#11 Getting Closer

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Naruto and Hinata smiled at each other as they entered the small room they had rented for the night. They both unsealed a backpack from a small storage scroll they had been carrying on their belts and rummaged through them in search of their pyjamas. Looking out the window the blonde boy saw the full moon slowly making its way over the horizon. Hinata saw him staring out the window and walked up behind him, snaking her arms around his waist, putting her chin on his shoulder. "What's so interesting out there?" She asked with a smile on her face seeing the full moon. "You remember don't you?" Naruto replied. The purple haired girl knew exactly what he was playing on.

It was a night like this when Naruto and Hinata had first kissed. They had been on the run for five months since the house in the land of frost had burned down. The two had finished their training with Baki, a jonin from the sand village, who had been accompanying them on a mission, when the trio was suddenly attacked. Hinata had almost died in that fight and she remembered how Naruto had leaned over her, tears streaming down his face, waiting for her to regain consciousness after Baki told him that she would be pull through. When her eyes opened he sighed in relief and Hinata knew, that she had fallen in love with this caring boy. After she had regained a bit of her strength she put her arm around Naruto's neck and slowly pulled him down, surprising even herself.

The scar she had from this day still stung from time to time but she smiled at the moon as she turned Naruto around while repositioning her arms around his neck. "Yes, I do," she smiled and pulled him down for a kiss, only for him to turn away. Hinata looked concerned at the blonde, before he spoke. "Come with me," he insisted, taking the hand of the girl and climbing out the window. When they reached the roof, both of them sat down next to each other watching as the moon slowly rose over the world.

"You know, I never asked you." Naruto said, a hint of worry in his voice.

"Asked me what?" Hinata didn't understand what the boy wanted to say and it made her worry.

"Since that day, we have been together and I mean we were close before that but we both know that was something different. From that day we were closer than ever and still, I have never told anyone that you are my girlfriend. Do you know why?" Hinata slowly shook her head wondering where he was going with this small speech. "I never told anyone because I never asked you to be my girlfriend. It just kind of happened and honestly I didn't want you to be my girlfriend. At least not until I had the permission from your father." The girl's eyes went wide as she realized what he was saying. "So Hinata, do you want to become my girlfriend, officially and without a doubt?" Naruto asked smiling at the purple haired girl. "Of course." She breathed out before wrapping her arms around the blonde boy and embracing her new old boyfriend in a long hug. "Do you know how worried I was when you turned away from me earlier?" She asked with a smile as they separated again. Chuckling Naruto mumbled his apologies before smiling back at his girlfriend. "So, where did we stop earlier?" Leaning forward Naruto and Hinata closed their eyes as they took another step into their relationship, illuminated only by the moonlight.

As the sun rose, the two former Konoha shinobi were woken up by the warm light, slowly creeping up on their faces. Naruto tried sitting up, but noticed a weight on his chest. Looking down he saw his girlfriend's head resting on his chest, while her hands had found their way around his waist. She smiled as his eyes met hers and giggled at his attempts to sit up. Sitting up herself she allowed the blonde boy to move. They both then realized that they still sat on the roof of the inn. Smiling sheepishly at each other they climbed back into their room and closed the curtains, immediately causing the room to darken again. Deciding that a few more hours of sleep wouldn't hurt they cuddled together on the bed and closed their eyes again, slowly drifting off into the world of dreams.

A knock on their door startled the two, causing them to jump. They had no idea how long they had been sleeping for but the innkeeper said that they would either have to clear the room or pay for another night. Packing their stuff Naruto and Hinata quickly cleared the room and went out into the busy streets of the border village.

Looking at the sun they realized that it was already midday. Looking at each other they smiled and headed to the nearest food stall.

"Do you think we should do a few more missions before we talk with Onoki?" Hinata asked while the two teens were walking around the village looking browsing the small stores that praised their products. "I mean honestly, I think we have enough money as is and you and I both know that, if we were to join Iwa, we would be enlisted as Genin at first, so it's not like we need the experience. In the end you can decide cause I am happy with both options." Naruto said, smiling at the girl in his arm. "You're right. I think we could go to Iwa and take our time, after all we have all the time in the world." Hinata proposed, earning a nod from her boyfriend. "Sounds like a plan." He replied. They browsed a bit more in the small village, before heading out towards the land of earth. 

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