#7 A New Home

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The trio reached the border of the land of fire without any incident. Just as they were about to cross, they got stopped by a barrage of kunai dropping in front of them.

"Halt, you will not go any further." A voice called out. Hinata instinctively hid behind Naruto and Itachi, as the two boys, watched the squad of Anbu drop down in front of them.

"Kakashi, Yugao, Yamato, Anko. It's good to see you again." Itachi greeted them.

The Anbu lowered their weapons slightly, as the recognized their old teammate. "Just let us pass, we don't want to hurt you." The Uchiha continued, while his sharingan flared to life. The Anbu readied their weapons again, as they focused on the body of their foe, since looking into these eyes, could spell death for every one of them. Naruto pushed chakra into a seal on his glove and suddenly held a short sword in his hands. Itachi looked back at the two younger kids with a smile. "Stand back, I don't want you getting hurt."

Then he was gone in a blur of speed. The other Anbu had already vanished, when Hinata turned her head to look for them. The only signal, that the fight really was going on was the sound of swords clashing, that came from the trees.

"Why do you even try?" Itachi asked when the five Anbu came to a standstill. He knew, that they had no intention of really getting the two kids back to Konoha, since they easily could have just split up and kept Itachi from helping the two.

"We will capture you and say that the kids fled while we saved them from being abducted by you." Kakashi spat in the Uchiha's face. Apparently Hiruzen hadn't told his team the truth about the massacre. Itachi had wondered why they were going at him with full force, when they didn't want their mission to be a success.

"If that is, how you want to do this." Itachi raised one hand and smiled at the four Anbu. Yamato and Yugao were too slow to avert their eyes from the sharingan and dropped down moments later, breathing heavily, unconscious. Kakashi also didn't avert his eyes, but because of his sharingan, he was able to break out of the illusion, even though he was panting too. He and Anko readied their swords expecting an attack by the Uchiha. They were confused, when Itachi just stood there and smiled. Then he vanished in a cloud of smoke. Kakashi's eyes widened as he realized, that they had been fighting a shadow clone. "How did I not see through him.", Kakashi whispered, as they rushed to check up on their teammates.

"We have to get back. Hiruzen has to know, that Itachi has the kids." Anko said, while they picked up their still unconscious friends and jumped off, towards Konoha.

"Itachi, could you send a message to Hiruzen? I don't want him or Hinata's dad to worry, that something might have happened to us." Naruto asked the black haired teen, as they were sitting in a clearing, taking a short break, to recover a bit. Itachi nodded and quickly summoned a crow. Naruto wrote a few short sentences on a piece of paper and put it on the crow's foot. The Uchiha looked the crow in the eyes, sharingan spinning, before the crow flew off, making its way towards Konoha.

Naruto looked over to Hinata, who was awfully quiet and saw that she had tears in her eyes. Scooting over next to her, he put an arm around her. "Why are you sad, Hinata?" He asked, while he let the girl put her head on his shoulder. "I miss my home." she said, while she cried into the shoulder of the blonde boy. "Don't worry, we'll find a new home." Naruto tried to comfort her. Itachi knew, that it would be hard for the two kids, but it didn't matter, because they needed to learn to deal with it, since they would not see their home again, for a long time, if ever. He decided, that it would be best, that they got to their destination as quick as possible, so that he could take the kid's minds off of their old homes.

After two more days of travelling, the trio finally made it to the house, Hiashi had told them about. Here Hinata and Naruto would spend most of the next few years. The house was more of a bungalow. Even though it theoretically had two stories, the upper part of it was only really useful as a storage room. Entering the house, the three former leaf shinobi came into a hallway. A dark cabinet stood on the wall next to a small clothing rack, the walls were painted in a light beige colour. There were four doors leading away from the hallway. There was a big kitchen with white marble surfaces, a living room that had a large glass front facing the garden behind the house, a large bathroom with a giant black bathtub and finally a big bedroom with a king sized bed and two large closets on the wall. The trio was thoroughly impressed by the house, since it seemed to be quite expensive, but Naruto and Hinata were happy, to know, that they did have a good and stable roof over their heads.

Hiruzen looked out his window, when he saw a crow coming at him. He watched it curiously, stretching his arm out, letting it land. He knew, that it came from Itachi, but he didn't expect a report for at least one more month, since he usually only send a crow every three months. Fetching the small paper from the bird's leg he unfolded it and began to read it, when there was a knock on his door. He nodded to the crow, who disappeared in a cloud of smoke, before telling the person in front of his door to come in.

"Hiruzen, Itachi has kidnapped my daughter and Naruto!" Hiashi didn't even wait for Hiruzen to acknowledge him. Kakashi and his Anbu squad followed the panicking father into the Hokage's office. Kakashi's look told Hiruzen that he didn't want to tell Hiashi, but that the Hyuuga probably didn't give him another chance. "Team Ro, leave. Dog, I expect a full report by the evening." Kakashi nodded and the Anbu disappeared in a swirl of leaves. Hiruzen made quick hand gesture, to which two more Anbu appeared and left the room.

"Okay, now that we are alone, I have to tell you. What I am about to tell you, will not leave this room under any circumstances are we clear?" Hiashi only nodded, causing Hiruzen to take the message from Itachi out of his pocket.

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