#19 Psychological Torture

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The hour flew by after Naruto and Hinata had filled out their papers. When the time was up everyone that hadn't been called out for cheating took a deep breath, believing that they had survived the first exam.

Ibiki stood up and looked at the young shinobi.

"One thing you all have to know about the world you live in is that you may not know everything. I saw a lot of you sigh in relief thinking I was finished with you. However I have lied to you. The test has ten questions on paper, but there are actually eleven questions." The T&I expert said as he watched eyes widen.

"Well what is this eleventh question?" One random shinobi shouted.

Smiling the black clad man straightened before he answered the question that was on everyone's mind: "The eleventh question is actually really simple. But if you don't want to take it, then you can leave and drop out of the exams along with your team."

There was a small outburst as everyone shouted at the man for wasting their time.

Holding up his hand the proctor silenced the room.

"You didn't let me finish. There is a restriction. If you answer this question wrong, and that decision is entirely up to me, you and your team are forever banned from entering the chunin exams again. However if you choose not to answer the question, then you are free to leave and try again next year. Raise your hand now to drop out along with your team." Ibiki explained. The room was silent as every genin in the room thought about what the man had said.

One after another, hands went up and teams got called out to leave the room. Naruto looked around the room and saw Sakura wavering, before she looked at Kiba who had jumped up and shouted something about that quitting would not be his ninja way. Looking around the room Ibiki as well as the blonde genin realised that this little speech had encouraged the few wavering shinobi that had not yet decided.

"Well, I guess if no one else wants to leave, then I have only one thing to say: Congratulations, you passed the first exam." The proctor said with a smile. A small pause followed before the remaining teams began shouting what the eleventh question was. Sighing, Hinata and Naruto shook their heads waiting for everyone to calm down.

After everyone had calmed down Ibiki explained what the eleventh question was all about before being interrupted by an explosion to his side.

When the smoke cleared a woman stood in front of the genin. Short pants and a very revealing top immediately made a few boys drool as the rest of the genin read the sign behind the purple haired kunoichi.

'Here comes the second test's proctor: Anko Mitarashi!' Was written on the banner, identifying the woman in front of it.

"Anko, you are early again." Ibiki said, coming out from behind the banner.

"What, your part is over. Although I am surprised to see that you let so many teams pass." Anko said, looking around the room. "Hey, you two, where is your third teammate?" The woman asked, pointing at Naruto and Hinata.

The two genin from Iwagakure smiled at the proctor. "We are a two person team." Hinata answered, earning a distrusting look from Anko. Looking at Ibiki, who nodded, she shrugged and then turned back to the class. "Follow me to the Forest of Death for the second exam. You have fifteen minutes, if you don't make it by then you are disqualified." She ordered, before disappearing in a swirl of leaves. Naruto and Hinata waited for the bulk of the genin to rush out of the door, before they stood up and met up at the door. Smiling at each other they walked out of the room, hand in hand.

"Where are the two special Iwa kids?" Anko asked as she watched her alarm clock tick down. Everyone shrugged, as they were nowhere to be seen. Gaara looked at his siblings with worry in his eyes.

The clock ticked down and just as it hit two seconds there was a flash in front of Anko. The alarm rang and everyone looked in front. There stood Naruto and Hinata smiling at the purple haired shinobi.

"You were almost late."

"Almost." Naruto clarified.

Shaking her head the proctor took a step back, gesturing at the fence behind her. "This is the Forest of Death. Each team will receive one scroll, either heaven or earth. To advance you have to reach the tower in the middle of the forest with one of each scroll in your possession. If you open the scrolls you are eliminated." Anko explained.

"What about food?" One shinobi from Konoha asked, looking at the forest with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"That is not my problem. Each of you will sign a waiver, taking the responsibility from Konoha in case you die in there. Now go to the tent to get your scroll and sign the papers." The proctor ordered.

Naruto and Hinata received a heaven scroll after they signed their waivers. Walking behind the chunin that showed them to their start gate the two genin checked their various weapons. "Hey." Naruto whispered as they waited in front of their gate, the chunin standing a bit away, waiting for the signal to flip the switch in front of him, opening the gate.

Hinata looked at her boyfriend with a questioning look, before seeing the seal his hand was pointing to. "Do you really want to revive them yet again?" She asked as she knew that the seal contained the mask for Naruto's persona Fox. "I don't know. But I think we should not hold back at all from now on." He answered.

"I don't think that we should use the masks. It could cause problems if there are masked shinobi from Iwa running around in the exams. I agree that we shouldn't hold back, but we should do it as ourselves." Hinata argued. Naruto nodded, tapping a few seals on his wrist, making them glow and fade away, while Hinata did the same, before turning her back to Naruto. Smiling Naruto put his hand on her back, pushing a bit of chakra into the seal that was there, before she did the same on his back.

The chunin looked at them with shock as he felt the sudden rise of their chakra. The suppression seals finally faded away and both genin smiled. "Let's have some fun." Hinata said as they waited for the start signal of the second exams.

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