#41 Stealth

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The genin slowly went towards the entrance to the training ground, watching out for anything that might tell them anything about the defences their senseis had set up. As they entered the area, they went through the initial treeline with weapons ready.
Staying hidden in the trees the trio surveyed the area, looking for anything. They found Naruto bound to the rock formation in the middle of the training ground, although they couldn't see anyone or anything guarding him.
“Yeji can you look if you can find any chakra signatures?” Lia asked, as she took out her binoculars to closer inspect the area. Nodding the brunette sat down, closing her eyes, focusing her chakra. Ryujin stood next to the two, watching out that no one would ambush them, while her two teammates were incapacitated.
“I sense three chakra signatures, although they all seem quite similar. Also the whole area around Naruto is basically glowing with chakra. I can't sense anything that would cause that chakra however, we have to be carefull.” Yeji narrated what she found, as Lia put her binoculars back into her pockets.
“Naruto has chakra seals on him and a blindfold. I don't think that he will be able to help us in the fighting.” Lia relayed her findings.
“I have a feeling that even if he could, he wouldn't because he is supposed to be a civilian.” Yeji replied, standing up.
“I honestly have no idea what we are running into. The only thing we know is the three chakra signatures.” Yeji admitted as they huddled together to formulate a plan.
“Maybe we can try to sneak towards Naruto and try to get him out without being spotted.” Ryujin proposed.
Thinking about it, the trio didn't see anything wrong with the plan, so they decided to go for it. Putting away their weapons, Lia quickly went through a series of hand signs, creating a large genjutsu, covering the area and hiding the genins.
“Alright, let’s go.” Yeji whispered, as she slowly moved towards the stone formation.

Stepping closer to the captive, Ryujin led the way as a blur appeared before the group. Quickly getting out a kunai, Ryujin blocked the sword coming at her, courtesy of Hinata. This gave Lia and Yeji time to get their own weapons ready. The trio quickly jumped away, as they regrouped. In front of them stood three Hinata’s, each holding her dual daggers. However, apparently the clones could not see them, since Lia could feel that her genjutsu was still active and the fact that the Hinata’s were looking around without really focusing on them.
In the back of her mind Yeji wondered, why the Hyuuga would not just use her Byakugan, since she would most likely be able to see them with the use of her doujutsu.
“Maybe the area with chakra is some sort of sensor array.” The shorter brunette suggested whispering as they took a few steps back from the sensei’s clones.
“But how are we going to get past them?” Ryujin asked, as they all knew that they would probably not be able to best three of their senseis, even if they were not fighting at full strength.

Hinata was happy with the approach of the genin had shown as her clones stood in between Naruto and the trio, which she could not see but still could sense, although she had chosen to not act on that as well as not to use her eyes, since that would give her way to much information, that a chunin would not have to account for.The clones of the Hyuuga jumped closer towards Naruto, waiting for the girls to make another move.
Looking around, Hinata could feel the chakra spikes from the genin, as they jumped from the edge of the sensory area towards the stone formation. Impressed by the ability of the three girls to jump the whole distance, she smiled.

Sitting on top of the stone formation, the genin squad looked around, Ryujin watching the three Hinata’s as they thought about how to get Naruto out of the training ground.
Ryujin turned towards her teammates and made a few quick hand signals, telling them that they could probably jump at them, since they were apparently only able to be sensed when touching the ground, since otherwise they would have been sensed when they had jumped towards their current position. Agreeing with the logic everyone took out a kunai and got ready to attack. Yeji held out her free hand and slowly counted down from three, coordinating their strikes. The clones disappeared in a cloud of smoke, making the trio cheer a bit. Lia undid the genjutsu, as Ryujin and Yeji quickly untied Naruto. Looking around Naruto smiled, as they all huddled together.
“Alright, Ryujin you make two clones, Lia and I will each make a clone too. We will use the smoke they create to quickly henge one of Ryu’s clones into Naruto. This way we have two identical groups. The clones will go to the left, while we go straight back the way we came. I hope that if there is still some force left to attack us, that they will attack the clones instead of us, since it would be stupid for us to be the ones leaving.” Yeji explained her plan, earning nods from her teammates. Putting the plan into action a small cloud of smoke enveloped the group of four.

Hinata saw the smoke and quickly activated her Byakugan to see what was going on. Seeing one of the clones henge into Naruto she smiled, as she realized what their plan was. The smoke cleared and Hinata saw her second group of clones chase after the group heading to the east exit as the other group made it’s way towards the north exit that was usually used.
“Cheeky.” Hinata whispered to herself as she made her way towards the northern exit.

Crossing the line, separating the training ground and the village, Naruto smiled at the genin team as he walked in front of them as the other sensei of their team dropped down next to him.
“Congratulations, you made it. That completes this mission.” Hinata smiled, as in the distance her shadow clones poofed out of existence.
“There is one more test before you can finally relax for the day. Since you have finished the last mission with forty minutes on the clock your next mission will only take an hour and twenty minutes. This mission will be to defend the stone formation from enemy attackers. You will have twenty minutes to prepare your defenses. You lose once the enemy stands securely on the tip of the formation.” Naruto explained their next mission.
“Your timer starts now.” Was the last thing the genin heard before Naruto and Hinata vanished.

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