#39 Begin Testing

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The rest of the mission went by smoothly. Naruto and Hinata trained with the girls whenever they were staying in a village with the genin getting better and better, by the end of the two weeks they were able to defend against Naruto for more than half an hour, although he did not use the hiraishin against them. Confident in their abilities the trio agreed instantly when Hinata told them that they would be registered for the upcoming chunin exams.

As the squad made their way back from the daimyo's palace, successfully completing their mission, the genin were already excited talking about the challenge in front of them.

Naruto and Hinata smiled at them as they made their way through the rocky outskirts of the land of earth.

"What do you mean, you won't tell us what the test consists of?" Naruto asked, confusion and a bit of anger in his voice.

"Calm down, Naruto. None of the teams know what the test will be. That way there is no way for the senseis to prepare them specifically for the test which would only endanger the genin since they would pass and get sent on harder missions without having the necessary skills to complete them." Onoki explained, handing over the forms for the three genin under Hinata and Naruto's guidance. Sighing in defeat but ultimately understanding the reason the blonde jonin nodded, taking the forms and bowing before walking out of the tsuchikage's office.

"Alright, you did good work on the mission. However, since Onoki wouldn't tell us anything about the exams we will conduct an allround test tomorrow. We meet here at sunrise. I want these forms signed by then." Hinata instructed as she handed out the papers the genin needed to attend the exams. The three girls nodded, before walking away, talking amongst themselves.

"And what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Naruto asked, looking at the sky where the sun was still standing tall.

"How about getting something to eat first and then we can decide what to do." Hinata said a smile on her face as she took the teen's hand and they began walking towards the village center.

"This day will consist of different missions, you will have to complete. You will have two hours for each mission, the time you have left when you complete the missions will be added to the time you have for the next mission. Everything goes, as long as you complete the objectives. Everyone clear on the rules?" Hinata asked as she explained the procedure for the day to the three genins. Earning three shaking heads the jonin smiled and stood up. "Alright, the first mission is to find Naruto, he is hiding somewhere near the Tsuchikage's office. Your time starts now." Hinata announced, as the three genin took off towards the center of the village.

"Do you see him somewhere?" Ryujin asked as Lia looked through her binoculars, scanning the surrounding streets. Yeji was sitting next to her searching for Naruto's chakra signature, but also to no avail. The roof of the Tsuchikage building gave them a good vantage point but they couldn't find anything.

"I think we have to go and search for him directly." Yeji said, as ten minutes passed and they had still not found a trace of their sensei. Agreeing with their leader Ryujin and Lia jumped down onto the small ledge, over the entrance to the building. Another jump and they were down on the street.

"What do you think, where could he be?" Lia asked as they looked at the different directions they could search in.

"I have no idea." Yeji admitted as the trio looked at each other, trying to come up with some kind of plan.

Eventually they decided to look for their sensei, walking around the tower, spending another twenty minutes, without getting any closer to finding the blonde.

Meeting back up at the entrance to the central building to their search Lia looked up at the Tsuchikage's office and narrowed her eyes.

"What is it?" Ryujin asked, following her teammates look.

Looking up at the dome on top of the genin saw Naruto lie on the window sill in front of the Tsuchikage's office. The problem was that he was lying on the underside of the stone slab, hence the genin hadn't seen him when they jumped down. They also hadn't seen him when they had climbed up to the roof, because they had been coming from the other side of the building and so they hadn't even thought about looking there.

The smile on Naruto's face widened as he let himself fall, landing in front of the three genin.

"Alright, you finished the first test. You have 45 minutes to spare. Hinata already set up your next mission, you will have to find a piece of information. You may or may not have to steal it away from someone. You will get three hints for the place.

The first one: You can see the information from the top of the gates.

The second one: The yellow cross leads the way.

The third one: When you can't go on, food find some, energy is important you need it to succeed." Naruto smiled, after finishing the three hints. Yeji had quickly taken out a pen and some paper and had written down the hints.

"You have two hours and forty five minutes. Any questions?" As they didn't have any the blonde answered and they jumped away, towards the village gates.

"I think we gave them too many hints." Hinata said, landing besides Naruto. Naruto only shrugged.
"Yea, probably, but the chunin exams will most likely be even easier." He replied, taking the hand of his girlfriend as they walked through the streets, slowly making their way to a point where they could see if their team found the information they had planted. 

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