#30 Home

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They arrived at the gates of Tsuchikage without a hitch. The small party smiled at the sight of their own village's gates. The Jonin had gone back to their village after the attack, leaving Onoki along with his granddaughter, the Anbu team around Akira and Naruto and Hinata behind in Konoha. Most of these jonin now stood at the gate to welcome them back in their home village.

"I will hold a meeting tomorrow morning at nine, there I will announce your promotion. Rest for now." Onoki told the two genin, who nodded in reply and left for their apartment.

"Home sweet Home." Naruto whispered as he pushed the door open, letting his girlfriend go in first.

"It's good to be back. Although I still have troubles calling this home." Hinata admitted, after they had put away their gear and were sitting on their couch, the purple haired girl resting her head on Naruto's shoulder.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I always thought home is where you are." The blonde replied with a smile. Hinata chuckled and playfully hit her boyfriend's arm.

"That was so cheesy." She stated in between laughs.

"But it is true." She continued after a few seconds, before giving Naruto a quick peck on the lips. Naruto smiled into the kiss, pulling her closer as they deepened the kiss.

"Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and Hinata Hyuga, I am proud to say that I promote you to Chunin after your performance in the chunin exams in Konoha and as a result of the battle after the attempted invasion I have seen enough of your abilities to promote you to Jonin." Onoki spoke as Naruto and Hinata stood before him. Smiling at each other the two newly appointed Jonin bowed their heads, accepting the ceremonial jonin vest the Tsuchikage presented them.

A small round of applause was given by the Kage's advisors and the jonin council. Smiling the pair in the middle bowed a second time, before the village leader ended the meeting.

"Hinata, Naruto could you stay for a moment?" Onoki asked, as everyone was leaving. Of course the two nodded and waited for everyone to leave.

"Now that you are Jonin, you will have more responsibilities, as I am sure you are aware. One of those responsibilities is border patrol, another would be village security and those kinds of things. Also, Akira has already asked me to see if you want to become Anbu, since he already knows about some of your skills and has seen you two in action. I don't see a reason why you shouldn't be enrolled in the Anbu, but I still have to ask you, since we do not force someone to join our Anbu forces if they don't want to." Onoki asked, as the two Jonin before him looked at him with surprised eyes.

"Do we have to give our answer right now or can we think about it, since it is a big decision.?" Hinata asked, looking at the Tsuchikage for an answer.

"I didn't expect you to answer me right now. I had planned for you to take the next border patrol shift on our southern border. It would last for a week starting tomorrow, so I had expected an answer after you are back from that assignment." The old man said while he searched his desk drawers for something.

Producing a scroll, he handed it to Naruto, who nodded and put it in his pocket.

"Of course, we will have our answer ready by then." Naruto said as the Tsuchikage dismissed the two.

"So, what does the scroll say?" Hinata asked, as they were on their way back to their apartment with Naruto reading said scroll.

"It's basically an introduction to the patrol-mission concept. If we detect someone, we are to identify them stealthily and if they do not belong there, we're to confront them to see what they want. If we run into trouble we can't handle two exploding kunai into the sky and the Anbu response team will come to our aid. If we spot said signal, it means that a team on another mission has run into trouble and we have to go and help them. The usual rotation between teams lasts a week, although it can be altered by the Tsuchikage. If we request an early replacement, we have to send a message to Onoki and wait for his response. The team that is currently on patrol will expect us at the southern border crossing at noon tomorrow."

Naruto relayed what the scroll said.

Hinata hummed in response, saving the information so as to not forget it. After a few seconds she smiled, linking her arm with Naruto.

"What do you want to do for the rest of the day?" She asked, as they strolled down the streets.

"How about just strolling through the village, I mean we are officially shinobi of the stone now and we have yet to even know the village." Naruto suggested, earning a nod from the purple haired girl.

"Do you have everything?" Naruto asked as they walked out of their apartment. Receiving a nod as response the blonde locked the door and they made their way out of the village towards their first official mission as shinobi of Iwagakure.

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