#44 Chunin

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Most of the genin had gone home after Onoki's speech, wanting to forget the challenge they failed. Ryujin, Yeji and Lia stood on the training ground surrounded by most of the Jonins and Onoki along with his Anbu. Of course, Naruto and Hinata stood right by their side, watching as the girls checked their weapons.

In front of them stood Anja with three chunins. Two men and one woman, all of them in the standard brown flak jacket over their clothes.

A few moments later the proctor came towards the genin, a smile on her face.

"Alright, the team has been briefed. I will start the battle with an explosive kunai, when it goes off, you might begin. No lethal force, as soon as a combatant is out of the fight, an Anbu will interfere, as soon as the Anbu has decided to interfere the participant has to stay out of the fight. Of course, no Jutsu, that endangers the spectators. Apart from these rules everything goes. Good luck." Anja explained, before going towards the people behind the squad to tell them to stand back.

"Alright, have fun out there." Hinata said smiling, with Naruto nodding in agreement. Going towards the spectators that had moved towards the treeline, Naruto and Hinata smiled confidently.

"Let's earn that promotion. I'd say standard formation, I have seen them training one time, they don't have any special abilities, but I could be wrong." Yeji stated, taking out a set of senbon. Her two teammates nodded, taking out their own senbons as Ryujin moved up and Lia went behind her, leaving the younger brunette to stand back at the rear.

Hearing the tag flutter behind the kunai as it flew through the air, the girls looked up and readied themselves as the explosion sounded in their ears.

The chunin team looked at the three girls with serious faces as they took out their weapons. The woman stood up front and was slowly twirling her two short swords in her hands as her two teammates took out kunais. Walking towards the genin the woman smiled as kunai started to fly over her shoulder towards Ryujin who easily blocked them with her senbons.

Going through a series of hand signs Lia smirked as she finished her hand signs and focused her chakra a blast of electricity shot out of her hands, passing Ryujin and almost hitting the woman, if she had not jumped to the side to avoid the attack.

Apparently this caused the woman to take her opponents seriously as she sped up her steps until she was sprinting at Ryujin, her swords raised.

Anja was about to step in, when she saw Ryujin not avoid the attack but Naruto put a hand on her shoulder and smiled, as a pillar of stone shot out of the ground in front of the brunette, catching the attacking chunin and launching her back towards her teammates.

"The battle isn't just a one on one affair." Naruto stated smiling as Ryujin threw a smile back to her sister who still had her hands on the ground.

Meanwhile Lia used the distraction to go through another set of hand signs and move a bit to the side to avoid hitting Ryujin with the jutsu she had planned.

The two men quickly helped their teammate get up as they felt the chakra spike from the redhead's jutsu. Another blast of lightning came at them, however this one was larger than before and there was a faint noise of crackling coming from it, showing that it was much more powerful than the jutsu before.

The two men quickly jumped away, however the woman apparently had hurt her leg when she had hit the ground after her failed attack at Ryujin. Even though she jumped away, she didn't manage to get away far enough and was still hit by the blast, screaming as she fell to the ground twitching. An Anbu quickly went to her to check on her but left just as quick, seeing that she was still in fighting shape and had only been stunned by the electric current.

Ryujin looked at her sister, who nodded, knowing that they had to distract the two men to be able to eliminate the woman. Yeji quickly moved up to Lia and put away her senbons.

"Distract the right one." The brunette instructed, as she went through her own set of hand signs. Lia didn't question the order as she quickly went through another set of hand signs firing a barrage of small stones at her target. Fireballs kept the other chunin occupied as Ryujin sprinted towards the still twitching woman. The two men saw what she was doing and tried to move to protect their teammate, however they were stopped by the continuous barrage of small projectiles blocking their paths. Frowning they saw how Ryujin reached the downed woman and held a kunai to her throat, causing an Anbu to appear and take the chunin away.

Quickly jumping back to her teammates the three genin went back to their original formation. Lia quickly ate a food pill, since she had already burnt through most of her chakra supply. The two men in front of them looked at the trio with anger in their eyes, obviously not pleased with being outmatched by a squad of genin.

"What have you been teaching these kids?" One of the Jonin senseis that had chosen to watch asked.

"We only improved their teamwork and their chakra control, they already knew the rest from their previous sensei." Hinata answered with a smile.

The two chunin put their kunai away and looked at each other before going through a series of hand signs. When they ended a large boulder raised itself over the head of one of them, before being launched at the Genin. Ryujin quickly went through her own set of hand signs and raised a thick stone wall in front of her, to stop the attack. Yeji was watching for the second jutsu, since she knew that the boulder throw jutsu didn't require two people to cast it, so she saw the water dragon raise up just before the boulder crashed into Ryujin's defense, kicking up a lot of dust. Going through her own set of hand signs she called out for her teammates to retreat, causing them to jump backwards, landing next to the leader of the squad. Finishing her hand signs, Yeji slammed her hands on the ground, raising another wall of stone in front of them to protect them from the blast of the water dragon.

The dragon crashed into the dust cloud and everyone went silent as the genin squad had been swallowed by the cloud of debris. When the dust had settled the genin stood on top of the second wall, smiling at the shocked faces of the two chunin. Jumping down from the wall Ryujin and Lia took out their senbons as they charged at the slightly exhausted chunin with Yeji staying behind to support when needed.

The Kenjutsu fight was quickly over, with both chunin being exhausted enough that they were significantly slower than their opponents, causing them to be easily disarmed, which in turn caused Anbu to step in and end the fight.

"Great work girls." Hinata congratulate the three as they walked towards their senseis and the spectators.

"Thanks. It wasn't easy." Lia stated, a tired smile on her face.

"I think I speak for everyone, when I say that I didn't expect you three to dismantle your opponents as easily as you did, honestly I didn't even think you would win, but great fight and you sure proved me wrong." Anja said, earning a lot of nods from the spectators.

"I can only agree with that statement Anja. And since we are all in agreement, I hereby promote you three to the rank of chunin, wear it with pride and make Iwa proud." Onoki announced, producing three flak jackets from a scroll and handing them to the girls.

Beaming they put them on, before hugging each other in celebration.

"I am happy they made it." Hinata said as Naruto and her arrived at their apartment.

"Me too, I just hope that it wasn't too early for them." The blonde worried as he thought of the missions the three would be sent on.

"They will do fine. Don't worry about it." Hinata stated, putting an arm around Naruto's shoulder.

"I wonder what the future will hold for us." 

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