part 18

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shuichis pov


I looked at the door in shock as I saw Kaito standing there, kokichi was just as suprised at me. before Kaito said a word kokichi slammed the door shut. "how about we just lock the door and stay in here?" he turned towards me and started walking behind me. "know what that sounded wrong-" he quickly stopped in his tracks as I walked to the door and opened it.

"what do you want Kaito" he rubbed the back of his head a she looked down at the floor, the more he just stood there the angrier I got "if your not going to answer-" without a word he just started walking away. I tilted my head in confusion than looked back at kokichi. he had the same expression as I did but his mouth was open.

kokichi shrugged it off and walked out the door with out a second though, before being left behind I started following him as we left the dorms and into the main building heading tot he kitchen.

when we got it it had already turned to 2:30 so everyone had left. w slowly into the kitchen and found a few things of food laying out. kokichi ignored the odd scene and went to the fridge quickly gasping. ''ok.. WHO THE FUCK TOOK ALL THE PANTA" 

I lightly flinched form the sudden scream  that suddenly came, he turned around and started looking in all the cabinets and every drawer. "kokichi calm down maybe you drank them all!?!?" 

"NO THERE WAS STILL 6 IN THERE" I face palmed at how much this small, thing? could drink so much sugar. "maybe its good-" I put my hand on his shoulder trying to turn him around, before I heard a sniffle. 

I turned him around and saw small tear pecking his eyes "I know its dumb to cry but that's like my comfort drink.." now I started to feel bad. he wiped one his eyes with his white sleeve and I wiped the other. "hey its ok we'll find more, and if we don't we can just ask." I slightly flinched before saying "Monokuma" he looked dup at me in shock. "what?'

he started laughing slightly as I was completely confused. "you hate Monokuma with all your soul and yet your willing to ask him if we have any panta for me" he started to laugh more and I started to giggle. it did sound pretty stupid once we stopped laughing we both looked at each other "of course I would, if it helps comfort you than Id do anything"

he smiled slightly and went back to the fridge this time he grabbed a bottle of juice as I grabbed a bottled ice tea some chips and an apple. we walked out of the kitchen and I felt something nudge my leg. I quickly looked down and jumped at the sight of the black and white bear.

"I heard my name a few minutes ago? were you two talking shit about me?!?!" I went infant of kokichi and slightly looked back wishing I didn't say I would ask him "Monokuma.. do you happen to have any panta.. if not do you think you could get some-" 

I went silent before finishing. I hate asking this stupid thing favors, it makes me feel like im betraying my friends. I than felt a tug on my sleeve and saw kokichi grabbing onto my shirt. I than heard the bear clear his throat and before I knew it he had 2 panta's, one in each hand.

"this is all im giving you, I don't do favors."  I grabbed the two bottles and looked at kokichi. within a second the bear was gone and I un stiffened. I turned around and handed the bottles to kokichi as his eyes lit u. on our way back to the dorms he was skipping the whole way. I guess he really does love that drink. ill keep that in mind for when we escape this place. as we enetered the dorms we saw Kaito in the middle looking around. as we walked to my room we both felt him stop us.

"what do you want idiot" kokichi said quickly turning around, before kokichi could do anything Kaito lifted up a pack of panta.

"I-how" I said silently, "Im... sorry kokichi, I've been a complete jerk, I was thinking that this could be my peace offering?" I looked down at kokichi and he was looking down.


kaito flinched and looked tot re side. kokichi crossed his arms as he looked down at the pack "how many?" Kaito looked back up in surprise and slightly smiled . "a 20 pack, all fresh"

kokichi than went silent and took the package as he started to walk back to my room. "apology accepted than." I jaw practically dropped. "he went through all that... and yet he forgives you with the gift of a pack of panta..?" Kaito started laughing "I heard you guys in the kitchen, guess he really loves those drinks"

I smiled at Kaito glad that he apologized to kokichi for what he did. "well in that case I forgive you to Kaito." I slightly smiled at him before I started following kokichi. when we both entered the room and closed the door he was practically jumping for joy. "I HAVE 20 BOTTLES OF PANTAA" I started laughing from how happy he was. 

"I guess it really is your lucky day" "it re-" 

"ALL OF YOU FUCKERS GET OUR HERE RIGHT NOW" me and kokichi jump from the sudden outburst from miu. "this mother fuc-" I covered kokichis mouth before he finished his sentence. "kokichi I get you hate her outbursts but you really shouldn't call her that-"

we both walked outside to see almost everyone gathered around miu, EVERYONE annoyed.

"alright you fuckers, the coding was much easier tan I thought so the virtual world is already done." she crossed her arms as she stared at everyone waiting for a praise or something.

"can we see it and try it?" I quietly said trying to not to gain much attention. without a word she started walking back to the computers as we all followed her close by. I looked over at kokichi hoping to see if he had any reaction. none

as we entered the computer room we all looked in amazement as we saw the big computer and a few chairs surrounding it with headsets on each one. "what the fuck is this-" kokichi quickly said before I could stop him. 

"its the fucking virtual set you fucking rat" I face palmed from how much rash language kokichi and miu used. we all walked over to the vr set as she showed us with one went to each person. 

"and lastly what ever you do don't put the wrong cords into the wrong holes that can trigger the emotion activity to get switched up." kokichi grab done of the headsets and tried to plug the cords in the wrong spots. I quickly grab the headset away from him and unplugged the cord he plugged in. 

"kokichi no" he practically whined trying to grab the headset from me. After miu explained the whole thing we all sat in our chairs ready and scared to go into the virtual world. I sat by kokichi who I could see wanted to plug the cords into the wrong ports. I slapped his hand and he put the right ones into each one. as we all put on the headset I was worried for what would happen.

°×{The way you look at me}×° shuichi x kokichi (saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now