Part 17

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shuichis pov



me and kokichi quickly jolted pun from the sudden outburst from miu screaming bloody murderer form downstairs. "agghhhhHHHHHH, does she REALLY have to be this annoying in the morning." kokichi rubbed his head in annoyance to waking up.

"maybe its something important?" he looked my way with an unimpressed look, ya even I didn't believe myself. "she's just trying to annoy just, im going back to bed." As kokichi went to lay back down we heard a Big Bang along with more yelling coming through the doorway.

miu had kicked open the door and was screaming at us to get up. "YOU GAYS CAN FUCK LATER GET CHANGED AND COME OUT" she intstantly stormed out of the room without hesitation and kokichi groaned once again and sat up.

I laughed slightly before he hopped out of bed agressivley and went to the closet. he took out a pair of his clothes and went into the bathroom, slamming his door on the way in. he seemed almost mad at me?

in the middle of my thoughts I saw the door slowly open and kokichi poke his head out "that wasn't directed to you, sorry shumai.." I smiled at hi as he closed the door once again. I walked over to the closet and took some cloths and changed. before putting on my shirt I heard the door open and a dressed kokichi come around the corner.

"Ah kokichi, im not do-"

he put his hand on my mouth before I could finish. "yes shumai I can see that, yes your hot and all but im to tired to do anything right now'' I could feel my face heating up.. did he not hear what he just said?!?

"ah ok?"

maybe the no lies wore off I doubt he would say anything like that..

"and no the non lying didn't wear off if that's what your wondering, im still telling the damn truth." he said as he plopped on the bed and sighed. I quickly put on my shirt and walked over tot he bed where he was.

"I feel like you can hear my thoughts kokichi-?"

he sat up and raised an eyebrow before we heard another scream from miu outside. kokichi and I walked to the door and out of no where he slammed the door open and started creaming back ''Jesus Christ CAN YOU SHUT UP MIU WE HEARD YOU"

we looked around and everyone was around miu, I could tell most of them were annoyed some of them just curious. I was mostly curious but I was still angry that she woke me up this early..

before any of us could ask what's up she screamed "FOLLOW ME FUCKERS" and started running out of the dorm room. we all quickly started following her as she led us to a big room with a giant screen and some chairs?

"LOOK AT WHAT I FOUND" we all stared in awe at the giant room. I don't think any of us have seen this many devices other than the announcement tv.

"when did you find this miu?!?!" Kaito screamed. she slightly laughed and pointed down "if you want me to tell ya.. YOU HAVE TO BEG" before she opened her eyes we all started walking away and she quickly called us back

"W-WAIT.. you don't have to beg but just let me tell you pls.." we all walked back and she started to explain what this was/. it was a computer system not exactly to the outside world, but they were advanced.

"a-and lastly I could make a virtual world for us.. I can code out all the dangerous items so no one gets hurt. your feelings and physically feeling will also be included..." she squirmed in place as everyone looked slightly confused but also very interested. some even scared.

"could that... actually work?" I looked down at kokichi as he stared in shock. "O-OF COURSE IT IS YOU FUCKING MIDGET, DO YOU REALLY THINK IM AS STUPID AS ALL OF YOU?"

"I really shouldn't have asked-" he face palmed himself as he looked completely annoyed. "the thing is it won't be ready until tomorrow morning or tonight." she rubbed the back of her head as she sighed and looked up at everyone. "great- great now can we go back to fucking bead?!?!?!?!?" kokichi screamed annoyed of miu


he stormed out of the room and I quickly walked after him, I found him outside sitting against the wall already asleep. everyone soon walked out and headed to breakfast, I picked up kokichi and started to walk over to the dorm. I saw some people talking together while others couldn't be seen.

as we walked into my room I laid kokichi down carefully to not wake him up, he must still be sleepy from yesterday.

I decided to try and stop thinking about it and take a shower. I grabbed a pair of clothes and walked in the bathroom.


kokichis pov


I slowly got up and looked around confused. "shumai?" I got up and walked around the room seeing if he actually left or at least left a note. he mustve gone to breakfast..

before I could process my thought I heard the door to the bathroom open and saw a wet Shuichi come out still drying his hair. "oh you were in the shower" in looked up in suprisment than in confusion. "oh! your awake, and where did you think I was?"

"I thought u went to breakfast- wait what Time even is it?!?" Shuichi looked at the cloth in the corner of his room and slightly squinted. "1:30? im pretty sure so everyone should've already gone to lunch" he then looked my way and walked closer "are you hungry? we could go to the kitchen to get some food"

I nodded and loosely got up stretching out, "geez how long have I been asleep I feel like I was sleeping on a rock-"

he looked up in thought and was silent for a few minutes, "maybe about an hour and a half?" he looked back at me shrugging his shoulders. " was really tired I don't understand why" I squinted my eyes. "I would test if I can still not lie or not... but im to scared of what's gonna come out of my horny- ahem I mean dumb mouth" I started walking to the door as Shuichi raised an eyebrow at me.

I quickly swung open the door only to be met with a purple idiot. "uhh Shuichi?" I turned around and Shuichi had just as much shock on his face as I did.

"Kaito? what are you doing here?"

°×{The way you look at me}×° shuichi x kokichi (saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now