#12 Bandits

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As they crossed the border between grass country and the land of earth the sun was beginning to set. They continued walking for a bit before finding a small cave where they could stay the night. Quickly painting a small seal on the entrance Naruto smiled as he smelled Hinata preparing some meat they had bought earlier in the village. 

"Smells nice." He whispered as he sat down next to the purple haired girl. She had spiked the two pieces of meat on two sticks and built a small contraption that held them over the small fire, she had made, without dropping them in the flames. Hinata turned slightly and smiled, before quickly stealing a kiss from her boyfriend. 

Waking up, the two former Konoha shinobi smiled at each other, before they packed their stuff together and slowly made their way out of the cave. As they got out they again resumed their walk towards Iwagakure at a slow but steady pace. 

The sun had just began to set again when Naruto saw a man coming out of the forest and onto the streets. He had a large sword on his back and a large scar running down his face, disappearing into his shirt. Hinata slowly put her hand on her wrist, where her weapon was sealed. Naruto took a step forward, shielding his girlfriend from the attacker, while his hands slowly wandered to his shoulder. "What do you want?" Naruto asked, even though he was sure that he already knew the answer. "Well, you see, two children all alone in the forests. We only want to make sure that your valuables are safe and don't get lost on your way. Why don't you hand them over and we can keep them safe for you." The bandit said smiling, holding out one of his hands. "I think we rather would like to keep our stuff to ourselves." Naruto replied, causing the smile on the stranger's face to drop. 

"Okay, let me rephrase that you little brat. Give me your stuff or we will hurt your pretty girlfriend." He said as he gave a signal and four more people came out of the forest, surrounding the two kids. Hinata quickly pushed chakra into the seal on her wrist, summoning two small daggers. Naruto did the same and quickly readied his kunai as he saw the bandits ready their own weapons. 

"Alright you brats, you asked for it." The leader of the bandits said as he jumped at Naruto. Naruto and Hinata quickly turned, so that they covered each others backs. Naruto blocked the first strike from the leader and threw one of his kunai at another attacker, that was coming at him from the side. Hinata meanwhile was blocking attacks from the other three bandits, who apparently had not expected her to be able to keep up with their attacks, since they pulled back a bit to come up with a new strategy. Hinata smiled at that and quickly went through a few handsigns. The eyes of the bandits went wide as they watched a giant dragon made of water come at them. Only one of them reacted quick enough to dodge the attack. The other two weren't as lucky and when the water crashed into them, they were sent flying into the treeline, crashing against the trees and not moving afterwards. Readying her daggers Hinata looked at the remaining bandit with cold eyes, waiting for him to make a move. Naruto had felt it when his girlfriend had created the jutsu, he saw how the two bandits that had attacked him, pulled back as the dragon rose and how they watched it with awe, as it crashed into their friends. Naruto knew, that it was fatal, to lose focus during a fight and quickly threw two kunai towards the bandits, hitting them in the stomach and dropping them to the ground, not able to continue fighting. Turning around he stepped next to Hinata and the two looked at the last bandit standing. The man was shaking as he looked at the two teens that had just destroyed the team. He quickly made up his mind and abandoned his comrades, fleeing back into the woods. Naruto and Hinata looked at the bodies around them and decided that they wouldn't pursue the lone bandit. Hinata quickly checked the two bandits that she had hit with her jutsu only to find that they were both dead. Sighing she walked back to Naruto, shaking her head at his questioning look. Naruto meanwhile had been tying up the two wounded attackers. He sat them up against a tree, before he slowly pulled the kunai out of their stomachs, immediately pushing chakra into his hands to slowly heal the wounds they had received. 

"Who are you?" Naruto asked as he sat down in front of the two bandits. 

"I am Jongu Koon and this is my little brother Marou." Came the reply with a quiet voice. "Why did you attack us?" Naruto continued questioning. 

"You seemed to be an easy target. I mean two kids alone in the woods, no headbands and nothing. We thought we could easily take your valuables, without you even trying to defend yourself." The younger bandit explained. Hinata had pulled out a small book, and was going through the pages, when she finally smiled and held it out to Naruto. 

"Seems like you have a bounty on your head in Iwa." She said smiling. "What a coincidence, we were just on our way there." Naruto answered. The bounty wasn't anything big, but it was a nice addition to their funds. Meanwhile the two bandits were shaking, thinking that the two kids were going to kill them. 

"Don't worry, you're not going to die. We'll just seal you in theses scrolls, until we arrive at our destination." Hinata explained, taking out two scrolls. When she opened them they revealed intricate seals that were similar to a normal storage scroll. She placed the hands of the two bandits on the scrolls before pushing a bit of chakra into the seals, causing them to light up and the two men to disappear in a cloud of smoke. 

After Hinata had put the scrolls away, Naruto and her resumed their journey towards Iwagakure.

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