#9 Reunion

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Hiashi was sleeping peacefully when he was woken up by someone entering his room. He shot out of his bed, hands raised ready to attack whoever the intruders could be. He almost attacked, when he saw the black cloaks but then he saw the pair of Byakugan looking at him with tears in them. His hands dropped and his eyes went wide, as the two figures, pulled their hoods down. There stood his daughter, who he had buried two years ago. He was barely able to not cry out for joy but instead just pulled Hinata into a long hug, while tears ran down both faces. Naruto stood back and smiled seeing the reunion take place. 

When Hiashi and Hinata separated again, he pulled the blonde boy into a hug, too. Hinata let out a small laugh at that. When the Hyuuga let Naruto go again, he sat down on his bed still smiling. 

“How are you two even alive? I got word, that the house burnt down. I didn't hear anything from you. I buried you!” Hiashi whisper shouted after he had regained his composure. 

Hinata frowned and looked at the ground, guilt evident in her eyes. Naruto took her hand and smiled at the purple haired girl, before turning to her father. “We had no choice. Somehow the people found out, that Hinata is a Hyuuga and the position of the house was found out. We were attacked by some rogues trying to kidnap her. The only possibility for anyone to find out would have been to somehow intercept the letters that we had sent you. So we had to leave the house and to stop messaging you. It wasn’t easy for us, especially Hinata and I can imagine that it wasn’t easy for you either. But we had to do it in order to ensure that we survive.” Naruto explained. Hiashi nodded. He had noticed how the boy had grabbed Hinata’s hand in order to cheer her up a bit but he wouldn't press the matter, if they had something to tell him, he was sure that they would eventually tell him, when they were ready. 

“What have you been doing then? I mean I know about the training with Itachi for the first two years after you left, but what about the time when you didn't write me?” Hiashi asked while he sat down behind his desk. Hinata and Naruto took the two seats in front of him, before they answered. 

“You know about Itachi training us. Well that stopped after the attack, because we decided to constantly be on the move, to make it harder to find us. We still trained of course, with the help from Kurama and some friends we made on our way.” Naruto started to explain. Hiashi raised his hand to stop him, he had a question: “Who is Kurama?”

“That is the name of the nine-tailed fox. Naruto befriended him when he was still in Konoha and he agreed to train us after Itachi couldn't do it anymore.” Hinata explained to her father. 

Hiashi’s eyes went wide but he still nodded and let Naruto continue with his story. 

“After we left the house we supported ourselves through mercenary missions that we took on. With that we traveled the seven nations. We actually spent a lot of time in Sunagakure, because Gaara, the son of the Kazekage became a close friend to us. We even visited the land of fire a few times, but we kept on the border because we didn't want to cause any trouble. Then around a year ago, we met Itachi again. We coincidentally had been hired by the same people for a joint operation. Anyways, after we had finished the mission, we trained a bit together and found out that we were all roughly on the same level. We talked a bit before we parted ways again. And finally a month ago, Hinata and I decided that we wanted to visit Konoha. And here we are." Hiashi smiled after Naruto had finished his explanation. 

"Any specific reasons to come back?" 

"Well we wanted to give the Hokage our headbands, since we technically aren't allowed to have them anymore. Also we wanted to visit home again, since we weren't here for four years now.", Hinata explained. Hiashi wanted to say something but Naruto stopped him. 

"And there is one more thing." Naruto looked at Hinata with a small smile. "I wanted to ask you if you would agree with me dating your daughter?" 

Hiashi knew that this was coming. He smiled at the two and nodded approvingly. "As long as Hinata agrees with you, then I don't see a reason to disapprove of this relationship." Hinata smiled and hugged Naruto, before she turned to her father and gave him a big hug too. Naruto bowed slightly to the clan head and smiled. "Well, I think we will take our leave then. We will stay in touch. But I fear that we have spent too much time here. We may not have as much time with the Hokage as we wanted. Stay safe." Hinata said to her father, as Naruto and her walked to the door. 

"You too." Her father responded, watching the two pull up their hoods and conceal their chakra, before slipping out into the night. He also saw, that there already was a small shimmer of red over the trees. They really didn't have much time left.

Hiruzen sat in his office, working on some paperwork that had been left from the day before, when he noticed two figures standing in front of his desk. Raising his hand a squad of Anbu appeared, shocked to find two intruders in the hokage's office. "Who are you?" Hiruzen asked the pair. "You know who we are." The left figure said, as he took out a kunai the third hadn't seen in thirteen years. The right figure lifted the hood, revealing the pale eyes of a Hyuuga clan member. Hiruzen's eyes widened as he realized who was standing before him. He signaled his Anbu to leave them alone. The Anbu left slowly, not trusting the two hooded figures. After the were gone, the Hokage made a quick series of hand seals and pressed his hand on a small seal on his table, enabling a large array of privacy seals all around the room. As the seals slowly faded from the walls, Naruto and Hinata finally pulled down their hoods. 

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