part 8

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No one's pov

Kokichi slowly opened his eyes to hear gentle breathing, he quickly turned around but fell off the edge of the bed.


The blue haired male quickly woke up and looked around only to see kokichi on the floor probably half knocked out.

"I think I just gave myself a concussion..." Kokichi said laying on the floor, shuichi softly giggled after finding out what kokichi had done.

Kokichi's pov

I slowly got up and looked over to shuichi, he had his hand over his mouth and I could see he was trying not to laugh. "Oh so me getting a concussion makes you laugh" 

I got back on the bed and rubbed my head trying to get the pain to stop. I than felt another hand on my head and quickly darted my gaze to shuichi "did it really hurt that much, I'm sorry"


I could feel my eye twitch, I tried to keep the blush hidden and with effort I did. "Nishishi, no it didn't hurt one bit! Now can I take all these bandages off!!!"

I stood up I had wishing I didn't move, he only looked at my head than back down.

"Why's shumai looking me up and down~? Nishishi"

His face flushed within a second and I felt like fist pumping to myself. "Ah.. I don't think you should... M-maybe you can take off the forehead bandages but not the s-stomach ones..."

I quickly ripped off the forehead bandages, they were really uncomfortable.

"Sweet fucking freedom!!!!"

I looked over to shuichi face palming and I only laughed. "They were uncomfortable!! Also is my head ok or did kaito the idiot leave a scar?!?! If he did I'll ask gonta to beat him up!!!"

He quickly looked back at me as I held the bandages and tried looking up at my head and feeling it with my other hand.

"It looks fine.. I don't see any scars" he got up and came over to me and turning me around.

"Woah a but to intimate shumai"

He quickly let go and backed up "I'm just t-trying to check if you have any scars or wounds!!"

"Nishishi I know" he came back and looked through my hair, it kinda felt nice almost reassuring. He than backed away  "I don't see anything you much be all healed"

He walked over to his closet and grabbed one of his uniforms and layed it on the bed. Suddenly the morning announcements came on.

I looked up at the screen than back over to shumai to see he had a clicked expression suddenly.

"Oh ya himikos magic show!"

I only raised and eyebrow and walked over to get my own uniform "ya?"

"It starts at 9:30"


He looked over at me and sighed, I grabbed my own uniform only to turn around

"Do we have to go? Its gonna be to boring"

"Yes we have to"


I quickly sprinted into the bathroom and shut the door, within minutes I was changed and walked out to see shuichi changed and reading a book.

"Hurryyyy I want breakfast!!!"

I pulled in shuichi until he finally got up, we walked out of his dorm and headed to the door.

As we headed out we saw a few other heading out as well and walking to the main building.

When we got to the dining everyone was gathered other than Angie himiko and kirumi.

"Nishishi they might be off killing someone" a few heads turned towards me as shuichi nudged me.

"Kokichi don't say things like that..."

I only shrugged and headed to the kitchen. I looked around but found nothing of interest to eat. I got myself a panta but it was instantly snatched from my hands

"No soda. You need to eat real food" this bitc-

I turned around and shuichi had the soda behind his back, I went to grab it but he held it in the air.

"Real food!!"


"Eat something!!"

"Make me!!!"

"maybe he can eat pooichis dic-!!!!"

Suddenly me and shuichi stopped fighting and looked into the dining room to see kiibo covering miu's mouth.

"Miu!!! You don't say things like that!!!"

She was trying to scream through his hand

"Wait, how do you know what a dick is kiibo?!?! I thought u didn't know what a dick was?!?" I asked.

"That's robophobic!!!!!"

Shuichis pov

I watched kiibo and kokichi bicker for a few seconds before hiding the panta. When kokichi turned back to me I showed my hands and he only groaned.

I finally got him to eat a plate of pancakes/ waffles for breakfast and by the time he was done it was already 9:15

"Come on kokichi, we should go to the gym"

He only nodded and jumped up, we started heading to the gym and halfway there he started skipping, it was silent not an awkward silent but a calm silent.

Once we entered we saw everyone there, except ryoma maki and kaito? I looked around again and the set up was amazing!

There was an actual water tank and everything!

"Did you guys really set this all up?! It's amazing" Angie only giggled

"Yep! With the help of atua we accomplished it!! Though I don't know why we have more piranhas.."

Kokichi scoffed and stared swinging around. My eyes widened and I looked up at the tank. Those are piranhas?!?!

"H-h-hello everyone!! Thank y-you all for coming t-t-to my magic s-show!!" Himiko was standing on the stage

Some clapped.

"Today I'm g-going to enter the w-water tank and escape!! To make the stakes even higher!" She pointed to a small time limit set up on the stage.

"There's a t-time limit... If u don't make it out in t-time..." She than pointed to a a medium sized tank of piranhas "I'll be pureed.."

I stared in shock and fear. This is horribly dangerous!! Most people gasped and some stared in shock or amazement.

"O-ok let the show begin!"

Kirumi was standing by the timer as Angie was down by the curtain.

Himiko than jumped in and the timer started and Angie closed the curtains. Everyone was staring in fear, no one sure of what was going to happen.

Once the timer was at 20 seconds I could hear gonta "gonta need to check if himiko is alright!!!!" He quickly ran up the stage on the boards and looked down

"Hey you can't do that!!" Angie screamed. Gonta suddenly had a questionable look on his face "huh?"

Suddenly the piranhas had dropped, and Angie went to open the curtain.


Was ryomas body...


And within seconds there was no more than a pile of bones........

°×{The way you look at me}×° shuichi x kokichi (saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now