part 2

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Kokichi pov

I know shuichi doesn't care for me that much, but it's ok!

I only need to protect him, I've never really experienced love but all I know is that you make the other happy no matter what!

I was walking over to the dining room to get a snack when I heard a few voices.

"This game is getting so boring!!" Monophonie...

"I know right!!! Papa won't be pleased if we don't make it continue, and it's all because of that damn shuichi" monokid

"Papa said he'll come out with a new motive soon"

Motive? I walked into the dining room to scare the bears and they all turned to me a bit startled.

"How long have u been here!" One of them said quickly.

"Hmm not long, or maybe I was here the whole time nishishi"

They all suddenly disappeared and I walked over to the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle of panta and walked right back out to be met with miu.

"Move it abortion!!!"

She pushed me to the side where I hit my arm on the door frame. You could hear a loud like crack... Or something

Miu looked at me a bit shocked that I didn't scream form the sound.

"Damn didn't that heart you piece of shit?"

I only turned to her rubbing my arm "are you kidding me? If this hurt I wouldn't never be a supreme leader."

In truth it hurt like hell, it felt like the metal piece in it pierced my bone and I felt like screaming

"Fucking weirdo" she said than turned back around and headed to the kitchen.

I walked over to the dorm rooms but decided not to walk in. At this time kaito shuichi and maki are usually in there right now talking after their training. I walked away and went over to kirumis lab

Of course she was in there cleaning it for probably the 100th time.

"Hey kirumi"

She looked at me a sighed "what happened this time?" She walked over to me checking for cuts scars anything

"Oh nothing-" she grabbed .y arm and hissed and pulled it back.

"Ah so that's where it is." She sat me on a chair unbuttoned my shirt and went to get bandages.
"Who did it this time?"

I didn't answer for a bit. "The cum dumpster."

She looked over to me and shook her head and bandaged my arm up. I hissed everytime she touched it.

"You should go to bed kokichi it's nearly 1 am"

"What about you, your up this late you need sleep as much as we do"

Yes I know this is unusual of me, but kirumi was like a mom she was the only one who cared for me and I don't want her hurt.

"If you fall asleep, I'll sleep as well"

"Promise?" She nodded and I left.

I started walking to the dorms but remembered I left my panta at kirumis lab so I headed to the dining room.

I walked in and was looking around, for some reason my eye caught the small knives on the counter. I walked up to it and picked it up

"Oh how easy it would be to die right here wouldn't it?"

I had these thoughts at random, I took my scarf off and put the knife up to my throat and cut it a bit.

I gritted at the pain but I felt like my stress was relieved, suddenly I heard footsteps and the light turn on.

I quickly turned around and saw shuichi staring at me a bit shocked.

I quickly hid the knife and smiled at him "hellooo~ shumai!"

He looked at me even for shocked and I was confused until I remember I had the slit on my neck. I quickly grabbed my scarf and tied it around my neck

"Kokichi wat is that-" I quickly grabbed my panta and ran out heading to the dorms.

When I made it to the dorms I ran into my room and locked the door.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" I was cursing at my self I put my hands to my head and I could feel myself crying

"What was I thinking..."

Within minutes I was caught up in the darkness and nightmares of sleep...

Heloooo~ everyoneee I'll try to be updating every 2 days maybe?

°×{The way you look at me}×° shuichi x kokichi (saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now