#32 Bingo Book

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The three shinobi in front of Naruto looked shocked as they recognized the sword Naruto was holding. The simple white hilt and the use of the hiraishin were surefire signs to them that they were facing one of the most deadly shinobi they knew.
“It’s the white death.” The one on the left whispered, referring to Naruto’s alias in the bingo book. Naruto only smiled, readying his sword.
“But it seems that he is alone, we can take him.” The leader of the trio said, taking out another set of kunai.
Naruto sighed, he had hoped that they would run, he didn't want to have to kill them. Blocking the onslaught of kunai Naruto knew that he couldn't just use the hiraishin, since the kunai would then head straight towards Hinata and the injured team. Blocking their attacks he threw a small smoke bomb, blocking everyone’s view for a few moments.
The trio looked around, their weapons ready to defend as the smoke cleared and they saw their opponent still standing in between them and their previous targets. Turning, they once again faced Naruto who looked at them with grim eyes. Readying their kunai the rogues felt the air behind them move but were too late as they felt cold steel pressed against their necks.
“Do not move.” Naruto ordered them as he watched his clones apply a bit of pressure to their blades.
“You, drop your weapons.” The blonde said while pointing at the leader of the trio. The man complied as the sound of kunai dropping echoed through the forest.
“What are your names?” Asked Naruto as he sheathed his own short sword.
“My name is Renga. They are Ruiga and Jiga. We are brothers.” Renga, the man in the middle said.
“Why did you attack this team?” Came the next question.
“The jonin has a price on his head.” Renga answered, as Ruiga and Jiga quickly shot a look at each other.
Before Naruto could ask further, Ruiga and Jiga had moved, trying to knock the kunai away from their throats and stab the clones behind them. Renga tried to do the same, however his timing was slightly delayed so the clone behind him reacted quickly enough, slicing his throat before he could push the blade away. Ruiga and his brother looked at the blood coming from their sibling and screamed in rage. Jiga stabbed the clone who had killed Renga while Ruiga sped forward to engage Naruto himself.
Quickly the blond had his sword back in hand, blocking the strikes from Ruiga’s and Jiga’s kunai. As he blocked another strike he saw an opening and with a quick strike of his sword Jiga fell down, blood coming from his chest. Ruiga was distracted by this and Naruto used it to also eliminate the last of the attackers. Quickly wiping his sword on the clothes of Ruiga Naruto sheathed it and walked over towards Hinata and the squad they had protected.
He was relieved to see that Hinata had wisely told the kids to cover their eyes, as they were still blocking their own vision. A quick fire jutsu and the bodies burned. Waiting for the bodies to be nothing but ash Naruot told the genin that they could open their eyes now.
“Are you really the white death?” Asked the Jonin after he had reassured himself that his genin were unharmed. Not seeing any reason to lie, Naruto nodded.
“I didn't know that Iwa had gained another A-rank shinobi.” The jonin said with a smile as he slowly got up, followed by his students.
“Sensei, what is an A-rank?” The only girl in the squad asked.
“Well you see, there is a book. It is called the bingo book and each of the five great villages has its own version of it. In this book is a list of the shinobi that pose the greatest threat to the village’s own shinob. I am sure you have learned about the great sannin. They are in our bingo books as S-rank, because there are only a few people that can match their strength. S-rank is the highest rank that someone can get, the second highest is A-rank, then comes B-rank, then C-rank and lastly D-rank. However most versions of the bingo book only list people higher than B-rank, since most chunin from other villages fall at least into D-rank and then the book would just be too big. Each entry has his or her name or nickname written there as well as some specific attributes to identify them. There are a few more informations about the shinobi in the book, but that is the most important stuff.” The jonin said, giving his students an improvised lecture about the bingo book, while taking a copy out of his jacket and showing it to them.
“And you are a A-rank?” One of the boys asked, looking at Naruto with wide eyes. Smiling at the boy, the blonde nodded and watched as their sensei quickly flipped a few pages in the book, showing them Naruto’s page.
“Who is the ‘Lost Hyuuga’?” The boy asked again as he read the page. Naruto chuckled as he took a glance into the book and saw the new nickname Hinata had gotten.
“That would be my partner.” He said as he gestured at the purple haired girl that stood next to him. The eyes of the genin went wide. The jonin only smiled as his students bombarded the pair with questions. He had already guessed that Hinata would be the counterpart to the white death, since the two were never seen without each other and she fit the description perfectly.
“Alright, that is enough questions, if we run into them again when we are not on a mission I am sure that they will answer everything you can come up with, but now they need to get back to their mission.” The man said, after a few minutes of letting his squad question the two shinobi. Waving their goodbyes Naruto and Hinata jumped back into the trees, going back towards their camp.

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