#10 Vacation

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"Hello Naruto, hello Hinata." Hiruzen smiled, obviously not knowing how he should react to the news that the two were still alive. 

"Hi Jiji." Naruto responded. "How?" That was the only thing Hiruzen was able to get out. He knew that it wasn't supposed to happen with him being Hokage, but his emotions took over and he had to wipe away some tears. He had buried the two. Hinata’s funeral hadn't been too bad, since he didn't really knew her, but he still had to bury a child and that would never be easy. 

Naruto’s on the other hand, was one of the hardest burials he had to do. There were only six people at the funeral; Kakashi was there, Hiashi Hyuuga , Asuma with Konohamaru and Kurenai and lastly Hiruzen himself. Jiraiya had wanted to come too, but a last minute letter from one of his contacts had caused him to miss the funeral. Hiruzen still remembered how the small procession had to put up privacy seals to keep the civilians from ruining the burial. When they had finished, they saw that a large party was celebrating the death of Naruto Uzumaki in front of his old apartment. They were furious but couldn't do anything, since they officially were celebrating a “successful hunt”. Hiruzen eventually had moved the grave of the young Uzumaki after there were reports coming in that there were plots to destroy the grave. 

And now, two years later, the two kids that he thought were dead, stood in front of him. Naruto smiled slightly at the confusion radiating from the Hokage, before he opened his mouth to explain what had happened two years ago. 

After the blonde boy had explained everything to the Hokage he smiled, waiting for the Hokage to process everything he had just told him. “So, why did you come to me, I mean I get why you wanted to see Hiashi, but why me? Why risk it?” Hinata and Naruto had expected such a question and Hinata smiled as she took Naruto’s hand. “Well, you see, you meant and still mean so much to Naruto and to a certain extend to me, since you helped us escape from here, that we wanted to tell you personally that we were still alright. Also we wanted to give you our headbands, since we don't need them anymore.” She explained, earning a nod from the Hokage. Meanwhile Naruto had produced both headbands with the familiar symbol and gently placed them on the desk in front of him. “I understand. I assume, that you won’t stay in contact?”, he asked taking the forehead protectors and putting them in a drawer. Naruto smiled sadly: “We don't know, we promised Hiashi, that we would stay in touch, so I guess it would only be fair to promise you the same thing.”, Naruto said. “We will have to see, where we will end up and how safe it is for us to write you letters. But we will try.”, Hinata added. Hiruzen nodded with a big smile on his face. “Well, I guess you should get going now.”, he said as he looked out to see the sun peeking over the walls of the village. “I guess so.”, Naruto nodded. “It was good to see you again. You don't need to worry about us anymore. We will be safe.”, Hinata said, smiling as Naruto took out one of his Hiraishin kunai and waved at the Hokage. Hiruzen waved back as the two kids embraced each other and disappeared in a flash of yellow and purple. Deactivating the privacy seals he noticed his Anbu standing on the other side of his door, waiting for his signal to come back in. He chuckled and called them in. 

“Well that went a whole lot better than expected.”, Naruto said as Hinata and him sat down in the small clearing near the border between the land of fire and grass country. “I wouldn't have thought that my father would be so understanding to be honest.”, Hinata answered, before leaning her head on the blonde’s shoulder. “I’m glad he is.”, Naruto whispered, before quickly leaning down and stealing a kiss from the girl. The Hyuuga giggled at the antics of the boy, before standing up and pulling him up with her.

“Come on, we have to get going, we haven’t slept for more than a day now. We earned a bit of rest.”, she said, suppressing a yawn. Naruto nodded and the two made their way towards grass country in search of an inn. 

When they finally found one, they booked a room for the night. Neither of them was really sleepy after the walk so they decided to go and get something to eat, since it was lunch anyways. On their way to the city Hinata noticed at familiar group of people walking in front of them. The familiar hair of Mei Terumi stood out in the busy streets of the small village. With her were her two closest bodyguards Ao and Choujuurou. Hinata and Naruto smiled and followed the trio for a while. After about half an hour they stopped their small game and chuckled as they walked up to the three shinobi. “Hey you guys. Missed us?”, Hinata spoke up. Mei looked at them with big eyes, Choujuurou quickly put his hand on the blade on his back while Ao kept his calm demeanour and smiled at the Naruto and Hinata. When the other two realized who had called them out, they relaxed and smiled too. “Hey Uzumaki, Hyuuga! How have you been?”, Mei exclaimed with a smile at her face. 

The two groups exchanged their pleasantries, before agreeing to talk more over lunch, since both were looking for a place to find something to eat. 

“So, how is the resistance coming along?”, Naruto asked as they sat in a small restaurant, waiting for their food. “We’ll manage. The base where you helped us really made a difference. Yagura has been permanently on his back foot since then." Mei said smiling at the blonde boy. "You know my offer still stands, join us and you will be welcomed into the new Kiri without hesitation.", she continued with a bit of hope in her eyes. The two former Konoha shinobi would be a great addition to her forces and would give her even more of an edge against Yagura's forces in the civil war. "I'm sorry, but I don't think that Kiri would be right for us. We will gladly help you, when you need us but for now, we want to spend a bit of time together and relax. After the past few years I think we have earned that right." Naruto smiled at the slight disappointment on the three faces opposite of him, while Hinata laid her head on his shoulder. 

"Besides we have already made an agreement with Onoki from Iwagakure, that we would stop by and talk about us joining his village." Hinata added her eyes still closed. "But why, I mean what do they have that we don't?" Ao asked indignation evident in his voice. "Not someone that stole a Byakugan for starters." Hinata whispered just loud enough for Naruto to understand. She always held a quiet resentment against the older bodyguard for the implanted eye he had. Usually she didn't bring it up, but when Naruto and her had discussed joining Mei in her cause it was one of the reasons that Hinata was against staying with the resistance. Ao gave her a weird look almost as if he had heard her, but didn't say anything, before Naruto spoke up: "Well, we have done quite a few missions and we eventually have formed a strong bond with the team that we have accompanied on most of these missions. We promised them to talk to their kage and won't go back on our promises." Naruto explained, just as the food they had ordered arrived. 

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