#29 Never

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The first thing Naruto heard was Hinata crying. Slowly opening his eyes he looked around at the white walls of the hospital that seemed to shine in the dark. Carefully sitting up and looking to his side he saw Hinata's silhouette leaning against his right arm with the moon shining through the window behind her. Hinata was still crying but it was apparent that she was fast asleep, since otherwise she would have seen or at least felt how Naruto sat up.

Smiling at this Naruto leaned back and closed his eyes.

The sewer was dark and wet just as usual, but somehow Naruto felt even more scared than when he went there for the first time to meet with the orange fox. Slowly walking towards the room where the bijou had been held Naruto stopped before the last corner, taking a deep breath, not knowing what he would see.

After a moment Naruto rounded the corner and let out a sigh. He had half expected Kurama to still be there with a smile on his lips telling him it was all a joke, but he saw nothing. No cage, no forest, no friend. Naruto felt a tear fall as he realized that he would not see the fox for at least four years.

The sun slowly crept into the room, when Naruto felt Hinata stir. Smiling he watched as the girl's eyes opened, meeting his own and her lips formed into a small smile. A moment passed before the purple haired teen realized what she saw and Naruto couldn't hold his laughter as her expression turned from sleepy to shocked to incredibly happy in a matter of seconds. He extended his arms, engulfing his girlfriend in a soft hug, as he felt tears run drip onto his shoulder.

"How long was I out?" Naruto whispered to the girl as they separated again. Hinata didn't answer, only looking at him with a smile before leaning down and capturing his lips in hers.

A cough made them break apart, looking at the nurse with sheepish smiles.

"I see, you are awake. I will notify the Hokage." The woman went out again, while Naruto and Hinata looked at each other briefly before bursting out laughing.

"Five days. You were gone for five days. Hell you were dead for a whole day." Hinata whispered, looking down while fiddling with her fingers.

"I'm sorry." Naruto replied, taking her hands into his.

"Don't be, you did your duty protecting our higher ups. I'm just glad you made it." Hinata said softly, smiling at the blonde.

"Not all of me made it." Naruto stated with a frown, earning a confused look from Hinata.

"Kurama gave his life for mine. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him restarting my heart." The blonde clarified, making Hinata's eyes go wide.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, pulling the boy in for a hug.

Hiruzen got word that Naruto had awakened and immediately sent Anbu to notify the Tsuchikage, before quickly making his way to the Hospital. As he reached the doors Onoki and his granddaughter joined him as they had arrived at the same time as him.

Making their way through the hallway they knocked on the door leading to Naruto's room, before opening it to step inside.

A smile made his way to Sarutobi's lips as he saw Naruto sitting upright in his bed, smiling at the three newcomers.

"It is good to see you." The old man said, as the small group walked to the foot of Naruto's bed.

"It is good to be back." Naruto replied.

"How are you doing?" Onoki asked, sitting down next to Hinata.

"I'm fine, although I can't wait to get out of here. I want to go home." Naruto answered.

"I'll ask the doctor when you are allowed to go." Kurotsuchi said, as she made her way to the door, only to be surprised by the doctor opening the door.

"Hello Naruto. How are you doing?" The doctor asked, after joining the group around Naruto's bed.

After Naruto repeated his answer the doctor did a quick jutsu to check if everything was okay and not seeing anything wrong he released the boy.

The group of five made their way out of the hospital, deciding to go to a small restaurant for lunch since Naruto had yet to eat breakfast. Sitting down they were mostly talking about unimportant stuff, until an Anbu showed up to deliver a scroll to the Hokage.

"Lord Tsuchikage, are you maybe willing to stay for two more days?"

Onoki looked at him with questioning eyes, not answering since he had his mouth full.

"We are having a ceremony for the genin that got the promotion and I was thinking about your genin to attend it too." Hiruzen suggested.

"I'm sorry Hiruzen, we can't do that. We already extended our stay here four days, because of Naruto's injury. I have to get back to my village." Onoki answered with a small smile. The Hokage nodded understanding the duties of a kage.

"When are we going?" Naruto wanted to know.

"Tomorrow morning." Came the short reply.

"Don't ever leave me alone like that." Hinata whispered as Naruto and her laid on their bed. Naruto looked at her with a frown, pulling her closer into his embrace.

"I promise, I won't. At least I'll try not to." He replied sincerely, earning a light punch on his chest.

"I'm serious, I wouldn't know what to do without you." Hinata said, looking into the blue eyes under her.

"I'll do everything I can." Naruto again promised, earning a satisfied sigh from his girlfriend, who rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes to get some sleep.

"You better." She mumbled silently before both of them drifted away into the darkness of sleep.

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