part 9

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Shuichis pov

We all stared at the body, all still, all silent, no one knew wut to say...

"A body has been discovered!!!!!"

(I'm sleepy)


Himiko was staring at ryomas body, and finally maki and kaito entered the room. All silence broke as we all heard kaitos scream.


Everyone turned over to kaito and maki barley noticing they just walked in. I looked to my left to see kokichi staring at the tank a bit shocked.

"Nishishi! I knew he'd be next!! Now who killed the prisoner guy!!!"

Everyone looked over to kokichi, I was confused why he would say that, he doesn't mean it does he?

"I-i-i... I thought a magic show would be f-f-fine.. b-but someone was killed?!"

I looked over at himiko as she was trembling I than looked back at the tank to see ryomas bones on the bottom of the tank.

"We need to get him out of there before the evidence gets washed away"

Suddenly gonta and tenko picked up kiibo and threw him at the tank. As the tank shattered the pink stained blood washed over the whole gym..

I saw kokichi back up a lot so he wouldn't touch the water. I can tell he isn't glad about the murderer.

"Let's... Start investigating"

—In The Middle Of The Trial—

"Kirumi would you mind explaining..." We figured it out kirumi was the killer.... She killed ryoma by placing his body in the tank and letting him drop.

"I-its wasn't me!!! You havnt even accused kokichi!!! He could've killed him!! No one knows where he was!!"

I looked over to kokichi and he looked hurt but he was smiling.

"Nishishi, yep I killed ryoma!!"

I looked over at kokichi in shock, I get he would do this but not now we almost have her!!

"See!! He even admits it!!"

"It wasn't kokichi because, i-..I was with him the whole night... He was staying at my dorm for the night..."


I looked over at miu in confusion and in pure embarrassment

"No.. we didn't he was hurt.. so I had to take care of him."

Everyone looked over at my and I could tell they wanted an answer. Should I tell them? They might get mad at kaito, but if I don't they might start accusing kokichi if I don't

"Someone got mad at h-him.. and they went to extreme measures.."


I only went silent and shook my head "I'd rather not say.. I don't want people getting mad at other people."

Eveyrone gave me a slight glare but than got back to the case.

Within a few more minutes me finally voted kirumi. And we were right...

Kokichis pov

Kirumi was the culprit.... She killed someone....

I felt like crying.. I don't want to be here... Please....

"Mom why..." She looked over to me with an angered look. She used to be so nice why is this happening..

°×{The way you look at me}×° shuichi x kokichi (saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now