#6 Escape

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Naruto was again looking through the backpack Hiashi had given him, hoping, that he would have everything he would need on his journey. Hearing the knock on the door, he looked up and at the door, watching as it opened to reveal Hinata peeking into the room. 

"My father wants you to come and see him.", she said silently, trying not to disturb the silence that was in the whole house. The blonde boy only nodded, closing the backpack and shouldering it. The two walked out of the house they were in into the dark night and towards the big house, where Hiashi's office is located. 

After Hiashi we had set down in Hiashi's office, the older man looked at the children with a sad smile on his face. 

"I have set everything up for you two. The house is ready and there will be food delivered for the next two years. Hinata has the keys."

The boy nodded, taking this information in. 

"I trust, that you will get there safely. There have been a lot of bandit sightings recently." Hiashi sounded worried at the prospect of his daughter and her friend running into said rogue groups. 

"Don't worry about that. As long as we don't get followed by the Anbu, we will be good." Naruto reassured the worried Hyuuga. 

"When do we leave?" Hinata asked timidly, clutching her bag, trying to hold back tears.

"We leave in an hour. I'll go and get my stuff from my apartment and then we meet back up here." Naruto said, while standing up. Hinata nodded and tightened her grip on the bag that she had packed with everything necessary for her. 

Hiashi nodded at the young boy, watching as he opened the door and went out of his office.

"I don't wanna leave." Hinata confessed when Naruto was gone. Hiashi's eyes softened as he enveloped his daughter in a hug. 

"I know, but you have to. There is no other way." He whispered as the purple haired girl began to cry into his chest.

Naruto walked through the dark streets. Usually he wouldn't have been able to, because of the so called 'fox patrols' by the villagers that would go through the village even at night. Tonight it was different, not a single soul walked the streets. Apparently everyone rested easily, knowing that they had finally been able to get rid of the 'monster' that had plagued them for so long. 

Sighing, Naruto turned around another corner and walked straight through the old Uchiha district's gates. He knew exactly where he was going. Itachi had told him that whenever he needed his help, he only needed to put a piece of paper in a certain mailbox and Itachi would come to help him within six hours or send help in other ways. That's exactly what he did now, he wrote a meeting point in the woods on the paper and put it in, before turning around and heading to his apartment.

At his apartment he took his few belongings and sealed them in a scroll. Taking one final look at his former home he turned around and left, leaving the door open. 

After he returned to the Hyuuga compound, he waited as Hinata gave one last hug to her father before they went to the wall around the compound, waiting in the shadows. They heard Hiashi call for the guards and saw how the shinobi patrolling the walls, quickly jumped towards the houses. They waited a few moments, before Naruto took Hinata's hand and helped her jump over the wall with him. Taking a quick look back, a single tear escaped and ran down the blonde boy's cheek. 

Hiashi looked out of his window into the dark night and prayed to the gods, that he had made the right decision. He went to bed, knowing, that the next days would not be fun. 

"Why did we stop?" Hinata asked, lightly panting, as she sat down next to her companion at the edge of a small clearing. 

"Well, you are exhausted, and need some rest. Besides, I want you to meet someone. He will help us in the years to come." Naruto explained. 

They had been running for almost six hours and it was taking a toll on both of them. Naruto knew, that the Anbu hadn't been alerted yet, since the sun was still low behind the forest and no one would have looked for Hinata until now. 

The purple haired girl looked at the whiskered child with suspicion in her eyes. "Who is that person, that we are meeting?" She asked, suspicion evident not only in her look but also in her voice. 

Naruto was just about to answer, when a crow landed in front of the two, silently staring at them with its black eyes.

"Ah, speak of the devil." The children stood up and Naruto smiled, when the crow spread its wings before being enveloped in a cloud of smoke. 

Hinata's eyes widened, when the smoke cleared to reveal a person she knew from Konoha. She stepped back, contemplating if she should just run back to Konoha. 

"Don't worry Hinata, he didn't do what we were told." Naruto's voice calmed her down, even though she still kept a safe distance to the third person in the clearing. 

"She won't trust you, when you don't tell her what happened, Itachi." The Uchiha smiled, at the two younger kids, as he sat down in the grass. After everyone had sat down, he began to tell them about the events that had preceded the so called 'Uchiha massacre'. Even though Naruto already knew the story, it still saddened him, to see Itachi talk about it and the emotions on his face. Hinata's face was a mixture of shock and horror, as she began to realize the full extent of the killings. 

After Itachi was finished, Hinata smiled at him with sad eyes. "I never would have thought that you were following orders when you did it." Itachi only smiled sadly, before standing up.

"Alright, we have to go. I'm sure the Anbu have been alerted by now. Where do we have to go?" In reply to the question Hinata pulled a map out of her pocket and pointed to a small village close to the hidden frost village. Itachi nodded and we took off into the woods.

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