#8 Four Years

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Naruto smiled at Hinata, as he took her hand and the two of them walked through the thick forests, that they had once called home. They both had long black robes covering their figures, since they still were forbidden to set foot in the land of fire.

"Only a few more hours and we will be in Konoha. I'm sure your father will be glad to see you." Naruto said smiling. Hinata didn't respond but only put her arm around Naruto's waist and rested her head on his shoulder, while they were walking into the setting sun.

"I hope, he won't be too mad, that we didn't reach out to him in the past two years." Naruto continued, as they wandered through the woods. Hinata's smile vanished for a short time, as she remembered what had happened on that fateful day.

Hinata and Naruto had been training with each other, while Itachi was out in town, getting some groceries. It had become a rare occurrence for Itachi to visit them, since he had gotten more and more missions from the Akatsuki, but he still would make time for the two of them, whenever he could. They were laughing, while Hinata tried to dodge all of the balls, that Naruto threw at her.

Suddenly Naruto tensed up and looked worriedly in the direction, where the village was. That's when Hinata heard it. The sound of someone running towards them. She also heard a group of men following the runner, but they were a bit further away. When the person crashed into the clearing, it was Itachi who was looking worried and exhausted.

"Naruto, Hinata grab everything necessary, we have to go. Now!" He shouted, panting slightly. He had just come back from a mission with the Akatsuki, so his chakra and stamina reserves were low. Taking out a kunai, he got into a defensive stance staring down the incoming group. Hinata and Naruto gave each other a look and Naruto took Itachi's side, while Hinata ran into the house to get some things together. When she came back out she saw a group of rogue shinobi land in front of Naruto and Itachi.

"Ah we finally found your hiding spot. You know, we didn't believe it, when we heard that a Hyuuga was living around here, but apparently the rumors are true. You will bring a fine prize when we sell you to Kumo." The leader of the group spoke.

"Itachi, protect Hinata. I know, that you are not in a good shape right now." Naruto said, while he drew the short sword that he had strapped to his back. Hinata smiled shortly at the courage of the blonde boy, but knew, that he most likely would need help from Itachi and her, since the rogues seemed to be around jonin level at least.

"Oh, so you wanna protect your little girlfriend? Then she will have to watch while you die." The leader taunted again. Naruto didn't let himself get provoked and stayed in his defensive stance, waiting for the attackers to make a move.

When the leader charged the other four shinobi jumped into action too. Naruto blocked a few kunai with his sword, before he had to raise his hands to block a high kick from the leader. Hinata saw, that one of the other shinobi was about to throw some kunai at Naruto's back and jumped forward, taking out her own kunai. Naruto felt the girl land behind him, only to hear the metallic sound of her blocking the weapons meant for his back and smiled. He kicked the leader in the stomach, before he pushed him away, creating a bit of space for him and Hinata to move around. Flying through some hand signs he shot bullets made of compressed air at the leader and one of his comrades The leader dodge them barely, obviously having underestimated the speed of the attack. The second target didn't have so much luck and got thrown head first into a tree. He stopped moving, when he slammed into the ground. Meanwhile Naruto and Hinata had been moving around each other, blocking a hail of kunai from the other attackers with Itachi providing a bit of supporting fire from the sidelines. Their training with the Uchiha helped them move, since he had often put them in situations just like this, where they stood back to back and had to defend themselves against multiple attackers. The leader of the attackers went through a series of hand signs at the end putting his hands outwards as a giant dragon made out of water rose from the ground. Naruto quickly went through his own set of hand signs as he created a sphere of wind around Hinata and himself. Hinata ducked down as the dragon crashed into the defensive jutsu, creating a massive cloud of fog around the battlefield. Naruto felt Hinata move and readied himself to defend, since he didn't see anything through the thick mist that was slowly dissipating. He heard a few cries of pain and was ready to shoot towards anything, as the fog finally cleared enough for him to see what had happened.

"Hinata!" He cried out, as his eyes went wide, seeing the girl lie on the ground, blood around her stomach. He only subconsciously realized, that the attackers lay dead on the ground as he sprinted towards the fallen purple haired kunoichi.

He checked on the blood stain that was on her stomach and was relieved to find no actual wound on her body. Checking her breathing he realized, that she had fallen unconscious from chakra exhaustion. Picking her up, he carried her into the shade of the house, where Itachi sat, after having made sure, that the attackers were dead.

"You most likely will will have to move." The Uchiha said, earning a nod from the blonde boy.

"I know. The problem is, I have no idea, how they could have found us, i mean we always wore a henge when we went into town, since Hinata's eyes are easily recognisable. Yet they still found out about her." Naruto said, as he laid the girl down, letting her head rest in his lap as he sat down besides Itachi.

"I have no idea either. But from now on, I think it would be best if you don't attempt any contact to Konoha, since it is the only instance that I can think off, where your identities could have been discovered." Itachi said. Naruto scowled. He knew how Hinata would hate to not be able to write to her father and that it would be hard on her, but he knew that Itachi was right, it was the only situation where anyone could have discovered who they really were by intercepting the messenger bird they used. "We will head out, when Hinata wakes up." Naruto said. Itachi smiled sadly at the boy as he stood up.

"I have to get back to the hideout. It will probably be a while before we meet again. Say Hinata that I am sorry." Itachi said with a wave as he dissolved into a flock of crows.

"Well here we are. Home sweet home." Naruto said silently as the gates of Konoha came into view. The moon was standing over the village.

"It looks so peaceful." Hinata commented.

"Let's visit your father." Naruto said and the pair masked their chakra and jumped off the trail into the woods.

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