#17 Training

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"I could give you training ground 61. The team that currently uses it is out of the village for a long mission. I guess they wouldn't mind you using it for a few days." The third Hokage said answering Naruto and Hinata's question for a place to train before the exams. The pair thanked the old man and went out of his office.

Making their way through the streets they smiled at each other as they got a lot of remarks about Naruto's similarity to his father, courtesy of the white battle coat that he wore. Especially from behind the blonde teen could easily be mistaken for his father, were it not for the fact that Minato Namikaze was dead.

Out of the village center the streets were almost empty. The two Iwa shinobi went to the training ground Sarutobi had told them to use. Weirdly the numbering system of Konoha made it so that Training ground 61 was placed next to training grounds 28 and 47.

"Limits?" Hinata asked as they walked over to the middle of the field they had entered. "No Byakugan and no Hiraishin?" Naruto replied, waiting for his girlfriend to confirm. The purple haired girl nodded briefly, before giving the blonde a quick peck on the cheek and then walking away, dropping her black coat, revealing two short swords strapped to her waist.

Naruto smiled as he took out his kunai from the inside pockets of his coat, while he watched Hinata unsheathed her weapons.

When they were approximately thirty meters apart, Hinata turned around and smiled at her boyfriend, getting into her kenjutsu stance. Naruto gripped his kunai tighter and grinned as he ran at his teammate. Hinata let him come at her, blocking the first few attacks before slashing at him with her left, causing him to jump back. Still grinning there was a big smoke explosion next to Naruto. Hinata readily watched as the smoke blew away and revealed the four shadow clones Naruto had produced. Again rushing at the girl, the Narutos slowly encircled her while slashing at her with their kunai, keeping her on the defensive.

With the encirclement was completed, Hinata still smiled and started spinning around with her swords, blocking the attacks from Naruto and his clones. One after the other the Narutos exploded in smoke, when all but one had been eliminated Hinata looked at him and smiled, readying her swords. Naruto smiled as he readied his kunai. Suddenly Hinata jumped away as she sensed a large jutsu coming from behind her, narrowly avoiding the large barrage of wind bullets flying her way. Watching in surprise she saw Naruto wink at her and then explode in a cloud of smoke as he was hit with the wind bullets. Skidding to a stop she looked around searching for the real Naruto before she realized what he was doing and jumped up, avoiding the Rasengan the blonde teen had in his hand as he burst out of the ground beneath her.

Flipping in the air Hinata flew through some hand seals, before a water dragon materialised behind her, charging at the boy. Naruto looked at it and went through his own series of hand signs, creating a visible wall of wind in front of him. The dragon crashed into it, creating a fine mist that slowly settled. Hinata rushed into the mist, taking out some kunai to replace the swords she had lost when she had jumped away from the wind bullet attack.
Locking their weapons the two shinobi smiled at each other as the mist settled. Then they both whirled around, firing their kunai into the distance as they sensed a team of shinobi running at them.

The kunai whizzed past the shinobi, causing the only adult of the group to grab the three teens, yanking them back, positioning himself between his team and the two Iwa shinobi. Naruto and Hinata recognized the team from their encounter with Gaara and his siblings two days ago, along with their sensei Kakashi Hatake, who they knew from his bingo book entry.

Sasuke was obviously struggling against Kakashi's grip so Naruto made a quick hand sign and pushed chakra into a seal on his hand, making the kunai disappear as he had reverse summoned them back into the storage seal he had in his coat.

Hinata made the same hand seal, although her swords didn't just disappear but they went back into their sheaths. Kakashi relaxed a bit at this, letting his team go and slowly walked towards the two Iwa shinobi.

Meanwhile Hinata picked up her coat and put it on. Team seven had relaxed while Kakashi had been holding them and now they were walking behind their sensei cautiously watching the two foreing teens.

"Naruto?" Kakashi asked as he recognized the son of his sensei. "Kakashi of the Sharingan. To what do we owe this pleasure?" Hinata asked, making Kakashi look at her with a confused look. His eyes widened as he finally realized something: "We buried you. Both of you. How are you here?" He asked as his visible eyes started to water.

"We faked our death." Naruto simply explained the obvious.

"Who are these two? We ran into them a few days ago and they know the team from Suna." Sasuke asked as he stood next to his sensei. Kakashi looked at his student with a smile. "They are some kids I knew a long time ago. They actually used to live in Konoha." Kakashi said, not really answering the question, since he wasn't sure if the two in front of him want him to answer.

"But who are they?" Sakura chimed in as she stood next to Sasuke.

"We are Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and Hinata Hyuuga." Naruto answered the question Kakashi didn't want to answer. Kiba and Sasuke took this information without any reaction, whereas Sakura's eyes went wide. "You are the son of the fourth Hokage?" She almost screamed at Naruto. Naruto only shrugged as he nodded. "That can't be, they would never have let you leave." Sasuke said smugly as he thought to have discovered the lie from the strange pair in front of him.

"Doesn't matter if you believe us. We are only here for the exams and then we will be gone again and you won't see us again." Naruto said to the Uchiha.

"I know they are telling the truth. I knew them when they were little, it was a well kept secret that Naruto was the son of the fourth, no one outside of Anbu knew about it. That's why they were allowed to leave." Kakashi said, not telling his team the whole truth about the events leading to Naruto and Hinata leaving. His three students were content with this answer.

"So, why were you coming into our training ground?" Naruto asked, after he and Hinata had sat down with Kakashi, while the three other teens were standing behind their sensei.

"I felt the chakra you used for your jutsu. I also knew that this training ground should not be in use currently so we came to investigate." The grey haired shinobi explained.

"Well, we were only training a bit to stay fit for the exams. So nothing to worry about." Hinata reassured the former Anbu.

"Well, then we won't disturb you any longer." Kakashi said, bidding his farewell and dragging his team off into the distance.

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