#36 Daimyo

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Arriving at the palace the three genin were stunned seeing the size of the structure. Naruto and Hinata had already been there, they had stolen something for a client, so they had already seen it. The younger girls on the other hand had only seen the complex from afar, so they were wide eyes as they looked up at the walls towering over them.

Knocking on the wooden gate at the entrance, Naruto waited as he heard scrambling on the other side of the wall.

"What do you want at the Daimyo's palace?" the Samurai asked, looking out of the small window next to the gate.

"We are here on behalf of Iwagakure to help with the Daimyo's escort." Naruto said, holding up the scroll from the Tsuchikage.

"Ah okay." The man answered, closing the window again and shouting to the men at the gate to open it.

Walking through the halls the squad got a lot of weird looks from the samurais preparing for their journey. Knocking on the door to the command room, they heard a voice tell them to come in.

Inside they were met with the Daimyo himself and two samurai, looking over a large map with the route planned out. Looking up the Daimyo's eyes narrowed, causing the two samurai to turn around.

"Who are you?" The Daimyo asked, laying down the small pointing stick in his hand.

"We come from Iwagakure and were sent as response to your request for help with your travels." Naruto answered, earning a laugh from one of the samurai.

"You are supposed to be a squad made out of jonin and genin, not some group of teenagers that have yet to draw their first blood." The laughing samurai said.

"Get out and play your pranks on someone else, or we will have you thrown into prison to set your heads straight." The third man continued, taking a step towards the two jonin and their genin. Naruto just stared him down, showing the man that he wasn't afraid of him, before taking out the scroll from the tsuchikage and giving it to the same man.

"We are the team sent by Onoki himself." He started.

"This is Hinata, the Jonin sensei of this team along with myself. The genin are Ryujin, Yeji and Lia. I am Naruto." He continued, introducing his friends to the men in front of him.

"Yeji will coordinate the defensive measures with you, since Hinata and I will guard the procession from the shadows." He said, earning another surprised look from the samurai and a pleased and accepting one from the daimyo.

"They are starting." Hinata said, her hands slowly gliding through Naruto's untamable hair. The blonde only nodded, slightly shifting his body on the branch they were sitting on, turning his head in his girlfriend's lap to face towards the girl's stomach. Laughing slightly Hinata leant down and gave Naruto a quick peck on the lips, before quickly shoving the boy away, effectively throwing him out of the tree.

Quickly flipping and landing on his feet, Naruto smiled at the purple haired girl that came jumping from the tree, as they walked on, following the path.

"Is it normal for your senseis to be so laid back on missions?" Joana, the daimyo's carriage driver, asked Yeji as they one again saw the two jonin casually walking in front of the convoy.

"I can assure you, that these two are part of the best shinobi force in the five nations. They know what they are doing." The girl answered, not really knowing the habits of her new senseis.

"But why are they just walking in front of us? Didn't they say that they would protect us from the shadows?" The samurai who had threatened them, who turned out to be the leader of the samurai garrison in the palace, asked.

"They could just hide their chakra and sneak around, but that would take a lot of energy out of them. Instead they are hiding in plain sight, who would suspect a pair of teenagers, going on a romantic trip to be protecting the daimyo they don't even seem to notice?" Yeji explained what she had deducted herself, earning a nod from the daimyo. Truth is she had wondered herself why Naruto and Hinata were so casual at first until she had seen that they had sealed away their weapons and their headbands to blend in better. That was when the brunette realized what they were doing, smiling proudly to herself.

"We reach Ishigakure in an hour." One of the samurai told Yeji and Ankoro, the leader of the samurai.

A quick nod from the black haired man sent the younger back to his spot, as Yeji made a few hand signals towards Ryujin and Lia, who were walking on the rear corners of the carriage. She received a quick low chakra spike as a reply, just confirming that they had understood the message.

"I hope we don't get halted again, when we reach the village." Joana sighed, as they entered the large valley leading towards their first destination.

"Were there problems the last time you were here?" Yeji asked, looking for any information on potential enemies.

"The last time we were here, we got stopped in front of the gates. We waited for five hours before we were allowed to pass. I don't know why we were stopped or why they had then changed their minds, but I know that the samurai were afraid to attack them. They looked like shinobi and they outnumbered our forces two to one." Ankoro grimaced at the reply from the driver.

"They changed their mind because the daimyo paid the toll they wanted. And we were outnumbered three to one. But that is why you guys are here." He commented, an unsettling smile appearing on his face, although the man quickly hid the smile behind a cough.

"I hope we can be of help." Yeji answered a smile on her face, hoping that they would not run into this group of shinobi.

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