#34 Testing

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Smiling Hinata and Naruto watched from their hiding spot as three genin made their way to the group of stones in the middle of the training ground. They were silently chatting amongst themselves, talking about what they heard about their new senseis.

"I heard that they just made jonin like two weeks ago." The red haired girl, Lia, said. The other two nodded, having heard something similar.

"Yeah, I also heard that they only reached Jonin because of their teamwork, they are said to be really bad individually." The taller of the brunettes said. Naruto and Hinata couldn't figure out which of the brunette siblings was which, so they decided to reveal themselves.

A flash cut through the training ground as the trio looked up with shocked eyes.

"I assure you that we are more than capable of fighting on our own." Hinata said with a wink, earning embarrassed blushes from the girls in front of her.

"How are you two even Jonin, you look barely a year older than we are?" Lia asked, her eyes narrowing at the pair.

"Whoa, cool the questions. We will have time for them later. First I want to know your names and your roles." Naruto said, sitting down with his girlfriend next to him.

"Well, I am Yeji Mako and I am the tactician and spy along with the leader." The shorter of the two brunettes began.

"I am Ryujin Mako and I am the primary fighter." Yeji's sister said, after said girl had gestured to her to begin.

"I am Lia Kotua and I am the support and medic of the team." The redhead said, earning a nod from their new senseis.

"Well we are Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze and Hinata Hyuuga. We will be your senseis for the next two months. After that you will participate in the chunin exams and hopefully earn your promotion. As for the immediate future, we will have to figure out what your strengths and weaknesses are, so we planned for you to fight against one of us for today." Hinata explained, earning a nod from the team in front of her.

"Who will we be fighting?" Yeji asked, as the group stood up with the three genin getting ready for the fight.

"That is up to you." Naruto answered, earning a surprised look from the girls.

Lia and Ryujin looked at their leader as the brown haired girl thought about it for a bit.

"We will fight you." She answered, while looking at Naruto who smiled and nodded. Hinata nodded too, giving the blonde a quick peck on the cheeks, before disappearing in a quick shushin towards the sidelines.

"Only one rule: No serious injuries." Naruto instructed as he reached behind him to take out his short sword, readying himself for any attack the trio might throw at him.

The girls looked at each other, each taking out a pair of kunai, before jumping away. Naruto nodded with a satisfied smile on his face as he realized that they knew not to attack without a plan. Staying in his spot he waited for the trio to attack. He saw them move, Lia taking position behind him, Ryujin walking up in front of him and Yeji to his left, while his right seemed to be empty.

Readying his short swords, Naruto watched as Ryujin took out a handful of kunai and flung them at him. Parrying the attack, the blonde jumped away from an attack narrowly avoiding the stone pillars coming out of the ground, courtesy of Lia. Waiting for the next attack, he readied his swords, spinning around to block kunai swipes from Yeji who had tried to sneak up on him. The girl quickly disengaged again, leaving Naruto to parry another barrage of kunai from her sister. Naruto quickly glanced at Hinata who was intently watching the fight, her Byakugan active.

Deciding that it was time to test their defense, Naruto quickly dodged another set of earth spikes before quickly closing the distance between himself and Lia who was surprised but managed to block Naruto's sword. However she was unable to block the kick that followed, being thrown into the group of stones. He saw Hinata quickly go to check on the downed fighter, when she didn't stand up straight away.

Turning around he saw Ryujin coming at him but simply sidestepped her strikes, countering with swipes of his own sword. He quickly managed to disarm the brunette and was about to demand her to yield when he had to jump away to dodge a strike from Yeji. The two sisters looked at each other as the bigger one took out another pair of kunais.

Naruto smiled at them as he readied his sword again, jumping at them, the smile not leaving his face. Ryujin blocked the first strike with Yeji trying to retaliate but Naruto kicked her hands away, flipping away from Ryujin's strike while taking out a kunai and throwing it at Yeji, pinning her top to the ground but not hitting the girl herself.

Focusing back on the older sister the blonde quickly managed to disarm her a second time and forced a surrender from her, effectively ending the fight.

"Are y'all alright?" Hinata asked as she came to the group of three, supporting Lia, who was limping slightly.

"Yeah we are. How are you Lia?" Naruto asked a small frown on his face.

"I have been better, it's just a bruise." The redhead replied.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away. Yeji I am also sorry for your top." Naruto stated looking at the finger sized hole his kunai had left on the shoulder of the black piece.

"It's alright. Don't worry about it." The leader of the squad replied with a smile.

"I enjoyed the fight." She continued, making Hinata and Naruto smile at her.

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