichi starring up at the railing

I looked to see where kokichi fell and saw a bit of blood. A sweat tear fell off of kokichi's head.. guess he really wasn't ok.

I quickly grabbed his hand and brought him into my dorm room so that he snap out of the trance. He stumbled a bit but quickly became steady

"Jeez shumai if you wanted me that bad you could've just said!"

I could feel myself turn pink from his comment and from shock I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

He only giggled "Im joking shumai! Nishishi!"

He skipped over to my bed while I stared in defeat, he jumped into the bed and looked around. "Your rooms suprisingly clean?"

"A-ah I'm not really fond of messes so I c-clean a lot." I looked away hoping he wouldn't say anything of it.

He only shrugged and layed down closing his eyes.

"Do I have to sleep here to~?"

I only looked up thinking, "I would think so what if you start bleeding at night.."

He only looked back in shock "what?" I asked only tilting my head.

"Damn... Ur really innocent shumai- maybe I should fix that!"

I quickly realized what he asked and turned red.. I didn't notice at first I thought he was asking out of curiosity!!

"A-ah i-m.. I d-didnt um.." I looked away quickly.

Kokichi's pov

I laughed at his response, he really is inoccent. I got up and walked over to him. He was looking away Wich gave me a chance to suprise him.

I was right infront of him looking up at him. He finally looked back and noticed I was in front of him and backed up. At this point he was against a wall and I only walked closer.

"Nishishi it almost like you want me to do something shumai~"

He was only turning more red by the second. He put his hands infront of his face trying to cover his blush but I only laughed and walked away.

"It's ok shumai I know you don't like me in anyway I was only teasing!"

He only looked up shocked again. Is he always shocked by what I say? "That's not true.." I looked back over to him a bit curious

"Ohh so you love me!"

"A-ah no! I- mean..  um I guess I would think of you as an acquaintance or something close to a friend.."

Ya, that hurt but I'm glad that he didn't hate me "huh.. I thought you would've hated me like mother."

"Kirumi? She doesn't hate you?"

°×{The way you look at me}×° shuichi x kokichi (saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now