#26 Final Fight

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Everyone was surprised by the announcement. Temari and Gaara looked at each other with determined eyes, knowing that they were at a disadvantage, but still vowing that they would give their best to win. Naruto and Hinata smiled at each other, before the blonde reached out to the girl and an orange and purple flash transported them to one end of the arena. Their opponents walked to their starting point, silently talking. 

“Let’s end this quick.” Naruto said, readying his short sword, earning a nod from his girlfriend. Hinata took out her own short swords, waiting for Hayate to start the match.

When the match started Gaara went forward, rushing at the two Iwa shinobi, while Temari opened her fan, ready to support her brother if necessary. Watching as the sand user approached, Naruto raised his sword and smiled as a flash cut through the arena. Gaara stopped, surprised that the attack hadn’t hit him until he realized what that meant and he spun around looking for Temari. Temari herself stood in her starting position, the only thing different was that Naruto was standing behind her, sword in hand. Everyone held their breath as slowly the fan began to crack. Hinata looked at Gaara who had finally regained his composure and was about to attack Naruto to help his sister. 

“Your fight is with me!” She called out as she sent a fireball at the young man, causing him to turn around to face her. Making a few hand signs she sent fireball after fireball at boy, whose sand kept blocking all the attacks.

Meanwhile Naruto looked at Temari, who had turned around. “Do you really want to do this?” He asked as Temari took out another smaller fan. Looking over her shoulder she saw that Gaara was occupied with Hinata, who always seemed to jump in between him and his way to her. 

She sighed a bit, before standing up and jumping away from the blonde haired boy. Spinning her fan she sent a large array of wind blades at her opponent only to see another flash cut through the air.

Naruto smiled, standing behind the fellow blonde, his sword on her neck. “Yield.” He demanded. 

“I don't think so” Was the last thing he heard as he was hit by a fast approaching wind blade. The girl in front of him dissolved into sand as he was being drilled into the wall of the arena.

Hinata was shocked, she didn't think that they would come up with such a plan, although in hindsight it was clever. She was forced to focus on the fight before her though, because now that Gaara didn't have to control the fake Temari he had a lot more control over his sand and he started to attack while also being able to defend the incoming fireballs. 

Activating her Byakugan she was forced to flip around the sand waves, still sending fireballs at her opponent.

Temari looked around and saw Naruto lying against the wall, his eyes closed, blood leaking from his temple. She felt a bit sad but knew that it was the risk in these exams to be seriously hurt so she turned around and began to run to her brother. 

Hinata saw Temari making her way to Gaara and herself and became a bit worried for Naruto, since she didn't think that Temari would be successful against him. Knowing that she couldn't allow the siblings to team up on her, she went through a different set of hand signs before blowing a stream of fire at the redheaded boy. As expected the sand shot up to defend the shinobi, but this time the attack didn't stop. Gaara was surprised to see the sand slowly melt, as he had to keep adding more sand so his defense didn't break. Then everything stopped as a loud scream echoed through the arena.

Smiling Hinata looked behind Gaara, seeing Naruto hold Temari in his arms, a kunai at her throat. “Yield Gaara, or she dies.” Naruto threatened, his voice cold as Gaara stared at the unconcious girl. 

“I yield!” He called out as his sand fell to the ground and rushed to Temari, Naruto carefully carrying her to her brother. “How did you manage to knock her out?” He asked as Naruto came closer to him and Hinata.

“I put her in a weak genjutsu when she hit me with the wind blades. She thought I had been incapacitated by my crash into the wall so I could easily sneak up on her and hit her pressure points to make her faint.” Naruto explained, as he enveloped his girlfriend in a hug.

Gaara nodded, as he let his sand take his sister, bowing slightly to the two victors. 

“Don't scare me like that again.” Hinata whispered as Hayate pronounced them as the winners to the crowd. “Sorry, I wanted to end it quickly and that was the easiest way to make Temari shift her focus.” Naruto explained silently as the crowd applauded.

Looking around the two bowed to the crowd, smiling as they saw the smiles on Sarutobi’s and Onoki’s faces. 

Everyone was applauding and smiling when the explosion happened. A few seconds went by before the crowd reacted. The front gate of the Arena was blown to pieces and two giant snakes came in. On their heads rode Orochimaru, the treacherous sanin and his apprentice Kabuto Yakushi. Immediately Konoha’s Anbu went to engage, while Akira and his team formed a protective circle around Onoki, while Kurotsuchi and the other Jonin from Iwa jumped into action and engaged the numerous Oto shinobi that jumped over the walls. Naruto and Hinata engaged along with the Anbu, forcing Orochimaru to dispatch his bodyguards earlier than he had wanted, while he and Kabuto made their way towards the Kages. The two large summons kept Naruto and the other pursuers busy, while the Snake sannin engaged with the Kage and their bodyguards. Naruto could only watch as the Hokage and his entourage along with the Kazekage and the Tsuchikage were forced on top of the arena and a lot of the protecting Anbu were killed as the rogue shinobi made his way towards his former sensei.

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